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Metric Analyzer

Customization for your own metrics


The file src/main/resources/sekelton.yaml contains the metric definitions.


The format is as follows:


In components you find key and value. In yaml, key is allowed only once. Therefore, please use an array to define values of the same type.

The value can be a string, a dateperiod or a list of links. The dateperiod is a string with the format yyyy-MM-dd.


Remark: A team YAML is not required. But if there is a team YAML, an application YAML is required. It is not allowed to have the same activity in a team YAML and an application YAML.

Run image

Create file with the following content:


metricCa.levels=Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
docker compose up

Local Installation and Deployment

Local run

./mvnw spring-boot:run

In an other shell:

docker compose up # to startup grafana (or use your own grafana instance)

Go to grafana (e.g. localhost:3000) and setup a service account token with admin rights. Put the token in the for the property metricCA.grafana.apiKey file.

Install Infinity and add it as Data Source via Connection in Grafana as admin.

Extract the Infinity datasource id from Grafana and put it in the for the property

Build and execute with Maven

export spring_profiles_active=dev
mvn spring-boot:run


Panel Types

In case an activity with different periods for different levels is used, we couldn't find a way to display the data in a single panel. Therefore, we created multiple panels for each level. In a panel, we show the end date of a period, this is not possible in case of multiple periods. It might be possible to have different selectors to switch between Levels in a single panel.

In case an activity with same period for different levels is used, the data can be displayed in a single panel.

Create new dashboards

Assuming you are using infinity plugin:

  • Create panel in grafana and click on three dots and then Inspect -> Panel JSON
  • Put JSON of team and overview panels in src/main/resources/templates/panel-infinity-overview/<name>.ftl and/or src/main/resources/templates/panel-infinity-team/<name>.ftl
  • Exchange the title and URL in the JSON with #{title} and #{url} respectively

Adjust activities


Deserialization process (see ApplicationDirector)

  1. Deserialize the YAML in resources/skeleton.yaml in the method to Java object skeletons (getDeserializedApplications() creates sekelton/SeketlonActivity)
    1. Using the models in deserialization/skeleton/Period to represent the activity details (e.g. Thresholds -> DatePeriod)
  2. Called via getDeserializedApplications(skeletonActivities), the ActivityDirector creates the activities from the skeletons and the activity YAML files from git (or for development local file system /activities)
    1. The ActivityFactory is called by the ActivityDirector to create the activities
    2. The ActivityFactory deserializes the YAML files to Java objects
    3. ActivityFactory uses the ActivityBuilder to transport the data from the skeleton to the activity
  3. On request, the ThresholdDatePeriodManager calculates the DatePeriod based on the given dates form YAMLs and threshold-Periods