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Releases: catchorg/Catch2


12 Jul 18:33
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  • GENERATE can now follow a SECTION at the same level of nesting (#1938)
    • The SECTION(s) before the GENERATE will not be run multiple times, the following ones will.
  • Added -D/--min-duration command line flag (#1910)
    • If a test takes longer to finish than the provided value, its name and duration will be printed.
    • This flag is overriden by setting -d/--duration.


  • TAPReporter no longer skips successful assertions (#1983)


05 Jul 09:54
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Yes, the only change in this release is support for MacOS on ARM.


  • Added support for MacOS on ARM (#1971)


29 Jun 19:00
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  • GENERATE nested in a for loop no longer creates multiple generators (#1913)
  • Fixed copy paste error breaking TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE_SIG for 6 or more arguments (#1954)
  • Fixed potential UB when handling non-ASCII characters in CLI args (#1943)


  • There can be multiple calls to GENERATE on a single line
  • Improved fno-except support for platforms that do not provide shims for exception-related std functions (#1950)
    • E.g. the Green Hills C++ compiler
  • XmlReporter now also reports test-case-level statistics (#1958)
    • This is done via a new element, OverallResultsCases


  • Added .clang-format file to the repo (#1182, #1920)
  • Rewrote contributing docs
    • They should explain the different levels of testing and so on much better


25 May 13:15
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  • Fixed compilation failure if is_range ADL found deleted function (#1929)
  • Fixed potential UB in CAPTURE if the expression contained non-ASCII characters (#1925)


  • std::result_of is not used if std::invoke_result is available (#1934)
  • JUnit reporter writes out status attribute for tests (#1899)
  • Suppresed clang-tidy's hicpp-vararg warning (#1921)
    • Catch2 was already suppressing the cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg alias of the warning


14 May 14:25
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v3.0.0-preview2 Pre-release

Catch2 now uses statically compiled library as its distribution model.
This also means that to get all of Catch2's functionality in a test file,
you have to include multiple headers.

For quick'n'dirty migration, you can replace the old #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
with #include <catch2/catch_all.hpp>. This is a (one of) convenience
header(s) that brings in all of headers in Catch2. By doing this,
you should be able to migrate instantly, but at the cost of (significantly)
increased compilation times. You should prefer piecemeal including
headers that are actually required by your test code.

The basic set of functionality (TEST_CASE, SECTION, REQUIRE) is in
catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp. Matchers are in matchers subfolder,
generators in generators subfolder, and so on.

Note that documentation has not yet been updated to account for the
new design.


  • Why is Catch2 moving to separate headers?
    • The short answer is future extensibility and scalability. The long answer is complex and can be found on my blog, but at the most basic level, it is that providing single-header distribution is at odds with providing variety of useful features. When Catch2 was distributed in a single header, adding a new Matcher would cause overhead for everyone, but was useful only to a subset of users. This meant that the barrier to entry for new Matchers/Generators/etc is high in single header model, but much smaller in the new model.
  • Will Catch2 again distribute single-header version in the future?
    • No. But I intend to provide sqlite-style distribution option, with 1 header and 1 "unity" .cpp file. Do note that the header will have similar problem to the catch_all.hpp header.
  • Why the big breaking change caused by replacing catch.hpp with catch_all.hpp?
    • The convenience header catch_all.hpp exists for two reasons. One of them is to provide a way for quick migration from Catch2, the second one is to provide a simple way to test things with Catch2. Using it for migration has one drawback in that it is big. This means that including it will cause significant compile time drag, and so using it to migrate should be a concious decision by the user, not something they can just stumble into unknowingly.
  • Why does CMake/pkg-config/etc report version 3.0.0?
    • Lot of tooling does not handle preview versions too well, so we have to use proper new major version. The final release will use version 3.0.1 to avoid conflicts with these preview versions.

(Potentially) Breaking changes

  • Catch2 now uses statically compiled library as its distribution model
    • Including catch.hpp no longer works
  • ANON_TEST_CASE has been removed, use TEST_CASE with no arguments instead (#1220)
  • --list* commands no longer have non-zero return code (#1410)
  • --list-test-names-only has been removed (#1190)
    • You should use verbosity-modifiers for --list-tests instead
  • --list* commands are now piped through the reporters
    • The top-level reporter interface provides default implementation that works just as the old one
    • XmlReporter outputs a machine-parseable XML
  • TEST_CASE description support has been removed
    • If the second argument has text outside tags, the text will be ignored.
  • Hidden test cases are no longer included just because they don't match an exclusion tag
    • Previously, a TEST_CASE("A", "[.foo]") would be included by asking for ~[bar].
  • PredicateMatcher is no longer type erased.
    • This means that the type of the provided predicate is part of the PredicateMatcher's type
  • SectionInfo no longer contains section description as a member (#1319)
    • You can still write SECTION("ShortName", "Long and wordy description"), but the description is thrown away
    • The description type now must be a const char* or be implicitly convertible to it
  • The [!hide] tag has been removed.
    • Use [.] or [.foo] instead.
  • Lvalues of composed matchers cannot be composed further
  • Uses of REGISTER_TEST_CASE macro need to be followed by a semicolon
    • This does not change TEST_CASE and friends in any way
  • IStreamingReporter::IsMulti member function was removed
    • This is very unlikely to actually affect anyone, as it was default-implemented in the interface, and only used internally
  • Various classes not designed for user-extension have been made final
    • ListeningReporter is now final
    • Concrete Matchers (e.g. UnorderedEquals vector matcher) are now final
    • All Generators are now final
  • Matcher namespacing has been redone
    • Matcher types are no longer in deeply nested namespaces
    • Matcher factory functions are no longer brought into Catch namespace
    • This means that all public-facing matcher-related functionality is now in Catch::Matchers namespace
  • Defining CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN will no longer create main in that TU.
    • Link with libCatch2Main.a, or the proper CMake/pkg-config target
    • If you want to write custom main, include catch2/catch_session.hpp
    • You should instead include the appropriate headers as needed.
  • CATCH_CONFIG_IMPL has been removed.
    • The implementation is now compiled into a static library.


