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GoRestify Backend Boilerplate

GolangCI codebeat badge Go Reference MIT license

Welcome to the GoRestify Backend Boilerplate, a professional and organized starting point for your GoLang backend projects.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setup
  3. Running the Project
  4. Activities List
  5. Database Error Handling
  6. Decimal Handling
  7. Dictionary for Translation
  8. Excel File Generation
  9. Middleware
  10. Package pkg_err
  11. Package pkg_http
  12. Package pkg_log
  13. Redis Connection
  14. Package pkg_sql
  15. Email Configuration
  16. Binding and Validation Model


GoRestify Backend Boilerplate is a robust foundation for building GoLang backend applications. It comes with various features and packages to streamline your development process.


Setup Redis and MySQL with Docker

To set up Redis and MySQL for your project using Docker, you can run the following commands:

# Start MySQL container
docker run --rm --name db-mysql -d -v mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=88888888 -e TZ='Asia/Baghdad' -p 3306:3306 mysql --innodb_lock_wait_timeout=1000 --innodb_buffer_pool_size=2147483648  --max_allowed_packet=1073741824  --max_connections=2000 --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci

# Start Redis container
docker run --rm --name db-redis -d -v redis-data:/usr/local/etc/redis -p 6379:6379 redis:latest

Create Travis User (MySQL)

Execute the following SQL commands to create a Travis user in MySQL:


Running the Project

To run the GoRestify Backend Boilerplate, use the following commands:

# Run the admin module
source cmd/admin/sample.env && reflex -r '\.go' -s -- sh -c 'go run cmd/admin/main.admin.go'

# Run the user module
source cmd/user/sample.env &&  reflex -r '\.go' -s -- sh -c 'go run cmd/user/main.user.go'

Get List of Activities

You can retrieve a list of activities and record them in the database using the following code snippet:

if data["list"], err = activity.List(params); err != nil {

	if data["count"], err = activity.Count(params); err != nil {

Handling Database Errors

Handle database errors by using the db_error package as shown below:

    db_error.Parse(err error, tableName string, action validator.Action)

    // In the repository
    err = db_error.Parse(err, base_term.Cities, validator.Update)

Working with Decimal Values

In cases involving monetary values, you can perform calculations with decimal values using the decimal package:

quantity := decimal.NewFromInt(3)
fee, _ := decimal.NewFromString(".035")
taxRate, _ := decimal.NewFromString(".08875")

subtotal := price.Num().Mul(quantity.Num())
preTax := subtotal.Num().Mul(fee.Num().Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(1)))
total := preTax.Num().Mul(taxRate.Num().Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(1)))

fmt.Println("Subtotal:", subtotal)                      // Subtotal: 408.06
fmt.Println("Pre-tax:", preTax)                         // Pre-tax: 422.3421
fmt.Println("Taxes:", total.Num().Sub(preTax.Num()))    // Taxes: 37.482861375
fmt.Println("Total:", total)                            // Total: 459.824961375
fmt.Println("Tax rate:", total.Num().Sub(preTax.Num()).Div(preTax.Num())) // Tax rate: 0.08875

Dictionary for Translations

Translate terms using the dictionary as follows base on toml file:

    dictionary.Translate(lang Lang, str string, params ...interface{})

    city.Name = dictionary.Translate(dictionary.Ku,city.Name)

Generating Excel Files

You can generate Excel files using the excel package:

	ex := excel.New("region")
		SetPageLayout("landscape", "A4").
		SetColWidth("B", "D", 15.3).
		SetColWidth("C", "C", 80).
		SetColWidth("D", "F", 40).
		SetColWidth("A", "D", 20).
		WriteHeader("ID", "Name", "Created At").
		SetSheetFields("ID", "Name", "CreatedAt").

	buffer, downloadName, err := ex.Generate()
	if err != nil {

	c.Header("Content-Description", "File Transfer")
	c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=regions-"+downloadName)
	c.Data(http.StatusOK, "application/octet-stream", buffer.Bytes())


Use middleware functions like APILogger, JwtAuthGuard, and BasicAuthGuard to enhance your application:

// APILogger logs requests and responses using pkg_log

// JwtAuthGuard decodes tokens and retrieves public and private information from the Authorization header
func JwtAuthGuard() gin.HandlerFunc

// BasicAuthGuard decodes basic authentication for third-party apps from the X-Authorization header
func BasicAuthGuard() gin.HandlerFunc


The pkg_err package provides error handling utilities. You can create and customize errors using the following methods:

// New return an initiate of the PkgErr
func New(errStr string, code string,data ...interface{}) *PkgErr

// Take initiate the
func Take(err error, code string,data ...interface{}) *PkgErr

// Message append a message to the error
func (*PkgErr).Message(message string, params ...interface{}) *PkgErr

// Custom is used when some value like status code and basic data needs to be appended to the error
func (*PkgErr).Custom(custom customError) *PkgErr

// InvalidParam is used when want to pint to a field which caused the error
func (*PkgErr).InvalidParam(field string, reason string, params ...interface{}) *PkgErr

// Build return an initiate of the Struct
func (*PkgErr).Build() error

// Example:
// customize error
err = pkg_err.Take(err, "E1174655").Custom(pkg_err.ValidationFailedErr).Build()

// new error
err = pkg_err.New(pkg_err.SomethingWentWrong, "E1171379").


