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Project 03 - Social Network Ads.Also included a few resources on side that I found helpful.


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Applied Learning Project

Tools: Colab/Jupyter Notebook, GitHub

Algorithm Category: Univariate Classification

Purpose: Data Cleaning, Apply Algorithm, Apply GridSearchCV

Algorithm: Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine Classification, Decison Tree Classification, K Nearest Neighbors Classification

Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn

Projects: Social Network Ads Purchase

Problem Description
Predict the user if they willing to puchase from the social network ads.

Problem Task
Target Cluster Datasets is about a determine the social media ad purchase based on following fields.

Problem Variables
There are two tables could be merged by ID

Field Description Unit dtype Comments
Table 1 Social_Network_Ads.csv
User ID Each user have own identifier Number Continous
Gender Gender Binary Category
Age Age Continous
EstimatedSalary Salary earned by estimation US Dollar Continous
Purchased User social media ads purchsed history Binary Category Target Variable

Dateset:Original Dataset.csv
Train Processed Dataset:Train_X.csv, Train_y.csv
Test Processed Dataset:Test_X.csv, Test_y.csv
Demo:Jupyter Notebook/Colab Link

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