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Project Journal

Development Tasks / TODO


  • Allow the user to modify the System Prompt
  • Allow the user to provide examples of output style
  • Generate all project summaries and compile into a top-level summary
  • Constrain summary to a specific date range
  • Integrate a Gantt chart overview
  • Add tasks to the Gantt chart
  • View a Gantt chart for a single project
  • Support Milestones on the Gantt chart
  • Sort the project list alphabetically
  • Edit the Gantt chart directly
  • Suport tauri update plugin via
  • Improve the LLM functionality for notes generation

Known Issues

  • The gantt chart may not populate on initial load, but does populate after an interaction.


  • Support task and project dependencies in the Gantt chart
  • Ingest and sync with notes on the file system (eg. Obsidian vault)
  • Show summary streaming results from LLM
  • Export notes as text files
  • Allow the user to select the OpenAI language model

Tauri + React + Typescript

This template should help get you started developing with Tauri, React and Typescript in Vite.

Recommended IDE Setup