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90 mins each            

FASTQ (30 mins total)
- Intro to fastq format, quality encoding (5 minutes)
- SRA intro (study -> sample -> experiment -> run) (5 minutes)
- download reads from SRA using fasterq-dump (5 minutes)
- download reads from ENA using wget (5 minutes)
- read QC tools (fastQC, fastqscreen) (5 minutes)

FASTA (30 mins total)
- Intro to fasta format (less than 5 minutes) - mostly for downloading reference genomes, you could make a transcriptome reference, etc. but they are all .fasta format, compare where the genes are actually positioned on ensembl and ucsc so don't mix and match GTFs. - Lots of places to download data -- different gene models and different naming conventins (e.g. chr1 vs 1). (5-10 minutes)
- refseq (5 minutes)
- ensembl (5 minutes)
- ucsc (5 minutes)

SAM (30 mins total)
- Many sequencing pipelines (RNAseq, chipseq, bisulfite seq) will eventually give you a sam file, intro to the SAM format (and BAM) (5 minutes)
- flags and cigars (5-10 minutes?)
- samtools view, samtools sort, samtools index (5 minutes)
- alignment QC tools (qualimap, picard) (10 minutes)

Annotation file types and resources (30 mins total)
- structural/positional (location on chr, intron or exon) vs functional annotations (gene symbol, GO term, etc.) (5 minutes)
- GTF, GFF2, GFF3 (5-10 minutes)
- gene ID types -- refseq, ucsc, ensembl, gencode, others? (5 minutes)
- GO, KEGG, Reactome -- go through w clusterprofiler (10 minues)

R annotation packages (15-20 minutes) - TxDb/EnsDb (5 minutes) - orgDBs (5 minutes)
- biomaRt (5 minutes)
- annotationHub (5 minutes)
- GenomeInfoDB (5 minutes)

Check out ucsc browswer page w file format definitions all the annotation stuff will be on the hub

put together a google doc w the outlines/high level info for the R workshops and the bioinformatics workshops

Getting Started on Oscar

Working on the Command Line


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