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Matthew Harris edited this page Aug 13, 2014 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the wiki! Would you like to contribute! Awesome!

All files for the website and the cf documents are in the repo

The website is using githubs native pages (using jekyll). To make a change it will go something like this:

  1. update the the file in interest in Data/* directory where * is the rest of the path to your file
  2. commit the updated file
  3. test locally
  4. commit changes which will update the site

###Example: first install jekyll and ruby gem plugin

sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-gem // for ubuntu
sudo brew install ruby ruby-gem  // for mac if using homebrew 
gem install jekyll

next update following the above instructions

cd ~/Projects/
vim cf-standard-names-table-26.html

Make file corrections

cd ~/Projects/
jekyll build

Test locally. If all looks good commit the changes and the site will update

git commit -am "MBH: adding in updates to cfsn 26"
git push

The logic behind the three repos is that

    • is the website along with all the cf files
  • repository-cf
    • is the original un-touched svn repo from before it crashed
    • is hanging around as a fall back
    • seemed safer to convert and save this repo then trash it
  • cf-vocab-editor
    • a fork of the project which allows for updating up cf standard name tables
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