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Test Configured Cluster on VM #9

Test Configured Cluster on VM

Test Configured Cluster on VM #9

#Copyright (c) 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
#Released under the Universal Permissive License v1.0 as shown at
name: Test Configured Cluster on VM
description: "Specify whether to enable ELK depoyment or not."
required: true
default: "false"
description: 'Specify Git Ref if needed.'
required: false
default: 'refs/heads/main'
# Allows you to run this workflow using GitHub APIs
# REPO_NAME=oracle/weblogic-azure/weblogic-azure-vm/arm-oraclelinux-wls-cluster
# curl --verbose -XPOST -u "mriccell:${PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"${REPO_NAME}/dispatches --data '{"event_type": "test-vm-cluster", "client_payload": {"enableELK": "false", "ref": "refs/heads/main"}}'
types: [test-vm-cluster,integration-test-all]
adminConsolePort: 7001
adminPassword: ${{ secrets.WLS_PSW }}
adminVMName: adminServerVM
dbName: wlsdb${{ github.run_id }}${{ github.run_number }}
elkURI: ${{ secrets.ELK_URI }}
elkUser: ${{ secrets.ELK_USER_NAME }}
elkPassword: ${{ secrets.ELK_PSW }}
gitEmail: ${{ secrets.USER_EMAIL }}
gitToken: ${{ secrets.GIT_TOKEN }}
gitUserName: ${{ secrets.USER_NAME }}
location: eastus
managedServerPrefix: managedServer
managedServerVM: "managedServerVM1"
managedServers: "managedServer1"
nsg: wls-nsg
numberOfInstances: 2
offerName: arm-oraclelinux-wls-cluster
offerPath: weblogic-azure/weblogic-azure-vm/arm-oraclelinux-wls-cluster
repoName: weblogic-azure
repoOwner: ${{ secrets.USER_NAME }}
resourceGroupForDependency: wlsd-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_number }}
resourceGroupPrefix: ${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_number }}
testbranchName: cicd-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_number }}
wlsAdminServices: "rngd wls_admin wls_nodemanager"
wlsDomainName: wlsd
wlsMsServices: "rngd wls_nodemanager"
wlsPassword: ${{ secrets.WLS_PSW }}
wlsUserName: weblogic
artifactName: ${{steps.artifact_file.outputs.artifactName}}
addnodeArtifactName: ${{steps.addnode_artifact_file.outputs.addnode_artifactName}}
addCoherenceNodeArtifactName: ${{steps.addnode_coherence_artifact_file.outputs.addnode_coherence_artifactName}}
deletenodeArtifactName: ${{steps.deletenode_artifact_file.outputs.deletenode_artifactName}}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Setup environment variables
id: setup-env-variables-based-on-dispatch-event
run: |
if [ ${{ github.event_name }} == 'workflow_dispatch' ]; then
enableELK=${{ github.event.inputs.enableELK }}
ref=${{ github.event.inputs.ref }}
enableELK=${{ github.event.client_payload.enableELK }}
ref=${{ github.event.client_payload.ref }}
if [ -z "$enableELK" ]; then
if [ -z "$ref" ]; then
echo "##[set-output name=enableELK;]${enableELK}"
echo "##[set-output name=ref;]${ref}"
echo "enableELK=${enableELK}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ref=${ref}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
- name: Set up Maven with GitHub token
uses: ./.github/actions/setupmaven
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
- name: Set dependency reference
uses: ./.github/actions/setvars
varFilePath: ./.github/variables/vm-dependencies.env
- name: Checkout arm-ttk
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: Azure/arm-ttk
path: arm-ttk
ref: ${{ env.refArmttk }}
- name: Checkout ${{env.repoOwner}}/${{env.repoName}}
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: ${{env.repoOwner}}/${{env.repoName}}
path: ${{env.repoName}}
ref: ${{ env.ref }}
- name: Build and test ${{ env.offerName }}
run: |
mvn -Ptemplate-validation-tests clean install --file ${offerPath}/pom.xml -Dgit.repo.owner=${{ env.repoOwner }} -Dgit.tag=${{ env.ref }}
- name: Checkout ${{env.repoOwner}}/${{env.repoName}}
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: ${{env.repoOwner}}/${{env.repoName}}
path: ${{env.repoName}}-dev
- name: Create a new branch with development pids in nestedtemplates
run: |
echo "current=${current}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
offerDevPath=${{ env.repoName }}-dev/weblogic-azure-vm/${{env.offerName}}/${{env.offerName}}
