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add maskutils (intel-analytics#2921)
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* add maskutils

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Menooker committed Oct 8, 2019
1 parent 45eabcd commit 7773bbe
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* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

abstract class SegmentationMasks extends Serializable {
* Convert to a RLE encoded tensor
def toRLETensor: Tensor[Float]

* A mask of regions defined by one or more polygons. The masked object(s) should have the same
* label.
* @param poly An array of polygons. The inner array defines one polygon, with [x1,y1,x2,y2,...]
* @param height the height of the image
* @param width the width of the image
class PolyMasks(val poly: Array[Array[Float]], val height: Int, val width: Int) extends
SegmentationMasks {
override def toRLETensor: Tensor[Float] = {
require(height > 0 && width > 0, "the height and width must > 0 for toRLETensor()")
MaskUtils.mergeRLEs(MaskUtils.poly2RLE(this, height, width), false).toRLETensor

object PolyMasks {
def apply(poly: Array[Array[Float]], height: Int, width: Int): PolyMasks =
new PolyMasks(poly, height, width)

* A mask of regions defined by RLE. The masked object(s) should have the same label.
* This class corresponds to "uncompressed RLE" of COCO dataset.
* RLE is a compact format for binary masks. Binary masks defines the region by assigning a boolean
* to every pixel of the image. RLE compresses the binary masks by instead recording the runs of
* trues and falses in the binary masks. RLE is an array of integer.
* The first element is the length of run of falses staring from the first pixel.
* The second element of RLE is the is the length of first run of trues.
* e.g. binary masks: 00001110000011
* RLE: ---4--3----5-2 ====> 4,3,5,2
* Also note that we don't use COCO's "compact" RLE string here because this RLE class has better
* time & space performance.
* @param counts the RLE counts
* @param height height of the image
* @param width width of the image
class RLEMasks(val counts: Array[Int], val height: Int, val width: Int) extends SegmentationMasks {
override def toRLETensor: Tensor[Float] = {
Tensor(, Array(counts.length))

* Get an element in the counts. Process the overflowed int
* @param idx
* @return
def get(idx: Int): Long = {

object RLEMasks {
def apply(counts: Array[Int], height: Int, width: Int): RLEMasks =
new RLEMasks(counts, height, width)

object MaskUtils {

* Convert an unsigned int to long (note: int may overflow)
* @param i
* @return
def uint2long(i: Int): Long = {
if (i >= 0) {
} else {
i.toLong - Int.MinValue.toLong + Int.MaxValue.toLong + 1

* Convert "uncompressed" RLE to "compact" RLE string of COCO
* Implementation based on COCO's MaskApi.c
* @param rle
* @return RLE string
// scalastyle:off methodName
def RLE2String(rle: RLEMasks): String = {
// Similar to LEB128 but using 6 bits/char and ascii chars 48-111.
val m = rle.counts.length
val s = new ArrayBuffer[Char]()
for (i <- 0 until m) {
var x = rle.get(i)
if (i > 2) x -= rle.get(i - 2)
var more = true
while (more) {
var c = (x & 0x1f)
x >>= 5
more = if ((c & 0x10) != 0) x != -1 else x != 0
if (more) c |= 0x20
c += 48
s += c.toChar
new String(s.toArray)
// scalastyle:on methodName

* Convert "compact" RLE string of COCO to "uncompressed" RLE
* Implementation based on COCO's MaskApi.c
* @param s the RLE string
* @param h height of the image
* @param w width of the image
* @return RLE string
def string2RLE(s: String, h: Int, w: Int): RLEMasks = {
val cnts = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
var m = 0
var p = 0
while (p < s.length) {
var x = 0L
var k = 0
var more = true
while (more) {
val c = s(p).toLong - 48
x |= (c & 0x1f) << (5 * k)
more = (c & 0x20) != 0
k += 1
p += 1
if (!more && (c & 0x10) != 0) x |= -1 << (5 * k)
if (m > 2) x += uint2long(cnts(m - 2))
cnts += x.toInt
m += 1
RLEMasks(cnts.toArray, h, w)

