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Upcoming release 0.9

Tomas Machalek edited this page Jul 31, 2016 · 7 revisions

Upcoming release 0.9


End-user functions

  • allow creating a sub-corpus with respect to aligned languages for parallel corpora
  • add optional line numbers to the concordance view
  • enable renaming/dropping line-groups


  • get rid of concordance cache mapping files and replace them by application wide key-value storage (db plug-in)
    • no need for the locking plug-in i such a configuration
  • make KonText+Celery run in json mode (instead of pickle)
  • implement a cache for frequency distribution and collocation pages to prevent repeated calculation of a (potentially large) dataset
  • implement an asynchronous alternative for creating a sub-corpus (Celery/multiprocessing-based)


  • allow plug-ins to include custom CSSs and make Gruntfile.js able to pack all the stuff together
  • more UI elements transformed into React components (concordance view, text types,...)
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