cd ${offerDevPath}/src/main/arm/nestedtemplates
git config --global core.longpaths true
git config --global $gitEmail
git config --global $gitUserName
echo "create branch $testbranchName"
git checkout -b $testbranchName
rm -r -f $current/${offerDevPath}/src/main/arm/nestedtemplates/*
cp -r -f $current/${offerPath}/${{ env.offerName }}/target/arm/nestedtemplates/* $current/${offerDevPath}/src/main/arm/nestedtemplates/
git status
git commit -a -m "hard code pids"
git push https://$${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git -f
- uses: azure/login@v1
id: azure-login
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Validate deployment templates for different combinations of service integration
id: validate-deployment-templates
run: |
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ <<< "${{ github.run_id }}${{ github.run_number }} ${location} \
${{ env.offerPath }}/${{ env.offerName }}/target/arm/mainTemplate.json \
${GITHUB_REPOSITORY} ${testbranchName} ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts"
- name: Generate artifact file name and path
id: artifact_file
run: |
version=$(mvn -q -Dexec.executable=echo -Dexec.args='${version.${{ env.offerName }}}' --file weblogic-azure/pom.xml --non-recursive exec:exec)
artifactName=${{ env.offerName }}-$version-arm-assembly
unzip ${{ env.offerPath }}/${{ env.offerName }}/target/$ -d ${{ env.offerPath }}/${{ env.offerName }}/target/$artifactName
echo "##[set-output name=artifactName;]${artifactName}"
echo "##[set-output name=artifactPath;]${{ env.offerPath }}/${{ env.offerName }}/target/$artifactName"
- name: Archive ${{ env.offerName }} template
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
if: success()
name: ${{steps.artifact_file.outputs.artifactName}}
path: ${{steps.artifact_file.outputs.artifactPath}}
- name: Generate addnode artifact file name and path
id: addnode_artifact_file
run: |
addnode_version=$(mvn -q -Dexec.executable=echo -Dexec.args='${version.arm-oraclelinux-wls-cluster-addnode}' --file weblogic-azure/pom.xml --non-recursive exec:exec)
addnode_artifactName=${{ env.offerName }}-addnode-$addnode_version-arm-assembly
ls ${{ env.offerPath }}/addnode/target
unzip ${{ env.offerPath }}/addnode/target/$ -d ${{ env.offerPath }}/addnode/target/$addnode_artifactName
echo "##[set-output name=addnode_artifactName;]${addnode_artifactName}"
echo "##[set-output name=addnode_artifactPath;]${{ env.offerPath }}/addnode/target/$addnode_artifactName"
- name: Archive ${{ env.offerName }} addnode template
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
if: success()
name: ${{steps.addnode_artifact_file.outputs.addnode_artifactName}}
path: ${{steps.addnode_artifact_file.outputs.addnode_artifactPath}}
- name: Generate delete node artifact file name and path
id: deletenode_artifact_file
run: |
deletenode_version=$(mvn -q -Dexec.executable=echo -Dexec.args='${version.arm-oraclelinux-wls-cluster-deletenode}' --file weblogic-azure/pom.xml --non-recursive exec:exec)
deletenode_artifactName=${{ env.offerName }}-deletenode-$deletenode_version-arm-assembly
unzip ${{ env.offerPath }}/deletenode/target/$ -d ${{ env.offerPath }}/deletenode/target/$deletenode_artifactName
echo "##[set-output name=deletenode_artifactName;]${deletenode_artifactName}"
echo "##[set-output name=deletenode_artifactPath;]${{ env.offerPath }}/deletenode/target/$deletenode_artifactName"
- name: Archive ${{ env.offerName }} deletenode template
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
if: success()
name: ${{steps.deletenode_artifact_file.outputs.deletenode_artifactName}}
path: ${{steps.deletenode_artifact_file.outputs.deletenode_artifactPath}}
- name: Generate addnode-coherence artifact file name and path
id: addnode_coherence_artifact_file
run: |
addnode_coherence_version=$(mvn -q -Dexec.executable=echo -Dexec.args='${version.arm-oraclelinux-wls-cluster-addnode-coherence}' --file weblogic-azure/pom.xml --non-recursive exec:exec)
addnode_coherence_artifactName=${{ env.offerName }}-addnode-coherence-$addnode_coherence_version-arm-assembly
unzip ${{ env.offerPath }}/addnode-coherence/target/$ -d ${{ env.offerPath }}/addnode-coherence/target/$addnode_coherence_artifactName
