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Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License Lifecycle

The Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel identified old growth areas that are at imminent risk of harvest. The current deferral process could require that licensees do a field verification to confirm, add or delete areas meeting the definition of old growth trees. The Old Growth project amis to help automate that process and enable the tracking and managing of the potential deferral areas and any decisions that come out of that process that may impact licensees.


The nr-old-growth is a node.js application built with nestJS, integrated with the greenfield-template to automate the process for testing, security scanning, code quality checking, image building and deploying.
For the currrent version of the Old Growth project, we use CHEFS to manage the submission and review of the field verification form. The nr-old-growth applicatin is developed based on the CHEFS API, that provides an notification system to notify the selected natural resource district office whenever there is a new submission. Using a postgres database to track notification delivery status of submissions and any error log messages.

  • Use the CHEFS API to get a list of submissions for the current form version (only the api by form version can return the submission data)
  • Check if this is a new submission
    • createdAt time within last cron job interval and has no record in our db, or
    • has no record in our db, or
    • our record for this confirmation id indicates a failure code
  • Check if this is an update submission
    • updatedAt time within the last cron job interval, and updatedBy=createdBy and has no record (type update, same submission update time) in our db, or
    • updated (updatedBy=createdBy) but has no record (type update) in our db (happened during application downtime) and update time is after we enabling the update email service (2023-01-09), or
    • our records (for update) for this confirmation id and this updatedAt time indicates a failure code
  • Send email notification for the new and update submissions


Please check the Readme in the backup folder.

Set up visual studio code

Install extensions:

Set indent and save on file:

  • Press "cmd+shift+p" and type "Preferences: Open Settings (UI)", select it
  • In the open window, update the "Editor: Tab Size" to 2; search "format on save" and check the checkbox

Enable prettier format:
Press "option+shift+f" and select prettier as the formatter


The self-host-solution branch has the code for self hosted solutions, is not currently in use.