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This repository demostrates how to add dynamic CSS and JS scripts to your razor pages with ASP.NET Core Tag Helper Components.

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ASP.NET Core Tag Helper Components


In theory, a tag helper component is really just a plain old tag helper. The main difference point is a tag helper component lets you modify/add HTML elements from server side code. ASP.NET Core ships with two built-in tag helper components i.e. head and body. They can be used both in MVC and Razor Pages. Following is the code for the built-in head tag helper component.

public class HeadTagHelper : TagHelperComponentTagHelper
	public HeadTagHelper(ITagHelperComponentManager manager, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            : base(manager, loggerFactory)
  • A custom tag helper component class inherits from the TagHelperComponentTagHelper base class.
  • With [HtmlTargetElement] attribute, you can target any HTML element by passing the element name as a parameter.
  • [EditorBrowsable] attribute decides whether to show a type information in the IntelliSense or not. This is an optional attribute.
  • ITagHlperComponentMananger manages a collection of tag helper components used throughout the application.

The head and body tag helper components are declared in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc,TagHelpers namespace like other tag helpers. In a MVC/Razor Pages application, all tag helpers are imported with the @addTagHelper directive in _ViewImports.cshtml file.


@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers

Use Cases

head tag helper component

A typical usage of <head> element is that you can define page wide markup styles with <style> element. The following code dynamically adds styles in the <head> element using the head tag helper component.

public class StyleTagHelperComponent : ITagHelperComponent
	private string style = "<style>" +
		"address[navigable] { display: flex;" +
		"justify-content: space-between;" +
		"width: 350px;" +
		"background: whitesmoke;" +
		"height: 100px;" +
		"align-items: center;" +
		"padding: 0 10px;" +
		"border-radius: 5px; }" +

	public int Order => 1;

	public void Init(TagHelperContext context) { }

	public Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
		if (string.Equals(context.TagName, "head", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
	   	return Task.CompletedTask;
  • StyleTagHelperComponent implements ITagHelperComponent. The abstraction allows the class to be initialized with a TagHelperContext. It also make sure it can use tag helper components to add/modify HTML elements.
  • If you have multiple usage of tag helper components in an application, Order defines the rendering order of the components.
  • ProcessAsync() checks for a TagName inside the running context that matches the head element. If matched, it appends the content of the _style field with the output of the <head> element.

StyleTagHelper Sample Snapshot

body tag helper component

Similarly, you can use the body tag helper component to inject js scripts inside your <body> element. Following code demonstrates such example,


public class ScriptTagHelperComponent : ITagHelperComponent
	public int Order => 2;

	public void Init(TagHelperContext context) { }

	public async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
		if (string.Equals(context.TagName, "body", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) 
			var script = await File.ReadAllTextAsync("Files/AddressToolTipScript.html");

You can use separate HTML files to store your scripts and styles elements. It makes the code more cleaner and maintainable. The code above reads the content of AddressToolTipScript.html and appends it with the tag helper output. AddressToolTipScript.html file contains the following markup,


$("address[navigable]").hover(function() {
        "data-toggle": "tooltip",
        "data-placement": "right",
        "title": "Home of Microsoft!"

The script dynamically adds a bootstrap tooltip menu on a <address> element with an attached attribute of navigable. The effect is visible when a mouse pointer hovers over the element.

ScriptTagHelper Sample Snapshot

Dependency Injection

Implemented tag helper component classes must be registered with the dependency injection system if you are not managing the instances with ITagHelperComponentManager. Following code from ConfigureServices of Startup.cs registers both the StyleTagHelperComponent and ScriptTagHelperComponent with a Transient lifetime.


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	services.AddTransient<ITagHelperComponent, ScriptTagHelperComponent>();
	services.AddTransient<ITagHelperComponent, StyleTagHelperComponent>();

Custom Tag Helper Components

You can build your own custom tag helper component; following the same technique used for the build-in head and body tag helpers. Following is a custom tag helper component that targets the <address> element.


public class AddressTagHelperComponentTagHelper : TagHelperComponentTagHelper
	public AddressTagHelperComponentTagHelper(ITagHelperComponentManager componentManager, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
        : base(componentManager, loggerFactory)

You can use the custom address tag helper component to inject HTML elements as following,

public class AddressTagHelperComponent : ITagHelperComponent
	string _navigableButton = "<button type='button' class='btn btn-info' onclick=\"',+Redmond,+WA+98052,+USA/@47.6414942,-122.1327809,17z/')\">" +
		                        "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-road' aria-hidden='true'></span>" +
	public int Order => 3;

	public void Init(TagHelperContext context) { }

	public async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
		if (string.Equals(context.TagName, "address", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && output.Attributes.ContainsName("navigable"))
			var content = await output.GetChildContentAsync();
  • ProcessAsync() checks equality for the TagName with the address element. If matched, it inject HTML markups to <address> elements with an attribute of navigable.

Managing components with ITagHelperComponentManager

You can register the AddressTagHelperComponent with the DI system like the other ones. However, you can also initialize and add the component directly from the Razor markup. ITagHelperComponentManager is used to add/remove tag helper components from the application. Following demonstrates such example,


@using TagHelperComponentRazorPages.TagHelpers;
@inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.TagHelpers.ITagHelperComponentManager manager;
    string markup;

    if (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
        markup = "<i class='text-warning'>Office closed today!</i>";
        markup = "<i class='text-info'>Office open today!</i>";

    manager.Components.Add(new AddressTagHelperComponent(markup, 1));
  • manager is an instance of the view injected ITagHelperComponentManager.
  • manager.Components.Add adds the component to the application's tag helper component collection.

This technique is useful when you want to control the injected markup and order of the component execution directly from the razor view.

AddressTagHelperComponent is modified to accommodate a constructor that accepts the markup and order parameters,

private readonly string _markup;
private readonly int _order;

public AddressTagHelperComponent(string markup = "", int order = 1)
	_markup = markup;
	_order = order;

Passed in markup is used in the ProcessAsync as following,

public async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
	if (string.Equals(context.TagName, "address", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && output.Attributes.ContainsName("navigable"))
		var content = await output.GetChildContentAsync();

AddressTagHelperComponent Sample Snapshot


This repository demostrates how to add dynamic CSS and JS scripts to your razor pages with ASP.NET Core Tag Helper Components.






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  • C# 56.7%
  • CSS 42.1%
  • Other 1.2%