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ihp-openai: Added support for tools and tool_calls
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mpscholten committed May 14, 2024
1 parent c2aec33 commit 413b95f
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Showing 3 changed files with 831 additions and 41 deletions.
257 changes: 217 additions & 40 deletions ihp-openai/IHP/OpenAI.hs
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Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Control.Retry as Retry
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe

data CompletionRequest = CompletionRequest
{ messages :: ![Message]
Expand All @@ -26,30 +28,48 @@ data CompletionRequest = CompletionRequest
, frequencePenalty :: !(Maybe Double)
, stream :: !Bool
, responseFormat :: !(Maybe ResponseFormat)
, tools :: ![Tool]
} deriving (Eq, Show)

data Message = Message
{ role :: !Role
, content :: !Text
, name :: !(Maybe Text)
, toolCallId :: !(Maybe Text)
, toolCalls :: ![ToolCall]
} deriving (Eq, Show)

data Role
= UserRole
| SystemRole
| AssistantRole
| ToolRole
deriving (Eq, Show)

data ResponseFormat
= ResponseFormat { type_ :: !ResponseFormatType }
deriving (Eq, Show)

data ResponseFormatType
= Text
| JsonObject
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Tool
= Function { description :: !(Maybe Text), name :: !Text, parameters :: !(Maybe JsonSchema) }
deriving (Eq, Show)

data JsonSchema
= JsonSchemaObject ![Property]
| JsonSchemaString
| JsonSchemaInteger
| JsonSchemaNumber
| JsonSchemaArray !JsonSchema
| JsonSchemaEnum ![Text]
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Property
= Property { propertyName :: !Text, type_ :: !JsonSchema, required :: !Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToJSON CompletionRequest where
toJSON CompletionRequest { model, messages, maxTokens, temperature, presencePenalty, frequencePenalty, stream, responseFormat } =
toJSON CompletionRequest { model, messages, maxTokens, temperature, presencePenalty, frequencePenalty, stream, responseFormat, tools } =
[ "model" .= model
, "messages" .= messages
Expand All @@ -59,33 +79,78 @@ instance ToJSON CompletionRequest where
, "presence_penalty" .= presencePenalty
, "frequency_penalty" .= frequencePenalty
, "response_format" .= responseFormat
, "tools" .= emptyListToNothing tools

instance ToJSON Role where
toJSON UserRole = toJSON ("user" :: Text)
toJSON SystemRole = toJSON ("system" :: Text)
toJSON AssistantRole = toJSON ("assistant" :: Text)
toJSON ToolRole = toJSON ("tool" :: Text)

instance ToJSON Message where
toJSON Message { role, content } =
object [ "role" .= role, "content" .= content ]
toJSON Message { role, content, name, toolCallId, toolCalls } =
[ "role" .= role
, "content" .= content
, "name" .= name
, "tool_call_id" .= toolCallId
, "tool_calls" .= emptyListToNothing toolCalls

instance ToJSON ResponseFormat where
toJSON ResponseFormat { type_ } =
object [ "type" .= type_ ]
toJSON Text = object [ "type" .= ("text" :: Text) ]
toJSON JsonObject = object [ "type" .= ("json_object" :: Text) ]

instance ToJSON ResponseFormatType where
toJSON Text = toJSON ("text" :: Text)
toJSON JsonObject = toJSON ("json_object" :: Text)
instance ToJSON Tool where
toJSON Function { description, name, parameters } =
[ "type" .= ("function" :: Text)
, "function" .= (object
[ "name" .= name
, "description" .= description
, "parameters" .= parameters

instance ToJSON JsonSchema where
toJSON (JsonSchemaObject properties) =
[ "type" .= ("object" :: Text)
, "properties" .= (object (concat (map (\property -> [ (Key.fromText property.propertyName) .= (toJSON property.type_) ]) properties)))
toJSON JsonSchemaString =
object [ "type" .= ("string" :: Text) ]

toJSON JsonSchemaInteger =
object [ "type" .= ("integer" :: Text) ]

toJSON JsonSchemaNumber =
object [ "type" .= ("number" :: Text) ]

toJSON (JsonSchemaArray items) =
[ "type" .= ("array" :: Text)
, "items" .= items

toJSON (JsonSchemaEnum values) =
[ "type" .= ("string" :: Text)
, "enum" .= values

userMessage :: Text -> Message
userMessage content = Message { role = UserRole, content }
userMessage content = Message { role = UserRole, content, name = Nothing, toolCallId = Nothing, toolCalls = [] }

systemMessage :: Text -> Message
systemMessage content = Message { role = SystemRole, content }
systemMessage content = Message { role = SystemRole, content, name = Nothing, toolCallId = Nothing, toolCalls = [] }

assistantMessage :: Text -> Message
assistantMessage content = Message { role = AssistantRole, content }
assistantMessage content = Message { role = AssistantRole, content, name = Nothing, toolCallId = Nothing, toolCalls = [] }

toolMessage :: Text -> Message
toolMessage content = Message { role = ToolRole, content, name = Nothing, toolCallId = Nothing, toolCalls = [] }

newCompletionRequest :: CompletionRequest
newCompletionRequest = CompletionRequest
Expand All @@ -97,6 +162,7 @@ newCompletionRequest = CompletionRequest
, model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"
, stream = False
, responseFormat = Nothing
, tools = []

data CompletionResult = CompletionResult
Expand All @@ -119,7 +185,7 @@ instance FromJSON Choice where
pure Choice { text = content }

