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An Ansible Galaxy role for configuring IBM Informix databases, including initialising dbspaces and chunks


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Ansible Role: Informix Databases

An Ansible Galaxy role for configuring IBM Informix server instances, including configuration files (i.e. onconfig and sqlhosts), as well as initialising a root dbspace and preparing additional dbspaces and chunks according to configuration provided.


There may be a risk of data loss when using this role against previously provisioned hosts. For additional safety, this role creates a lock file in /etc and will refuse to execute again so long as the lock file exists. See Reprovisioning Hosts for more information should this role need to be applied to hosts that contain existing data.

Table of contents

Role Variables

The following role variables are required, however default values may be used where applicable:

Name Default Description
informix_db_chunk_store_path /data/informix/chunks The path of the directory for storing cooked files for dbspace chunks (when not using raw disks). This variable should be referenced in the Dbspaces configuration path option for any dbspace chunks that are to be represented using cooked files (e.g. {{ informix_db_chunk_store_path }}/rootdbs).
informix_db_dbdate DMY4 The value to be used for the DBDATE environment variable.
informix_db_install_path /opt/informix/14.10 The path to the Informix installation directory.
informix_db_logs_path /var/log/informix The path to the directory where Informix logs will be stored.
informix_db_server_name The name of the database server to be provisioned, for which a key exists in the informix_db_config dictionary with suitable configuration.
informix_db_server_name_suffix A suffix value that will be appended to the Informix server name in configuration files and environment variables to differentiate servers when using High Availability Data Replication (HDR). For example, the values _primary and _secondary.
informix_db_service_group informix The user to be used for ownership of configuration files and directories.
informix_db_service_user informix The group to be used for ownership of configuration files and directories.
informix_db_tape_device_path /db_dump The path to be used for the Informix tape device setting.

Informix Database Configuration

The informix_db_config dictionary variable controls the configuration of Informix databases, dbspaces, chunks and server connections. This variable should be defined as a dictionary of dictionaries, whose keys represent unique database server instances (such keys are analogous to the 'server name' in this context):


đź““ All configuration keys that follow are required unless marked optional.

Each nested dictionary within informix_db_config represents an individual database server (e.g. server1 and server2 in the above example) and supports the following key:

Name Default Description
server_id A unique numeric identifier for this server instance
server_port Optional. The port number this server instance will bind to for TCP/IP connections when using the default server_connections value. If a server_connections key has been defined then server_port should be omitted, and the port number should be specified in the relevant field of the server_connections list (if required for that connection type).
server_aliases Optional. A comma-separated string containing one or more database server aliases.
server_connections See Server Connections Configuration for defaults. A list of dictionaries representing client/server connections for this server (for constructing the sqlhosts configuration file). See Server Connections Configuration for more details. Connections specified for this key are common to all remote hosts provisioned by this role. To specify host-specific connections see Host Specific Server Connections.
dbspaces A dictionary of uniquely named dbspaces. Must include at least a root dbspace. See Dbspaces configuration for more details.
users Optional. A list of dictionaries specifying user accounts for Informix connections. See Informix User Configuration for more information.
logical_log_size 10000 Optional. The size of each logical log in kilobytes.
logical_log_number_files 100 Optional. The number of logical log files.
event_alarms_enabled false Optional. A boolean value representing whether event alarms are enabled or not. See Informix Event Alarms Configuration for more information.

Server Connections Configuration

If defined, the optional server_connections key must specify a list of dictionaries. If omitted, a default set of server connections will be used; see Default Server Connections Configuration for more information. Each dictionary supports the following keys:

Name Default sqlhosts configuration file field name
server_name A unique database server name for this connection. dbservername
connection_type The connection type to use (e.g. onipcshm for shared memory segment or onsoctcp for TCP/IP connection) nettype
host The host computer for the database server. hostname
service_or_port The service name or port number dependent upon connection_type. servicename
options Any options that describe or limit the connection options

Default Server Connections Configuration

A default set of server connections will be used if no server_connections are specified for a given database server (see Informix Database Configuration) and no host-specific connections have been specified for the same database server in the informix_db_host_connections variable (see Host Specific Server Connections). These default connections include:

  1. A shared memory connection — the server_name value for this connection will be set using the parent dictionary key that this connection belongs to (e.g. server1 in the example given during the introductory section of Informix Database Configuration)
  2. A socket connection using TCP/IP for client applications — the server_name value for this connection will be set using a combination of the parent dictionary key that this connection belongs to and a tcp suffix (e.g. server1tcp in the example given during the introductory section of Informix Database Configuration)

Host Specific Server Connections

Server connections specified using the server_connections key (see Informix Database Configuration) are common to all remote hosts provisioned by this role. To define host-specific connections, add the variable informix_db_host_connections to one or more group or host vars files. This variable should be defined as a dictionary of dictionaries whose keys represent the same database server instances as those used in the informix_db_config variable (see Informix Database Configuration).

