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MVS Mode game sound issues #163

OBurgerGuy opened this issue Dec 1, 2017 · 124 comments

MVS Mode game sound issues #163

OBurgerGuy opened this issue Dec 1, 2017 · 124 comments


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.42 has is missing sound in parts of these games in mvs mode:
Possibly other clones of same games as well.

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sound works fine in aes mode

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Could you be a little more precise ? I tried those games and didn't notice anything.

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run them in retropie under usa bios or latest unibios and theres no sound in nam 1975 durning Muckly text or in game, baseball starts no sound at all and fighters history dynamite no sound in selection screen or in game works fine with lr-fba2012 tho just not in current .42

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Next time, don't say "mvs mode", making false report doesn't help with tracking an issue...

The issue with sound only happens if you select a mvs usa bios (which is not the default mvs bios) or if you select usa+arcade in unibios (which is not the default setting for unibios).

I'll check if it happens with standalone version, if it does i'll report the bug upstream.

And please don't say "run them in retropie", i don't have retropie, you don't need retropie to run this core. Saying it that way makes your issue sounds like a retropie specific one.

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OBurgerGuy commented Dec 2, 2017

my apologies, i dont know your etiquette, and you did say "Could you be a little more precise?, I tried those games and didn't notice anything." next time you shoule be more specific in your request...

also i used the terminologies i am familiar with as i do not know your "INDUSTRY" terms so from my point of view "mvs mode" is a thing and as for "default bios settings" again you didn't specify anything, as for retropie... this is the git for lr-fba which is most popularly used in a retropie environment, i did assume that the developers would have access to and use the most used platform for their software to develop and test for it, and running on retropie was just how i did it and got these results, as i did not know if it was retropie or core specific, maybe try not to sound and/or be so elitist about your reply when someone actually finds a problem and takes their time to report it to help the community.

thank you for your attention to this matter.

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So what ? Do you think i have plenty of time to search for the real issue when someone reports the wrong issue ? Are you telling me you didn't notice the sound worked fine on mvs mode before you changed country to usa twice (with mvs and with unibios) ? Pointing that out is elitist ?

I don't know what's the most popular environment using this core, there are quite a few retrogaming distro for raspberry, recalbox being probably as popular as retropie, and there are tons of other devices able to run this. Thinking i should own a retropie setup because you think it's the most used platform is quite messed up. So if suddenly this core becomes really popular with ios users (perhaps they are already the largest community using this core, i don't know), i should buy an iphone X ?

Thanks for the report, just be more thorough with what you did the next time, so i won't search in the wrong direction.

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Also, the fix seems to include disabling a speedhack in the neogeo code. I'll probably work on some dipswitch to enable/disable this speedhack when i have some time, until then don't use usa bioses.

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OBurgerGuy commented Dec 3, 2017

no i don't assume you have time for frivolities, but i do assume you take this project seriously and want people to report bugs, otherwise you are doing all the debugging all your self, like the days before places like this... circa 1997! and no i never noticed the sound working, BECAUSE IT DIDN'T, it happens just like i said, would you like an effing video? i only changed it to usa region when it didnt work under default region, NO your attitude and assumptions i was describing as elitest i.e. "Next time, don't say "mvs mode", making false report doesn't help with tracking an issue..." and just to let you know it didn't work for me under any bios region, stock or unibios, except forcing aes, no sound still. and i never posted a fake issue, this is a real issue, i didnt post here until i tried EVERYTHING, EVERY combination of bioses, regions and such, because i needed a fix NOW, the last thing i wanted to do is get into a pissing match with a mod or coder and wait with my hand on may ass for a fix and release, so don't assume i didn't try everything before posting and only when i was absolutely out of answers, i figured this is the place to go, you go to the guys who make it, you are really angry, its not my fault, on top of which i'm not some chump just starting out in emulation, and I PAID for my unibios files from Razoola, i do not use the free version, and in case you ask yes, the paid and free unibios has the same issue, the only way the mentioned roms run fine is under 2012 version. and what the hell does an iphone x have to do with anything, if you are making a popularity comparison i would say android devices are the most popular by sheer sales numbers, but only because they are usually cheaper and poor morons buy them every six months... ::cough:: samsung.

again thank you for your attention in this matter and in the future please try to be more respectful of others as you do not know me and have no right treating me with the disrespectful attitude that you have been portraying, as i have not done this to you.

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Ok, this is starting to make sense now, so basically you are saying you messed with your to include your bios, could you post the file list with md5/crc in your ?

The only possible reason you would have an issue with "any" mvs bios would be that asia-s3.rom, sp-s2.sp1 and sp-s.sp1 are missing from your If you think i was rude before (you report an issue that doesn't exist because there is no issue with any mvs bios besides the usa ones, and you insist, that kinda annoys me), prepare yourself if you posted an issue because of incomplete romset.