* Convert a PolyMasks to an array of RLEMasks. Note that a PolyMasks may have multiple
* polygons. This function does not merge them. Instead, it returns the RLE for each polygon.
* Implementation based on COCO's MaskApi.c
* @param poly
* @param height height of the image
* @param width width of the image
* @return The converted RLEs
def poly2RLE(poly: PolyMasks, height: Int, width: Int): Array[RLEMasks] = { => {
// upsample and get discrete points densely along entire boundary
val scale = 5d
val (u, v, upsamplePoints) = {
val nPoints = xy.length / 2
val x = new Array[Long](nPoints + 1)
val y = new Array[Long](nPoints + 1)
for (j <- 0 until nPoints) {
x(j) = Math.floor(scale * xy(j * 2 + 0) + .5).toLong
y(j) = Math.floor(scale * xy(j * 2 + 1) + .5).toLong
x(nPoints) = x(0)
y(nPoints) = y(0)
val m1 = (0 until nPoints).map { case j =>
Math.max(Math.abs(x(j) - x(j + 1)), Math.abs(y(j) - y(j + 1))) + 1
val u = new Array[Long](m1)
val v = new Array[Long](m1)

var m = 0
for (j <- 0 until nPoints) {
val (xs, xe, ys, ye, dx, dy, flip) = {
val _xs = x(j)
val _xe = x(j + 1)
val _ys = y(j)
val _ye = y(j + 1)
val _dx = Math.abs(_xe - _xs)
val _dy = Math.abs(_ys - _ye)
val _flip = (_dx >= _dy && _xs > _xe) || (_dx < _dy && _ys > _ye)
if (_flip) (_xe, _xs, _ye, _ys, _dx, _dy, _flip)
else (_xs, _xe, _ys, _ye, _dx, _dy, _flip)

if (dx >= dy) {
for (d <- 0 to dx.toInt) {
val s = (ye - ys).toDouble / dx
val t = if (flip) dx - d else d
u(m) = t + xs
v(m) = Math.floor(ys + s * t + .5).toLong
m += 1
else {
for (d <- 0 to dy.toInt) {
val s = (xe - xs).toDouble / dy
val t = if (flip) dy - d else d
v(m) = t + ys
u(m) = Math.floor(xs + s * t + .5).toLong
m += 1
(u, v, m)
// get points along y-boundary and downsample
val (downsampleX, downsampleY, downsamplePoints) = {
// use an independent scope
val nPoints = upsamplePoints
var m = 0
val x = new Array[Long](nPoints)
val y = new Array[Long](nPoints)
for (j <- 1 until nPoints) {
if (u(j) != u(j - 1)) {
// Should u(j) - 1 be u(j - 1) ????
val _xd = if (u(j) < u(j - 1)) u(j) else u(j) - 1
val xd = (_xd.toDouble + .5) / scale - .5
if (Math.floor(xd) != xd || xd < 0 || xd > width - 1) {
// continue
} else {
var yd = (if (v(j) < v(j - 1)) v(j) else v(j - 1)).toDouble
yd = (yd + .5) / scale - .5
if (yd < 0) {
yd = 0
} else if (yd > height) {
yd = height
yd = Math.ceil(yd)
x(m) = xd.toInt
y(m) = yd.toInt
m += 1
(x, y, m)

// compute rle encoding given y-boundary points
val x = downsampleX
val y = downsampleY
val nPoints = downsamplePoints + 1
val a = new Array[Long](nPoints)
for (j <- 0 until nPoints - 1)
a(j) = x(j) * height + y(j)
a(nPoints - 1) = height * width

var p = 0L
for (j <- 0 until nPoints) {
val t = a(j)
a(j) -= p
p = t
val b = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
var j = 1
var m = 1
b += a(0).toInt
while (j < nPoints) {
if (a(j) > 0) {
b += a(j).toInt
m += 1
j += 1
else {
j += 1
if (j < nPoints) {
b(m - 1) += a(j).toInt
j += 1
RLEMasks(b.toArray, height, width)

* Merge multiple RLEs into one (union or intersect)
* Implementation based on COCO's MaskApi.c
* @param R the RLEs
* @param intersect if true, do intersection; else find union
* @return the merged RLE
def mergeRLEs(R: Array[RLEMasks], intersect: Boolean): RLEMasks = {
val n = R.length
if (n == 1) return R(0)
val h = R(0).height
val w = R(0).width
val cnts = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
for(i <- 1 until n) {
val B = R(i)
require(B.height == h && B.width == w, "The height and width of the merged RLEs must" +
" be the same")
val acnt = cnts.toArray
val am = cnts.length
var ca = uint2long(acnt(0))
var cb = uint2long(B.counts(0))
var (v, va, vb) = (false, false, false)
var a = 1
var b = 1
var cc = 0L
var ct = 1L

while (ct > 0) {
val c = Math.min(ca, cb)
cc += c
ct = 0
ca -= c
if (ca == 0 && a < am) {
ca = uint2long(acnt(a))
a += 1
va = !va
ct += ca
cb -= c
if (cb == 0 && b < B.counts.length) {
cb = B.get(b)
b += 1
vb = !vb
ct += cb
val vp = v
if (intersect) {
v = va && vb
} else {
v = va || vb
if (v != vp || ct == 0) {
cnts += cc.toInt
cc = 0
RLEMasks(cnts.toArray, h, w)

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