For example, to define a connection that is specific to a remote EC2 host whose name tag matches the value fil-tuxedo-staging-1, add the following configuration to the group vars file named tag_Name_fil_tuxedo_staging_1:

    - server_name: example
      connection_type: onsoctcp
      service_or_port: 1234

In this example, the single connection above would be combined with any connections already specified in the server_connections key of the informix_db_config variable for the same top-level database server named ef. If the informix_db_config contains no shared server_connections, then only the single host-specific connection above will be used for the matching remote host.

DBSpaces Configuration

The dbspaces key must be a dictionary of dictionaries whose keys represent uniquely named dbspaces for the server that they belong to. A root key must be defined for each dbspace—representing the root dbspace—and each dbspace dictionary may specify the following options:

Name Default
initial_chunk A dictionary representing the initial chunk for the root dbspace. See Chunk Configuration for more details.
additional_chunks Optional. A list of one or more dictionaries representing additional chunks to be added to the dbspace. See Chunk Configuration for more details.

Chunk Configuration

The initial_chunk and additional_chunks keys both represent chunks belonging to a dbspace. The former is mandatory and takes the form of a dictionary, while the later is an optional list of dictionaries. In either case, the following keys are supported:

Name Default
path The path to a character device or file on disk for this chunk.
offset_in_kb The offset in kB for this chunk.
size_in_kb The size in kB for this chunk.

Observations to consider when configuring dbspace chunks:

  • Chunks are assumed to be cooked files if the path does not refer to a block device, and a suitable file will be created at the specified path using informix:informix ownership and 0660 permissions before adding the chunk to a dbspace.
  • Chunks that belong to different cooked files should use an offset value of 0. Chunks that belong to the same cooked file as other chunks should typically use an offset_in_kb value equal the sum of the offset_in_kb + size_in_kb of the previous chunk with the same path.
  • Chunks that belong to raw disks should use an offset sufficient to ensure that they do not overlap with existing data on the disk or other chunks.

Informix User Configuration

If defined, the optional users key must specify a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary supports the following keys:

Name Default
name A unique user account name for connectivity to the database server under which this key exists.

User configuration will be read from HashiCorp Vault using the path specified by the informix_db_vault_path variable, and this configuration is expected to contain a JSON object with a top-level key corresponding to the database server name. User names should be specified within a users key as an object containing a single password key and string value. For example, given a single database server named example-server and user named example-user:

  "example-server": {
    "users": {
      "example-user": {
        "password": "..."

All user accounts are created as non-login accounts using /sbin/nologin as the default shell, with no password expiry.

Informix Event Alarms Configuration

Event alarms configuration will be read from HashiCorp Vault using the path specified by the informix_db_vault_path variable, and this configuration is expected to contain a JSON object with a top-level key corresponding to the database server name. An event_alarms key should be set to an object containing the keys email_addresses and level which are used to configure the event alarms. The value for level should correspond to the desired event severity level for alarms. For example, given a single database server named example-server and using the email address for events of severity level 3 or greater:

  "example-server": {
    "event_alarms": {
      "email_addresses": "",
      "level": "3"

Example Configuration

The example that follows shows how to define the configuration for a single server instance named server1 that meets the following criteria:

  • One Informix server instance server1 with server identifier 1
  • A root dbspace composed of one initial cooked file chunk of size 1GiB
  • An additional data dbspace with initial cooked file chunk of size 1GiB and an additional chunk of size 2GiB (both belonging to the same filesystem object)
  • The two default connection types (i.e. a shared memory segment and TCP/IP connection respectively) with port 1234 used for TCP/IP connectivity
    server_id: 1
    server_port: 1234
          path: "/informixchunks/rootdbs"
          offset_in_kb: 0
          size_in_kb: 1048576
          path: "/informixchunks/datadbs"
          offset_in_kb: 0
          size_in_kb: 1048576
          - path: "/informixchunks/datadbs"
            offset_in_kb: 1048576
            size_in_kb: 1048576

Reprovisioning Hosts


This role is not idempotent and there is a risk of data loss if the role is executed against hosts that contain existing dbspaces and chunks. A lock file is created in /etc for each database server instance provisioned by this role to provide a basic level of protection against this. These lock files are used to distinguish whether a database server was previously provisioned with this role, and the role will refuse to execute again until manual intervention is taken.

To provision a database server on a remote host with this role a second time:

  • Confirm that there are no dbpsaces or chunks present for the database server(s) on the remote host(s) (i.e. check all path references in the informix_db_config configuration and confirm that those paths—whether they reference cooked files or raw disks—do not contain actual data on the remote host(s))
  • Remove the corresponding lock file(s) for the database server(s) affected from /etc—these follow the naming convention informix-db-provisioned-<server>
  • Stop any active oninit processes on the remote host(s) for the affected database server(s)
  • Remove any shared memory segments that were created by oninit processes for the affected database server(s)
  • Rerun this role against the same database server(s) and host(s)

Example Requirements File

- src:
  name: informix-db
  version: "n.n.n"

Example Playbook

    - hosts: servers
        - informix-db


This project is subject to the terms of the MIT License.


An Ansible Galaxy role for configuring IBM Informix databases, including initialising dbspaces and chunks