You can make HTTP calls to a server using the following functions and data structures:

   // Do http call for a server
   func Do(request Request) (err error)

// Request model
type Request struct {
	Method         string // required
	EndPoint       string // required
	Language       dictionary.Lang
	Headers        []Header
	FormData       FormData
	Payload        interface{} // payload of request
	ParsedResponse interface{} // // parsed response data based on provided model

// Header model
type Header struct {
	Key   string
	Value string

// FormData model
type FormData struct {
	FileKey  string
	FilePath string
	Payload  []PayloadFormData

// PayloadFormData .
type PayloadFormData struct {
	Key   string
	Value string


The pkg_log package is used for logging errors. You can use it as follows:

    // will log and stop server
	pkg_log.Fatal(err, "couldn't connect redis cache")

    // it will check if there is error log it
    pkg_log.CheckError(err, "error in regions list")

Redis connection

redisCon, err := pkg_redis.ConnectRedis("redis://:@", true)


// ForeignKey create foreignKey query for table
func ForeignKey(table string, refTable string, field string, refField ...string) (query string)

engine.DB.Exec(pkg_sql.ForeignKey(base_model.ShopTable, base_model.RegionTable, "region_id"))

// how filter work in in query params
   "[eq]":        " = ",
	"[ne]":       " != ",
	"[gt]":       " > ",
	"[lt]":       " < ",
	"[gte]":      " >= ",
	"[lte]":      " <= ",
	"[like]":     " LIKE ",
	"[and]":      " AND ",
	"[or]":       " OR ",
	"[date]":     " DATE ",
	"[date_gte]": " DATE_GTE ",
	"[date_lte]": " DATE_LTE ",

// example
filter=name[eq]"start shop"[and]region[eq]"Region-1"

Email configuration

	// email config
	engine.EmailConfig = utils.ConfigEmail{
		Host:     engine.Envs[core.EmailHost],
		Port:     engine.Envs.ToInt(core.EmailPort),
		Username: engine.Envs[core.EmailUsername],
		Password: engine.Envs[core.EmailPassword],
	go s.Engine.EmailConfig.SendEmail(toEmail, ccEmail, "alias name to From", subject, body, "attachment path")

Binding and Validation Model

The bind tags in the model define validation rules for fields. Here are some examples:

required : required field
min=9 : min length
max=10 : max length
gte=10.6 : greater than
lte=10 : less than
one_of=user_status : define a enum for user_status,and add enum to MustBeInTypes in internal/core/core_action/actions.go
contain=a : that field should be contain (a)
password: accepted regex ".{8,}", "[a-z]", "[A-Z]", "[0-9]"
username: accepted regex "^[a-zA-Z0-9\\._-]+$"
phone: accepted regex "^(964[0-9]{10})$"
email : validate email
birthday: accepted date (min age: current_year-90, max age: current_year-10)
pin: accepted regex "^[0-9]+$"
if_exist : if you have this command before a bind tags it mean just validate in case that field exist

// Example model
type Example struct {
	ID        uint          `json:"id,omitempty"`
	RegionID  uint          `gorm:"index:region_id_idx" json:"region_id,omitempty" bind:"required"`
	Name      string        `gorm:"type:varchar(100);not null;unique" json:"name,omitempty" bind:"required"`
	Status    pkg_types.Enum `gorm:"type:varchar(25);" json:"status,omitempty" bind:"one_of=shop_status"`
	Phone     string        `gorm:"type:varchar(100);" json:"phone,omitempty" bind:"create:required|update:min=7,max=10"` // per action binding
	Password  string        `gorm:"type:varchar(100);" json:"password,omitempty" bind:"if_exist,min=8"` // if_exist example
	CreatedAt *time.Time    `gorm:"->;type:timestamp;not null;default:current_timestamp;" json:"created_at,omitempty"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time    `gorm:"<-:update;type:timestamp;not null;default:current_timestamp;" json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
	Region    string        `gorm:"->;migration:-" json:"region,omitempty" table:" as region"` // example to join field


Golang REST API Boilerplate by Barez Azad







No packages published