echo "##[set-output name=addnode_coherence_artifactName;]${addnode_coherence_artifactName}"
echo "##[set-output name=addnode_coherence_artifactPath;]${{ env.offerPath }}/addnode-coherence/target/$addnode_coherence_artifactName"
- name: Archive ${{ env.offerName }} addnode-coherence template
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
if: success()
name: ${{steps.addnode_coherence_artifact_file.outputs.addnode_coherence_artifactName}}
path: ${{steps.addnode_coherence_artifact_file.outputs.addnode_coherence_artifactPath}}
needs: preflight
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: azure/login@v1
id: azure-login
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Create Resource Group
run: |
echo "create resource group" ${{ env.resourceGroupForDependency }}
az group create --verbose --name ${{ env.resourceGroupForDependency }} --location ${location}
- name: Set Up Azure Postgresql to Test dbTemplate
id: setup-postgresql
run: |
echo "Deploy DB with name " ${{ env.dbName }}
az postgres server create \
--resource-group ${{ env.resourceGroupForDependency }} \
--name ${{ env.dbName }} \
--location ${location} \
--admin-user weblogic \
--ssl-enforcement Enabled \
--public-network-access Enabled \
--admin-password ${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
--sku-name B_Gen5_1
echo "Allow Access To Azure Services"
az postgres server firewall-rule create \
-g ${{ env.resourceGroupForDependency }} \
-s ${{ env.dbName }} \
-n "AllowAllWindowsAzureIps" \
--start-ip-address "" \
--end-ip-address ""
needs: [deploy-dependencies, preflight]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
max-parallel: 1
fail-fast: false
- name: Checkout ${{env.repoOwner}}/${{env.repoName}}
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: ${{env.repoOwner}}/${{env.repoName}}
path: ${{env.repoName}}
- name: Download artifact for deployment
uses: actions/download-artifact@v1
name: ${{ needs.preflight.outputs.artifactName }}
- uses: azure/login@v1
id: azure-login
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Get Image SKU
id: image-sku
run: |
imageUrn="${{ matrix.images }}"
echo "sku=${sku}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo ${resourceGroupPrefix}
resourceGroup=$(echo "${resourceGroupPrefix}-${sku}" | sed "s/_//g")
echo "resourceGroup=${resourceGroup}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Create Resource Group
id: create-resource-group
run: |
echo "create resource group" $resourceGroup
az group create --verbose --name $resourceGroup --location ${location}
- name: Prepare deployed parameters and test script
id: prepare-deployed-parameters-and-test-script
run: |
echo $managedServerPrefix $numberOfInstances $adminVMName
sed -i "s/#location#/$location/g; \
s/#adminPasswordOrKey#/$wlsPassword/g; \
s/#wlsdomainname#/$wlsDomainName/g; \
s/#wlsusername#/$wlsUserName/g; \
s/#wlspassword#/$wlsPassword/g; \
s/#managedserverprefix#/$managedServerPrefix/g; \
s/#numinstances#/$numberOfInstances/g; \
s/#adminvmname#/$adminVMName/g; \
s/#skuUrnVersion#/${{ matrix.images }}/g; \
s/#testbranchName#/$testbranchName/g; \
s/#repoPath#/$repoPath/g" \
${{ env.offerPath }}/test/data/parameters-test.json
sed -i "s/#adminPasswordOrKey#/$wlsPassword/g" \
${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/
- name: Accept Image Terms
id: accept-terms
run: |
echo "accept terms for " "${{ matrix.images }}"
rawUrn="${{ matrix.images }}"
publisherAndName=$(echo ${rawUrn} | grep -o ";.*:" | sed "s/;//g")
az vm image terms accept --urn ${publisherAndName}${sku}:${imageVersion}
- name: Deploy WebLogic Server Cluster Domain offer
id: deploy-wls-cluster
run: |
artifactName=${{ needs.preflight.outputs.artifactName }}
echo "artifactName=${{ needs.preflight.outputs.artifactName }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
az deployment group create \
--verbose \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--name wls-cluster-node \
--parameters @${{ env.offerPath }}/test/data/parameters-test.json \
--template-file ${artifactName}/mainTemplate.json
- name: Verify Network Security Group
id: verify-nsg
run: |
echo "query nsg name, will exit with error if nsg does not exist."
