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WDocs is a documentation theme for wmk.


WDocs has several configuration options which affect the template output or other functionality of the generated website.

Site variables

Default settings for site:

    name: WDocs
    description: Documentation theme for wmk
    author: Baldur Kristinsson
    leading_path: ''
    base_url: ''
    repo_url: ''
    repo_name: WDocs on Github
    avec_theme: default
    tags_in_nav: true
    highlightjs: false
    hljs_style: github
    hljs_languages: []
    fontawesome: false
    auto_title_h1: false
    copyright: |
        Created with the <a href="">WDocs</a>
        documentation theme for <a href="">wmk</a>.
    tagline: 'Simple and easy documentation'
    extra_css: []
    extra_javascript: []
    navigation_depth: 2
    favicon: 'img/favicon.ico'
    lang: 'en'
  • name, description, author: Mostly self-explanatory. By default, the name appears at the top right corner of the site and links to the frontpage. It should therefore prefarably be short.

  • leading_path, base_url: Leading path is the path from the root of the subdomain on which the site is hosted to the directory containing the files generated by wmk. The base_url, if specified, should contain both a protocol and hostname and also include the leading_path, if any, e.g. These variables are used by the url template filter, which adds the appropriate prefixes to those path fragments that do not start with /.

  • repo_url, repo_name: If specified, a link to the given repository will be added to the footer of the page.

  • avec_theme: The name of the aveccss color scheme. The themes available are: default, one, gruvbox, pico, plain, or selenized. All color schemes support both light and dark mode and adjust automatically to the user's light/dark preference.

  • tags_in_nav: If true, a link to the Tags page will be placed in the site navigation.

  • highlightjs, hljs_style, hljs_languages: Settings for the highlight.js Javascript module. If you use server-side syntax highlighting via pygments or pandoc, you will have to add CSS files yourself; the highlightjs configuration option is supplied as an easy alternative to this. It is, however, turned off by default.

  • fontawesome: Whether to enable loading FontAwesome icon fonts. False by default. If enabled, FontAwesome symbols are used in the site navigation, which changes the appearance slightly.

  • auto_title_h1: If true, then pages which do not start with a <h1> heading but have a title in the frontmatter are prefixed with the title as a <h1> heading. It will be followed by a subtitle, if any.

  • copyright, tagline: These appear in the site footer.

  • extra_css, extra_javascript, favicon: These are self-explanatory.

  • navigation_depth: Which heading level to stop at in the table of contents that will be placed in the sidebar on each page.

  • lang: Localization setting. Currently the supported languages are en, da and is. You can supply your own translation as a file that must be placed in data/locales/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/ in your project directory.

Nav setting

    - Home: /
    - Usage:
        - Getting started: usage/getting-started
        - Advanced settings: usage/advanced
    - About:
        - Impressum: about/impressum
        - License: about/license
        - Help: about/help
    - Resources:
        - Code repository:
        - Forum:

The nav setting has the structure shown in the example. It is presented by the WDocs theme as a navigation tree for the site, i.e. as a hierarchical navigation menu in the header bar (in desktop browers) and in a "hamburger" menu (in mobile and tablet browsers). It also forms the basis of the Next and Previous links that are available on those pages that are in the nav structure.

Other settings

WDocs also supplies theme settings for lunr_index, markdown_extensions, and markdown_extension_configs. Most notably it turns site search on by default. These standard settings described in the wmk documentation.

Further information

Further documentation about the WDocs theme as well as an example site is available here.

Author and license

Author: Baldur Kristinsson.

This theme is made available under the MIT license.

Acknowledgements: The general structure and design of WDocs (but not the code) is based on the default MkDocs theme.