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no sound bios
working sound bios

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Video of problem:

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For the remainder, this is what is written in the "homepage" of this repository :

Use clrmamepro (which run fine on linux with wine and macos with crossover) to build valid romsets with dats from the dats directory. fba dats are NOT mame dats. Don't report issues if you didn't build a valid romset.

So, half of the normal content of for fba is missing in your screenshot, which means you didn't respect that rule. How about following rules and completing your file ?

Second thing, how am i supposed to confirm your unibios is not configured with usa country (which, as i have been saying since my second post, is what trigger your issue, so you shouldn't do that) with your video ?

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ok, i dont understand, as these THREE games ran fine before in fba2012, before you guys changed over and started a new version/branch? and with the bios zip i showed you, and they still do... Razoola worked with you to get crc checking off roms or bios or whatever for this new version, and the other thing is what files am i missing? is there a list of required files to be included in give me a file list for the bios zip, i will complete it and continue investigating this issue. also the country setting has no bearing in retroarch settings, i still get no sound... have tried all country settings.... this was the first thing i did. try everything at a stock level, no unibios and such.

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also the romset is valid and i dont use mame romsets on fba, like i said not new to this...

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rebuit bios with clrmamepro and YOUR .42 fba dat still need list of files may be missing some

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rebuilding romset and bios.... we shall see... we arent done yet boss

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also i am asking a personal favor of you to include a "FB Alpha v0.2.97.42 (ClrMame Pro XML, Neo-Geo only)" thanks :)

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a "FB Alpha v0.2.97.42 (ClrMame Pro XML, Arcade only)" would be awesome too!

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So, do you intend to show me a video showing you are not running this with usa country set when you get this issue ? That's the only thing of interest to me : do you really have a sound issue when not using usa country. As i said, it is unrelated to mvs.

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what settings do you wish to see as a control in video?

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are all my files accounted for in bios zip?

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The unibios splashscreen when you launch a game show mode/country, i don't know why or how you hide it in your video.

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its not needed to see, looks unprofessional

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give me a few, will record and upload

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here ya go

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Ok, it seems real, and i'm unable to reproduce it, at this point i'm starting to think this is an issue between current fba and your custom unibios. Could you try with the default mvs bios which is "MVS Asia/Europe ver.6 (1 slot)" and tell me if you have sound ?

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funny thing is the custom unibios was left out, that was actually a pure rebuilt with the free 3.2 and not my purchased custom 3.3 renamed to 3.2

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OBurgerGuy commented Dec 5, 2017

dude, do a lot of newbs just whine on here, you ha me prove every fucking thing but my grandmothers maiden name, you have become jaded, are these issues that annoying? people post false shit that theyre too lazy to look up? i mean ive had this issue for months, and have been researching it with no answer, finally i decided to float a ticket.

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you know i WAS going to give you the default in that video, but im like nahhh he wont want that

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Could you let me know if my latest commit fix the karnovr sound issue for you ? That's a dirty fix, but it works for me

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will do, updating from source now

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Also, i was able to reproduce your issue with aof3 only once (started the game a few dozens of times, messed with various core options every time, at some point i got the same message about the board when i was trying to set unibios 3.2 through the dipswitches), and i don't know why. I deleted the aof3.fs file and was unable to reproduce it again after that. I won't be able to fix this one if i'm unable to reproduce it consistently.

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i think if you just address the math issue that you said was the root of the problem, the game will then create a proper .fs file, i think its due to the dev build making a corrupt .fs file that the aof3 issue exists.

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The issue with savestates's size won't be totally fixed until the next release, and that's still only my theory : i should be able to reproduce it consistently by switching in and out some cflags, but it doesn't seem to work.

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ok... here it is. karnovr works perfectly even if the old fs file is deleted and a new one is set (usa/arcade) in unibios, sound for coin, selection screen and in-game seems all fine, how is this a dirty fix and why so uneasy about it? then aof3 obviously still the same, the if it creates an fs file from new settings, but if i insert the old fs file it works just fine, so this sint going to get fixed any time soon?

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what is the eta of the next release?

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The issue with karnovr comes from the emulated cpu speed, i noticed the sound issue behaved differently depending on the overclock setting in core option, so i tried a few things, basically my "dirty fix" is forcing the cpu speed to 101% when it detects karnovr is launched, but that's defintely not a normal situation, especially since fba standalone works perfectly at the normal setting of 100.

For the "savestates fix", commiting it now would make bumping to next release a headache, since my usual method of "check if the change on the previous version is still necessary and apply it to the new one" would be enlarged by changes on around 50 files.

I don't know when is the next release.