az network nsg show -g $resourceGroup -n ${nsg} --query "name"
- name: Get IP of build machine
id: get-ip-address
run: |
myIP=$(dig TXT +short | tr -d "\"")
echo "myIP=${myIP}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Add ip address to security rule to access the wls machine
id: add-ip-to-security-rule
run: |
echo "query existing source address prefixes"
while [[ -z `az network nsg show -g $resourceGroup -n ${nsg} | grep "NRMS-Rule-101"` && $attempt -le 5 ]]
if [ $attempt -eq 5 ]; then
echo "network security group rule NRMS-Rule-101 is not ready"
sleep 1m
attempt=$((attempt + 1))
if [ $toCreateRule101 == true ]; then
az network nsg rule create --name NRMS-Rule-101 \
--nsg-name ${nsg} \
--priority 101 \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--access Allow \
--destination-address-prefixes "*" \
--destination-port-ranges 22 43 ${adminConsolePort} \
--direction Inbound \
--protocol Tcp \
--source-address-prefixes $myIP
sourceAddressPrefixes=$(az network nsg rule show \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--nsg-name ${nsg} \
--name NRMS-Rule-101 \
--query "sourceAddressPrefixes")
echo "IP of this machine: " ${myIP}
sourceAddressPrefixes=$(echo ${myIP} ${sourceAddressPrefixes} | \
sed 's/,/ /g; s/\[//g; s/\]//g; s/"//g')
echo ${sourceAddressPrefixes}
az network nsg rule update \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--nsg-name ${nsg} \
--name NRMS-Rule-101 \
--source-address-prefixes $sourceAddressPrefixes \
--destination-port-ranges 443 22 ${adminConsolePort}
- name: Restart wls VM
id: restart-wls-wm
run: |
echo "restart vm to make sure security rule work."
az vm restart --force --no-wait -g $resourceGroup -n $adminVMName
echo "Wait for few minutes to restart"
sleep 3m
- name: Query public IP of AdminServer VM
id: query-wls-admin-ip
run: |
echo "query public ip"
publicIP=$(az vm show \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--name $adminVMName -d \
--query publicIps -o tsv)
echo "##[set-output name=publicIP;]${publicIP}"
- name: Create environment variable for AdminServer IP
id: env-admin-ip
run: echo "wlsPublicIP=${{steps.query-wls-admin-ip.outputs.publicIP}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Query public IP of managedServerVM1
id: query-wls-managed-ip
run: |
echo "query public ip"
publicIP=$(az vm show \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--name $managedServerVM -d \
--query publicIps -o tsv)
echo "##[set-output name=publicIP;]${publicIP}"
- name: Create environment variable for managedServerVM1 IP
id: env-managedserver-vm1-ip
run: echo "ms1PublicIP=${{steps.query-wls-managed-ip.outputs.publicIP}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Fix failure that caused by remote server closed.
