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Birk Skyum edited this page Jan 12, 2023 · 1 revision


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Const default: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
AJAXError typeof AJAXError
AttributionControl typeof AttributionControl
CanvasSource typeof CanvasSource
Evented typeof Evented
FullscreenControl typeof FullscreenControl
GeoJSONSource typeof GeoJSONSource
GeolocateControl typeof GeolocateControl
ImageSource typeof ImageSource
LngLat typeof LngLat
LngLatBounds typeof LngLatBounds
LogoControl typeof LogoControl
Map typeof Map
Marker typeof default
MercatorCoordinate typeof MercatorCoordinate
NavigationControl typeof NavigationControl
Point typeof Point
Popup typeof default
RasterDEMTileSource typeof RasterDEMTileSource
RasterTileSource typeof RasterTileSource
ScaleControl typeof ScaleControl
Style typeof Style
TerrainControl typeof default
VectorTileSource typeof VectorTileSource
VideoSource typeof VideoSource
clearPrewarmedResources () => void
config Config
getRTLTextPluginStatus () => string
prewarm () => void
setRTLTextPlugin (url: string, callback: ErrorCallback, deferred: boolean) => void
supported IsSupported
workerUrl string
get maxParallelImageRequests() number
get version() string
get workerCount() number
addProtocol (customProtocol: string, loadFn: (requestParameters: RequestParameters, callback: ResponseCallback<any>) => Cancelable) => void
clearStorage (callback?: (err?: Error) => void) => void
removeProtocol (customProtocol: string) => void

Defined in



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