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[Draft] PDF.js Manual Test Template

Kamil Jozwiak edited this page Oct 24, 2017 · 1 revision

Builds/Platforms used:

Brave/PDF.js build being used: (please include Brave version #, SHA and PDF.js version)

Platforms being used:

PDF.js Extension

  • ensure that PDF.js is displaying the expected version under about:preferences#extensions
  • ensure that PDF.js is displaying the expected version under about:extensions
  • ensure that you're asked to restart when disabling/enabling PDF.js via about:preferences#extensions
  • ensure that PDFs are downloaded and not being opened while PDF.js is disabled
  • ensure that restarting the browser several times keeps the correct state (enabled/disabled)

Opening PDF's

  • ensure that PDFs are being opened in normal tabs
  • ensure that PDFs are being opened in private tabs
  • ensure that PDFs are being opened in session tabs
  • ensure that you can open PDFs from external applications (Slack, Gmail, Evernote etc..)
  • ensure that you can open PDFs via file:/// URL's (using the local location of the PDF)
  • ensure that you can drag and drop local PDFs into Brave
  • ensure that you can clone a PDF tab
  • ensure that clicking on a hyperlinks within a PDF works as expected

Permission Notifications & Security

  • ensure that you can view certificates for PDFs loading from HTTPS using the "lock" button under the URL bar
  • ensure that you receive a permission notification when selecting "Switch to Presentation Mode"
  • ensure that Brave remembers the correct decision when selecting "Remember my decision"
  • ensure that "Always Allow" is appearing under about:preferences#security when remembering "Allow"
  • ensure that "Always Deny" is appearing under about:preferences#security when remembering "Deny"
  • ensure that you can clear the permission via "Clear All" under about:preferences#security
  • ensure that you can clear the permission individually via the "X" next to the permission

Presentation Mode

  • ensure that you can navigate through the PDF using the arrow keys while in "Presentation Mode"
  • ensure that you can navigate though the PDF using the mouse while in "Presentation Mode"
  • ensure that you can exit "Presentation Mode" via the "ESC" button
  • ensure that you can exit "Presentation Mode" using Brave's "Minimize" button

PDF.js features

  • ensure that you can save PDFs locally in several different locations
  • ensure that you can print PDFs
  • ensure that you can search through PDF documents using the built in search function
  • ensure that you "Highlight all" works when searching
  • ensure "Match case" works when searching
  • ensure that you can zoom-in and zoom-out using the keyboard shortcuts
  • ensure that you can zoom-in and zoom-out using the "+" and "-" buttons built into PDF.js
  • ensure that you can select different zoom levels via the drop down selection
  • ensure that you can navigate through pages using the "next page" and "previous page" buttons

Pinning/Moving PDF.js tabs

  • ensure that you can pin PDF tabs
  • ensure that you can unpin PDF tabs
  • ensure that you can detach and reattach PDF tabs (attaching them to different windows etc..)

Session Restore

  • ensure that PDFs are being correctly restored when there's many tabs opened including the PDF
  • ensure that PDFs are being correctly restored when it's the only tab opened

HTTP & HTTPS Checks:

  • The above test cases have been run against PDFs loaded via HTTP
  • The above test cases have been run against PDFs loaded via HTTPS

Vertical Side Tabs Tab Suspender

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