- name: Restart remote SSH agent
run: |
echo "Restart remote SSH agent"
az vm user reset-ssh \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--name ${{ env.adminVMName }}
sleep 1m
- name: Verify WebLogic Server Installation
id: verify-wls
run: |
echo "pubilc IP of wls machine: ${wlsPublicIP}"
echo "Verifying Weblgic server installation"
timeout 6m sh -c 'until nc -zv $0 $1; do echo "nc rc: $?"; sleep 5; done' ${wlsPublicIP} 22
echo install sshpass
sudo apt-get install -y sshpass
sshpass -p ${wlsPassword} -v ssh -p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -o ServerAliveInterval=15 -o ConnectTimeout=100 -v -tt weblogic@${wlsPublicIP} 'bash -s' < ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/
- name: Verify wls admin services
id: veriy-admin-service
run: |
echo "wait for port 22"
timeout 6m sh -c 'until nc -zv $0 $1; do echo "nc rc: $?"; sleep 5; done' ${wlsPublicIP} 22
echo "Verifying WebLogic services at admin server"
sshpass -p ${wlsPassword} -v ssh -p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -o ServerAliveInterval=15 -o ConnectTimeout=100 -v -tt weblogic@${wlsPublicIP} 'bash -s' < ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ $wlsAdminServices
# Fix failure that caused by remote server closed.
- name: Restart remote SSH agent
run: |
echo "Restart remote SSH agent"
az vm user reset-ssh \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--name ${{ env.adminVMName }}
sleep 1m
- name: Verify wls managed server services
id: veriy-msservice
run: |
echo "wait for port 22"
timeout 6m sh -c 'until nc -zv $0 $1; do echo "nc rc: $?"; sleep 5; done' ${wlsPublicIP} 22
echo "Verifying WebLogic services at managed server"
sshpass -p ${wlsPassword} -v ssh -p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -o ServerAliveInterval=15 -o ConnectTimeout=100 -v -tt weblogic@${ms1PublicIP} 'bash -s' < ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ $wlsMsServices
- name: Verify WebLogic Server Access
id: verify-wls-access
run: |
echo "Verifying Weblogic Server Access"
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ <<< "$wlsPublicIP ${adminConsolePort} $wlsUserName $wlsPassword $managedServers"
- name: Verify WebLogic Managed Server LifeCycle check
id: verify-server-lifecycle
run: |
echo "wait for port 22"
timeout 6m sh -c 'until nc -zv $0 $1; do echo "nc rc: $?"; sleep 5; done' ${wlsPublicIP} 22
echo "Verifying Weblogic managed server lifecycle"
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ <<< "$wlsUserName $wlsPassword ${wlsPublicIP} ${adminConsolePort} ${managedServers}"
- name: Deploy DB Template to Connect to Azure Postgresql Database
id: enable-postgresql-db
run: |
# Generate parameters for db template deployment
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ \
<<< "${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ \
${{ env.adminVMName }} \
${{ env.wlsPassword}} \
${{ env.dbName }} \
${{ env.location }} \
${{ env.wlsUserName }} \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.testbranchName }}"
echo "Deploy DB Template..."
az group deployment create \
--verbose \
--resource-group ${resourceGroup} \
--name db \
--parameters @${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-db.json \
--template-file ${artifactName}/nestedtemplates/dbTemplate.json
- name: Generate Application Gateway Certificate
id: gen-certificate-agw
run: |
echo "Generate SSL Certificate for Application Gateway"
openssl genrsa -passout pass:${{ env.wlsPassword }} -out privkey.pem 3072
openssl req -x509 -new -key privkey.pem -out -subj "/C=US"
openssl pkcs12 -passout pass:${{ env.wlsPassword }} -export -in -inkey privkey.pem -out mycert.pfx
agwCertificateBase64String=$(base64 mycert.pfx -w 0)
echo "agwCertificateBase64String=${agwCertificateBase64String}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Set up Application Gateway by Deploying Sub Template
id: enable-application-gateway
run: |
# Generate parameters for application gateway template deployment
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ \
<<< "${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-agw.json \
${{ env.testbranchName }} \
${{ env.adminVMName }} \
${agwCertificateBase64String} \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.numberOfInstances }} \
${{ env.location }} \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.wlsUserName }} \
${{ env.wlsDomainName }} \
${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}"
echo "Deploy Application Gateway Template..."
