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Doctors Appointment Project

Preview image

This app is an implementation of the design of Murat Korkmaz from Behance for a doctor booking app.

The back-end is built with Rails according to RESTful API principles. Click here to see OpenAPI-compliant endpoints.

The front-end is built with React according to mobile-first, responsive design principles.

Live version

Please wait 20 to 30 seconds until the app loads. It might take longer than usual for heroku servers to load the app because its a free server. Click here for live version.

Built with

  • Back-end
    • Rails
    • PostgreSQL
  • Front-end
    • React
    • Bootstrap
    • SASS
    • MaterialUI
    • Redux/toolkit for global state
    • Redux/toolkit/RTK Query for api state.
  • Testing
    • RSpec, RSwag, Pry
      • Click here for specs used to build OpenAPI documentation.
  • Authentication
    • Devise and JWT used for simple authentication.


Click here for SwaggerUI

Click for OpenAPI yaml


👤 damdafayton

🤝 Contributions

Design by Murat Korkmaz from Behance.

Contributions, issues, and feature requrests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.