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Core features

News feed

Post a tweet


Follow / Unfollow a user

Common features

Register / Login

Upload image / video



User service

  • Register
  • Login

Tweet service

  • Post a tweet
  • Newsfeed
  • Timeline

Media service

  • Upload image
  • Upload video

Friendship service

  • Follow
  • Unfollow


Storage mechanism

SQL database

  • User table
  • Social graph - followers (SQL/NoSQL)
    • Need to support multiple index

NoSQL database

  • Tweets (Tweet service)

File system

  • Images
  • Videos

Schema design

User table

Columns Type
id Integer
username varchar
email varchar
password varchar

Friendship table

  • Select * from friendship_table where from_user_id = user_id
Columns Type
id Integer
from_user_id foreign key
to_user_id foreign key

Tweet table

Columns Type
id Integer
user_id foreign_key
content text
created_at timestamp

Initial solution


Post tweet

Steps for post a tweet
  1. Client asks to add a new tweet record
  2. Web server asks tweet service to add a new record
postTweet(request, tweet)
	DB.insertTweet(request.User, tweet)
	return success
  • Post a tweet
    • Post a tweet: 1 DB write


Steps for news feed
  1. Client asks web server for news feed.
  2. Web server asks friendship service to get all followings.
  3. Web server asks tweet service to get tweets from followings.
  4. Web server merges each N tweets from each tweet service and merge them together.
  5. Web server returns merged results to client.
// each following's first 100 tweets, merge with a key way sort

	followings = DB.getFollowings(user=request.user)
	newsFeed = empty
	for follow in followings:
		tweets = DB.getTweets(follow.toUser, 100)
	return newsFeed

  • Algorithm level:
    • 100 KlogK ( K is the number of friends)
  • System leveL:
    • Get news feed: N DB reads + K way merge
      • Bottleneck is in N DB reads, although they could be integrated into one big DB query.
  • High latency
    • Need to wait until N DB reads finish


Additional storage

  • Need to have an additional newsfeed table. The newsfeed table contains newsfeed for each user. The newsFeed table schema is as follows:
    • Everyone's newsfeed info is stored in the same newsFeed table.
    • Select * from newsFeed Table where owner_id = XX orderBy createdAt desc limit 20;
Column Type
id integer
ownerId foreign key
tweetId foreign key
createdAt timestamp

Post tweet

  1. Client asks web server to post a tweet.
  2. Web server asks the tweet service to insert the tweet into tweet table.
  3. Web server asks the tweet service to initiate an asynchronous task.
    1. The asynchronous task gets followers from friendship table.
    2. The asynchronus task fanout new tweet to followers' news feed table.
postTweet(request, tweetInfo)
	tweet = DB.insertTweet(request.user, tweetInfo)

	// Do not need to be blocked until finished. RabbitMQ/Kafka
	AsyncService.fanoutTweet(request.user, tweet)
	return success

AsyncService::fanoutTweet(user, tweet)
	followers = DB.getFollowers(user)
	for follower in followers:
		DB.insertNewsFeed(tweet, follower)
  • Post a tweet: N followers, N DB writes. Executed asynchronously.


  1. Get newsfeed from newsFeed Table.
// Each time after a user tweet, fanout his tweets to all followers' feed list

	return DB.getNewsFeed(request.user)
  • 1 DB query
  • When number of followers is really large, the number of asynchronous task will have high latency.


Pull-based approach easier to scale

Scale pull

  • Add cache before visiting DB, faster than 1000 times
  • What to cache
    • Cache each user's timeline
      • N DB query request -> N cache requests
      • Trade off: Cache all timeline? Only cache the latest 1000 timeline
    • Cache each user's newsFeed
      • For users without newsfeed cache: Merge N followers' 100 latest tweets, sort and take the latest 100 tweets.
      • For users with newsfeed cache: Merge N followers' tweets after a specific timestamp. And then merge with the cache.

Scale push

  • Push-based approach stores news feed in disk, much better than the optimized pull approach.
  • For inactive users, do not push
    • Rank followers by weight (for example, last login time)
  • When number of followers >> number of following
    • Lady Gaga has 62.5M followers on Twitter. Justin Bieber has 77.6M on Instagram. Asynchronous task may takes hours to finish.

Push and Pull

Combined approach
  • For users with a lot of followers, use pull; For other users, use push.
  • Define a threshold (number of followers)
    • Below threshold use push
    • Above threshold use pull
  • For popular users, do not push. Followers fetch from their timeline and integrate into news feed.
Oscillation problems
  • May miss updates.
  • Solutions:
    • Star users: Pull not push
    • Half star user: Pull + Push
    • Normal user: Push

Push vs Pull

Push use case
  • Bi-direction relationship
    • No star users: Users do not have a lot of followers
  • Low latency
Pull use case
  • Single direction relationship
    • Star users
  • High latency

Hot spot / Thundering herd problem

  • Cache (Facebook lease get problem)

Additional feature: Follow and unfollow

  • Asynchronously executed
    • Follow a user: Merge users' timeline into news feed asynchronously
    • Unfollow a user: Pick out tweets from news feed asynchronously
  • Benefits:
    • Fast response to users.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Consistency. After unfollow and refreshing newsfeed, users' info still there.

Additional feature: Likes and dislikes

Schema design

  • Tweet table
Columns Type
id integer
userId foreign key
content text
createdAt timestamp
likeNums integer
commentNums integer
retweetNums integer
  • Like table
Columns Type
id integer
userId foreignKey
tweetId foreignKey
createdAt timestamp


  • Select Count in Like Table where tweet id == 1
  • Denormalize:
    • Store like_numbers within Tweet Table
    • Need distributed transactions.
  • Might resulting in inconsistency, but not a big problem.
    • Could keep consistency with a background process.


Design a News Feed System






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