# Create subnet for application gateway
az network vnet subnet create \
--verbose \
--debug \
--resource-group ${resourceGroup} \
--vnet-name wls-vnet \
--name appgateway-subnet \
--address-prefixes ""
# Create application gateway
az group deployment create \
--verbose \
--debug \
--resource-group ${resourceGroup} \
--name agw \
--parameters @${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-agw.json \
--template-file ${artifactName}/nestedtemplates/appGatewayNestedTemplate.json
- name: Query appGatewayURL of appgateway deployment
id: query-agwurl
run: |
echo "query appgatewayURL"
appGatewayURL=$(az network public-ip show \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--name gwip \
--query dnsSettings.fqdn -o tsv)
echo "##[set-output name=appGatewayURL;]${appGatewayURL}"
- name: Save appGatewayURL for app deployement verification
id: save-appgatewayurl
run: |
echo ${{steps.query-agwurl.outputs.appGatewayURL}}
echo "appGatewayURL=${{steps.query-agwurl.outputs.appGatewayURL}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo ${appGatewayURL}
- name: Checkout WebLogic-Cafe
id: checkout-webapp
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: microsoft/weblogic-on-azure
path: weblogic-on-azure
- name: Maven build the web app
id: maven-build-webapp
run: |
echo "build the WebLogic Cafe web app"
mvn -DskipTests clean install --file weblogic-on-azure/javaee/weblogic-cafe/pom.xml
- name: Query adminVMsver DNS
id: query-adminvmdns
run: |
echo "query adminVMsver DNS for $adminVMName"
adminVMDNS=$(az network public-ip show \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--name "${adminVMName}_PublicIP" \
--query dnsSettings.fqdn -o tsv)
echo "##[set-output name=adminVMDNS;]${adminVMDNS}"
- name: Save adminVMsver DNS for app deployement
id: save-adminvmdns
run: |
echo ${{steps.query-adminvmdns.outputs.adminVMDNS}}
echo "adminVMDNS=${{steps.query-adminvmdns.outputs.adminVMDNS}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo ${adminVMDNS}
- name: Add ip address to security rule to access the wls machine
id: add-ip-to-security-rule-105
run: |
echo "query existing source address prefixes"
while [[ -z `az network nsg show -g $resourceGroup -n ${nsg} | grep "NRMS-Rule-105"` && $attempt -le 5 ]]
if [ $attempt -eq 5 ]; then
echo "network security group rule NRMS-Rule-105 is not ready"
sleep 1m
attempt=$((attempt + 1))
if [ $toCreateRule105 == true ]; then
az network nsg rule create --name NRMS-Rule-105 \
--nsg-name ${nsg} \
--priority 102 \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--access Allow \
--destination-address-prefixes "*" \
--destination-port-ranges 1433 1434 3306 4333 5432 6379 7000 7199 9042 9160 9300 16379 26379 27017 \
--direction Inbound \
--protocol Tcp \
--source-address-prefixes $myIP
az network nsg rule update \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--nsg-name ${nsg} \
--name NRMS-Rule-105 \
--destination-port-ranges 1433 1434 3306 4333 5432 6379 7000 7199 9042 9160 9300 16379 26379 27017
- name: Restart wls VM
id: restart-wls-admin-vm
run: |
echo "restart vm to make sure security rule work."
az vm restart --force --no-wait -g $resourceGroup -n $adminVMName
echo "Wait for few minutes to restart"
sleep 3m
# Fix failure that caused by remote server closed.
- name: Restart remote SSH agent
run: |
echo "Restart remote SSH agent"
az vm user reset-ssh \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--name ${{ env.adminVMName }}
sleep 1m
- name: Deploy WebLogicCafe app using WebLogic Management Services
id: deploy-webapp
run: |
echo "Deploy WebLogic Cafe to server"
timeout 6m sh -c 'until nc -zv $0 $1; do echo "nc rc: $?"; sleep 5; done' ${adminVMDNS} ${adminConsolePort}
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ <<< "$wlsUserName $wlsPassword ${adminVMDNS} ${adminConsolePort} "
- name: Verify WebLogicCafe app is successfully deployed
id: verify-webapp-deployment
run: |
echo "Verify WebLogicCafe app is successfully deployed"
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ <<< "${appGatewayURL}"
- name: Set up ELK by deploying sub template
id: enable-elk
if: ${{ env.enableELK == 'true' }}
run: |
# Generate parameters for ELK template deployment
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ \
<<< "${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-elk.json \
${{ env.adminVMName }} \
${{ env.elkPassword }} \
${{ env.elkURI }} \
${{ env.elkUser }} \
${{ env.location }} \
${{ env.numberOfInstances }} \
${{ env.wlsDomainName }} \
${{ env.wlsUserName }} \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.testbranchName }} \
${{ env.managedServerPrefix }} \
${{ github.run_id }}${{ github.run_number }}"
echo "Deploy ELK Template..."
