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Manual Mesh

Andrew edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 2 revisions

How to make the Manual Mesh (MM)

It is possible to launch the manual mesh from the screen and allows you precisely adjust Z and go to the next point. Do not forget to save the mesh at the end.

Enable Mesh level compensation

Put in the start Gcode script of the slicer (Cura, Simplify, Prusaslicer, Superslicer, etc.) after the G28 the commands:

G28 ; Home all axes
M420 S1 Z5 ; Use mesh level up to 5 mm

Note: if you have your printer connected to Octoprint, and you try to print a g-code with the M420 without a valid mesh you can get an M112 error. Please follow this guide to change the error handing in Octoprint.

If the mesh level compensation is enabled while printing you can see the color change in the z-offset icon, in the most recent versions the icon background also blinks:

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