  • Matchers have been extended with the ability to use different signatures of match (#1307, #1553, #1554, #1843)
    • This includes having templated match member function
    • See the rewritten Matchers documentation for details
    • Catch2 currently provides some generic matchers, but there should be more before final release of v3
      • So far, IsEmpty, SizeIs, and Contains are provided.
      • At least ElementsAre and UnorderedElementsAre are planned.


  • The INFO macro no longer contains superfluous semicolon (#1456)
  • The --list* family of command line flags now return 0 on success (#1410, #1146)

Other changes

    • If you do not want to use Matchers in a TU, do not include their header.
    • StringMaker specializations for <chrono> are always provided
  • Catch2's CMake now provides 2 targets, Catch2 and Catch2WithMain.
    • Catch2 is the statically compiled implementation by itself
    • Catch2WithMain also links in the default main
  • Catch2's pkg-config integration also provides 2 packages
    • catch2 is the statically compiled implementation by itself
    • catch2-with-main also links in the default main


21 Apr 17:34
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  • Vector matchers now support initializer list literals better


  • Added support for ^ (bitwise xor) to CHECK and REQUIRE


21 Apr 14:37
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  • Running tests in random order (--order rand) has been reworked significantly (#1908)
    • Given same seed, all platforms now produce the same order
    • Given same seed, the relative order of tests does not change if you select only a subset of them
  • Vector matchers support custom allocators (#1909)
  • | and & (bitwise or and bitwise and) are now supported in CHECK and REQUIRE
    • The resulting type must be convertible to bool


  • Fixed computation of benchmarking column widths in ConsoleReporter (#1885, #1886)
  • Suppressed clang-tidy's cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg in assertions (#1901)
    • It was a false positive trigered by the new warning support workaround
  • Fixed bug in test specification parser handling of OR'd patterns using escaping (#1905)


  • Worked around IBM XL's codegen bug (#1907)
    • It would emit code for destructors of temporaries in an unevaluated context
  • Improved detection of stdlib's support for std::uncaught_exceptions (#1911)


19 Mar 13:49
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  • Fixed compilation error caused by lambdas in assertions under MSVC


19 Mar 11:42
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  • GCC and Clang now issue warnings for suspicious code in assertions (#1880)
    • E.g. REQUIRE( int != unsigned int ) will now issue mixed signedness comparison warning
    • This has always worked on MSVC, but it now also works for GCC and current Clang versions
  • Colorization of "Test filters" output should be more robust now
  • --wait-for-keypress now also accepts never as an option (#1866)
  • Reporters no longer round-off nanoseconds when reporting benchmarking results (#1876)
  • Catch2's debug break now supports iOS while using Thumb instruction set (#1862)
  • It is now possible to customize benchmark's warm-up time when running the test binary (#1844)
    • --benchmark-warmup-time {ms}
  • User can now specify how Catch2 should break into debugger (#1846)


  • Fixes missing <random> include in benchmarking (#1831)
  • Fixed missing <iterator> include in benchmarking (#1874)
  • Hidden test cases are now also tagged with [!hide] as per documentation (#1847)
  • Detection of whether libc provides std::nextafter has been improved (#1854)
  • Detection of wmain no longer incorrectly looks for WIN32 macro (#1849)
    • Now it just detects Windows platform
  • Composing already-composed matchers no longer modifies the partially-composed matcher expression
    • This bug has been present for the last ~2 years and nobody reported it


28 Dec 20:33
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  • Breaking into debugger is supported on iOS (#1817)
  • google-build-using-namespace clang-tidy warning is suppressed (#1799)


  • Clang on Windows is no longer assumed to implement MSVC's traditional preprocessor (#1806)
  • ObjectStorage now behaves properly in const contexts (#1820)
  • GENERATE_COPY(a, b) now compiles properly (#1809, #1815)
  • Some more cleanups in the benchmarking support