az group deployment create \
--debug \
--resource-group ${resourceGroup} \
--name elk \
--parameters @${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-elk.json \
--template-file ${artifactName}/nestedtemplates/elkNestedTemplate.json
- name: Get storage account name
id: query-storage-account-name
run: |
echo "query storage account name"
storageAccount=$(az resource list -g $resourceGroup --resource-type Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts --query [0].name -o tsv)
echo "Storage account name: ${storageAccount}"
echo "storageAccount=${storageAccount}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Set up Coherence by deploying sub template
id: enable-coherence
run: |
# Generate parameters for Coherence template deployment
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ \
<<< "${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-coherence.json \
${{ env.adminVMName }} \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ matrix.images }} \
${{ env.location }} \
${storageAccount} \
${{ env.wlsDomainName }} \
${{ env.wlsUserName }} \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.testbranchName }} \
${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}"
echo "Deploy Coherence Template..."
az group deployment create \
--debug \
--resource-group ${resourceGroup} \
--name coherence \
--parameters @${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-coherence.json \
--template-file ${artifactName}/nestedtemplates/coherenceTemplate.json
- name: Download artifact for deployment
uses: actions/download-artifact@v1
name: ${{ needs.preflight.outputs.addnodeArtifactName }}
- name: Add new nodes to existing cluster
id: add-node
run: |
artifactNameOfAddnode=${{ needs.preflight.outputs.addnodeArtifactName }}
echo "add two new nodes and enable app gateway"
echo "generate add-node parameters"
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ \
<<< "${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-addnode.json \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.adminVMName }}:${adminConsolePort} \
weblogic \
${{ env.numberOfInstances }} \
${{ matrix.images }} \
${storageAccount} \
${{ env.wlsDomainName }} \
${{ env.location }} \
${{ env.wlsUserName }} \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.testbranchName }} \
${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}"
echo "deploy add-node template to create new nodes"
az group deployment validate \
-g ${resourceGroup} \
-f ${artifactNameOfAddnode}/mainTemplate.json \
-p @${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-addnode.json \
az group deployment create \
--debug \
--resource-group ${resourceGroup} \
--name addnode \
--parameters @${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-addnode.json \
--template-file ${artifactNameOfAddnode}/mainTemplate.json
- name: Verify new nodes
id: verify-new-nodes
run: |
mspVM2=$(az resource list -g ${resourceGroup} --resource-type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines --name ${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}VM2 --query [0].name -o tsv)
if [ -z "$mspVM2" ]; then
echo "Add-node failure: new machine ${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}VM2 does not exist."
exit 1
- name: Download artifact for deployment
uses: actions/download-artifact@v1
name: ${{ needs.preflight.outputs.addCoherenceNodeArtifactName }}
- name: Add new cache node to coherence cluster
id: add-node-coherence
run: |
artifactNameOfAddnodeCo=${{ needs.preflight.outputs.addCoherenceNodeArtifactName }}
echo "add new cache server"
echo "generate parameters"
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ \
<<< "${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-addnode-coherence.json \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.adminVMName }} \
weblogic \
1 \
${{ matrix.images }} \
${storageAccount} \
${{ env.wlsDomainName }} \
${{ env.location }} \
${{ env.wlsUserName }} \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.testbranchName }} \
${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}"
echo "deploy add-node template to create new nodes"
az group deployment validate \
-g ${resourceGroup} \
-f ${artifactNameOfAddnodeCo}/mainTemplate.json \
-p @${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-addnode-coherence.json \
az group deployment create \
--debug \
--resource-group ${resourceGroup} \
--name addnode \
--parameters @${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-addnode-coherence.json \
--template-file ${artifactNameOfAddnodeCo}/mainTemplate.json
- name: Verify new nodes
id: verify-new-nodes-coherence
run: |
mspVM2=$(az resource list -g ${resourceGroup} --resource-type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines --name ${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}StorageVM2 --query [0].name -o tsv)
if [ -z "$mspVM2" ]; then
echo "Add-node failure: new machine ${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}StorageVM2 does not exist."