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OBurgerGuy commented Dec 30, 2017

i have my neogeo cpu overclock set to 200, no audio, but setting it to 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180 and 190 i get audio back this is .42 bab11d0, so you can remove "dirty fix" and alert people not to OC past 190. the aof3 may be tied to this as well, come to think about it the fact that it may be writing corrupt fs files may be part of the 200 CPU OC too.

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OBurgerGuy commented Dec 30, 2017

YUP just tested the theory, aof3 shows error when you OC CPU to 200, it creates a bad fs file too, if you delete fs file and set to OC 180 or 190 everythings fine! unibios settings to usa/arcade just in case you want to know.

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sorry about the edits, wanted to be accurate

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Do you mean you were always running the games at OC 200 ?

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OBurgerGuy commented Dec 31, 2017

yes, i thought i mentioned that before... or atleast i am under that impression.
i wouldnt have perceived a problem with it until now, i dont think we would have come to this conclusion otherwise, we have traveled a long way with troubleshooting these issues, and it still is an actual problem with the emulator regardless if its not a truly beneficially used option, OC to 200 that is.

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That explains a lot about the issues i couldn't reproduce myself. It was probably in your video and i overlooked this. Anyway it allowed me to notice the actual sound code for neogeo (there were quite a few fixes in the last year due to issues with s1945p) is extremely picky with this OC value.

I'm not sure this option is still available in fba standalone, actually while working on this issue i have been thinking about removing 2 core options from this core, and it is one of them (the other is the neogeo mode : it is a relic from when we had no access to the bios dipswitch, and it is kinda confusing and unsafe since we now have it). I'm not even sure it still affects any game in a positive way (i remember people mentioning it helped with games having slowdowns on the original hardware, but is that still true ?), i don't remember using it once myself.

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the slowdowns are gone in games if you OC 150 or higher, 180-200 is sweet!

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Do you know if there is a list of those neogeo games affected by those slowdowns ? I remember twinkle star sprites being one of them, i kinda remember there was one of the mslug too (but i think this one possess a hacked version which shouldn't have those slowdowns), i don't know about the others.

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I know from personal experience that all of the metal slug games have the issue, It has slow down when there’s more than a few sprites on the screen at once like when you get a lot of enemies I know that happens constantly and metal slug three or four

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(the other is the neogeo mode : it is a relic from when we had no access to the bios dipswitch, and it is kinda confusing and unsafe since we now have it)

Hello @barbudreadmon, I know the core option "NeoGeo Mode" can be confusing but when you understand it, not specially ;-)

When I implemented the "DipSwitches" options I thought like you but now I think it would be good to keep it.
For exemple I use it to have a menu, in EmulationStation, dedicated only to AES to play all games in Console Mode and another menu to have the MVS ones to play in Arcade Mode.

If we remove the core option "NeoGeo Mode", this would be still possible but I will have to change it for every games because "DipSwitches" are game per game.

Best regards

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Hello @AkimanBengus , long time no see :).

Yes that's why i've kept it until now, even though i had to fix it again not so long ago for a special case (see irrmaze in #138).

Since i understand it, i think that's a good idea, but it's confusing for a lot of people (see the few videos in this issue, @OBurgerGuy was setting both the mode core option and the bios dipswitch), so it doesn't help with debug.

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Yes long time. I haven't much time to program and play like before :-(

I saw some issues that came from the misunderstood of people and I wanted to help to explain but I didn't take time for it because I wanted to test before...

It was the best I could do with the core option system of "Retroarch"...
It would be much better if the system was more flexible, like to have the possibility to indicate a Default value for exemple. I had other ideas 2 years ago but now I don't remember :-)

Maybe rename it will help people to understand, even if this is clear enough for me ;-)

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Maybe rename it will help people to understand, even if this is clear enough for me ;-)

Yes, that's what i did, now it is named "prefered mode if available" or something like this, doesn't seem to be enough though.

barbudreadmon added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 2, 2018
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The "aof3 at OC 200" issue won't be fixed, looks to me like the game itself is detecting an abnormal clock on the cpu, hence reporting about the board not being an official mvs board, we can't do anything about that.

The last commit should fix all issues with sound on neogeo properly, can i close ?

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Did you remove dirty fix of karnovr? As this new information makes it invalid

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Yes i did. I don't know why the build for wiiu failed, you shouldn't care about that, travis failed on half of the commit since it was deployed on this repo, even though 100% of those commit were actually building successfully

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Ok, thanks... will keep an eye on build, waiting for final release. You can close, thanks for being the awesome attention to detail and the help, will open a new issue if another arises.

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dinkc64 commented Jan 2, 2018

yay! finally fixed :)

barbudreadmon added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 8, 2018
Disabled in #163 but should work properly after the various fixes, perhaps it would help with #197
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