exit 1
- name: Download artifact for deployment
uses: actions/download-artifact@v1
name: ${{ needs.preflight.outputs.deletenodeArtifactName }}
- name: Delete nodes from existing cluster
id: delete-node
run: |
artifactNameOfDeleteNode=${{ needs.preflight.outputs.deletenodeArtifactName }}
echo "generate delete-node parameters"
bash ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/ \
<<< "${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-deletenode.json \
${{ env.adminVMName }} \
${{ env.location }} \
${{ env.wlsUserName }} \
${{ env.wlsPassword }} \
${{ env.testbranchName }} \
${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}"
echo "Run to remove nodes"
chmod ugo+x ${artifactNameOfDeleteNode}/scripts/
${artifactNameOfDeleteNode}/scripts/ \
-g ${resourceGroup} \
-f ${artifactNameOfDeleteNode}/mainTemplate.json \
-p ${{ env.offerPath }}/test/scripts/parameters-deploy-deletenode.json \
- name: Verify deleted nodes
id: verify-deleted-nodes
run: |
mspVM2=$(az resource list -g ${resourceGroup} --resource-type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines --name ${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}VM2 --query [0].name -o tsv)
while [[ -n "$mspVM2" && $count -lt 10 ]];
echo "waiting for $mspVM2 deleted..."
sleep 1m
mspVM2=$(az resource list -g ${resourceGroup} --resource-type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines --name ${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}VM2 --query [0].name -o tsv)
if [ -z "$mspVM2" ]; then
if [ -n "$mspVM2" ]; then
echo "Delete-node failure: machine ${{ env.managedServerPrefix }}VM2 is not removed."
exit 1
- name: Delete Resource Group
id: delete-resource-group
if: always()
run: |
echo "delete... " $resourceGroup
az group delete --yes --no-wait --verbose --name $resourceGroup
- name: Delete ELK index
id: delete-elk-index
if: ${{ env.enableELK == 'true' }}
run: |
curl -XDELETE --user ${{ env.elkUser }}:${{ env.elkPassword }} ${{ env.elkURI }}/azure-weblogic-cluster-${{ github.run_id }}${{ github.run_number }}
needs: deploy-weblogic-cluster
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout ${{ env.repoName }}
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: ${{env.repoOwner}}/${{env.repoName}}
path: ${{ env.repoName }}
- name: Delete testing branch
run: |
cd ${{ env.repoName }}
git push https://$$GITHUB_REPOSITORY.git -f --delete $testbranchName
if: always()
needs: deploy-weblogic-cluster
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: azure/login@v1
id: azure-login
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Delete DB Resource Group
id: delete-db-resource-group
run: |
echo "delete... " $resourceGroup
az group delete --yes --no-wait --verbose --name ${{ env.resourceGroupForDependency }}
needs: deploy-weblogic-cluster
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: summarize jobs
if: ${{ github.repository_owner == 'wls-eng' }}
run: |
workflow_jobs=$(curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}/jobs)
critical_job_num=$(echo $workflow_jobs | jq '.jobs | map(select(.name|test("^deploy-weblogic-cluster."))) | length')
echo "$critical_job_num"
succeed_critical_job_num=$(echo $workflow_jobs | jq '.jobs | map(select(.conclusion=="success") | select(.name|test("^deploy-weblogic-cluster."))) | length')
echo "$succeed_critical_job_num"
echo $failed_job_num
if (($failed_job_num >= 2));then
echo "too many jobs failed, send notification to Teams"
curl ${{ secrets.MSTEAMS_WEBHOOK }} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << EOF
"text":"$failed_job_num jobs failed in Configured Cluster Offer's workflow, please take a look at:${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}"