streamCompletion :: ByteString -> CompletionRequest -> IO () -> (Text -> IO ()) -> IO Text
streamCompletion :: ByteString -> CompletionRequest -> IO () -> (CompletionChunk -> IO ()) -> IO [CompletionChunk]
streamCompletion secretKey completionRequest' onStart callback = do
let completionRequest = enableStream completionRequest'
completionRequestRef <- newIORef completionRequest
Expand All @@ -137,19 +203,20 @@ streamCompletion secretKey completionRequest' onStart callback = do
let onStart' = if retryStatus.rsIterNumber == 0 then onStart else pure ()
Exception.try (streamCompletionWithoutRetry secretKey completionRequest onStart' (wrappedCallback completionRequestRef))

wrappedCallback completionRequestRef text = do
wrappedCallback completionRequestRef completionChunk = do
let text = mconcat $ Maybe.mapMaybe (\choiceDelta -> completionChunk.choices
modifyIORef' completionRequestRef (\completionRequest -> completionRequest
{ messages = completionRequest.messages <> [assistantMessage text]
, maxTokens = case completionRequest.maxTokens of
Just maxTokens -> Just $ maxTokens - (length (Text.words text))
Nothing -> Nothing
callback text
callback completionChunk

retryPolicyDefault = Retry.constantDelay 50000 <> Retry.limitRetries 10

streamCompletionWithoutRetry :: ByteString -> CompletionRequest -> IO () -> (Text -> IO ()) -> IO (Either Text Text)
streamCompletionWithoutRetry :: ByteString -> CompletionRequest -> IO () -> (CompletionChunk -> IO ()) -> IO (Either Text [CompletionChunk])
streamCompletionWithoutRetry secretKey completionRequest' onStart callback = do
let completionRequest = enableStream completionRequest'
modifyContextSSL (\context -> do
Expand All @@ -167,7 +234,7 @@ streamCompletionWithoutRetry secretKey completionRequest' onStart callback = do
receiveResponse connection handler

handler :: Response -> Streams.InputStream ByteString -> IO (Either Text Text)
handler :: Response -> Streams.InputStream ByteString -> IO (Either Text [CompletionChunk])
handler response stream = do
let status = getStatusCode response
if status == 200
Expand All @@ -177,30 +244,61 @@ streamCompletionWithoutRetry secretKey completionRequest' onStart callback = do
(_, _, output) <- Streams.lines stream >>= Streams.foldM (parseResponseChunk callback) ("", False, "")
return (Right output)
state <- Streams.lines stream >>= Streams.foldM (parseResponseChunk' callback) emptyParserState
return (Right state.chunks)
else do
x :: ByteString <- Streams.fold mappend mempty stream
return (Left $ "an error happend: " <> Text.pack (show x))

parseResponseChunk :: (Text -> IO ()) -> (ByteString, Bool, Text) -> ByteString -> IO (ByteString, Bool, Text)
parseResponseChunk callback (curBuffer, emptyLineFound, chunk) input
-- input line is empty, but previous was not, append newline to buffer
| ByteString.null input && not emptyLineFound = pure (curBuffer <> "\n", True, chunk)
-- input line is empty, previous line was already empty: message ended, clear buffer
| ByteString.null input && emptyLineFound = pure ("", True, chunk)
-- lines starting with : are comments, ignore
| ":" `ByteString.isPrefixOf` input = pure (curBuffer, False, chunk)
-- try to parse line together with buffer otherwise
| otherwise = case ByteString.stripPrefix "data: " (ByteString.strip (curBuffer <> input)) of
Just json -> do
case eitherDecodeStrict json of
Right CompletionResult { choices } -> do
let tokens :: Text = mconcat $ map (.text) choices
callback tokens
pure ("", False, chunk <> tokens)
Left err -> pure (curBuffer <> json, False, chunk)
Nothing -> pure (curBuffer <> input, False, chunk)

parseResponseChunk' :: (CompletionChunk -> IO ()) -> ParserState -> ByteString -> IO ParserState
parseResponseChunk' callback state input =
case parseResponseChunk state input of
ParserResult { chunk = Just chunk, state } -> do
callback chunk
pure state
ParserResult { state } -> pure state

data ParserState = ParserState
{ curBuffer :: !ByteString
, emptyLineFound :: !Bool
, chunks :: ![CompletionChunk]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data ParserResult = ParserResult
{ chunk :: !(Maybe CompletionChunk)
, state :: ParserState
} deriving (Eq, Show)
emptyParserState :: ParserState
emptyParserState = ParserState { curBuffer = "", emptyLineFound = False, chunks = [] }

parseResponseChunk :: ParserState -> ByteString -> ParserResult
parseResponseChunk ParserState { curBuffer, emptyLineFound, chunks } input
-- input line is empty, but previous was not, append newline to buffer
| ByteString.null input && not emptyLineFound = ParserResult { chunk = Nothing, state = ParserState { curBuffer = curBuffer <> "\n", emptyLineFound = True, chunks } }
-- input line is empty, previous line was already empty: message ended, clear buffer
| ByteString.null input && emptyLineFound = ParserResult { chunk = Nothing, state = ParserState { curBuffer = "", emptyLineFound = True, chunks } }
-- lines starting with : are comments, ignore
| ":" `ByteString.isPrefixOf` input = ParserResult { chunk = Nothing, state = ParserState { curBuffer = curBuffer, emptyLineFound = False, chunks } }
-- try to parse line together with buffer otherwise
| otherwise = case ByteString.stripPrefix "data: " (ByteString.strip (curBuffer <> input)) of
-- the stream terminated by a data: [DONE] message
Just "[DONE]" ->
ParserResult { chunk = Nothing, state = ParserState { curBuffer, emptyLineFound, chunks } }
Just json ->
case eitherDecodeStrict json of
Right (completionChunk :: CompletionChunk) ->
{ chunk = Just completionChunk
, state = ParserState { curBuffer = "", emptyLineFound = False, chunks = chunks <> [completionChunk] }
Left err -> error (show err <> " while parsing " <> show input)
-- { chunk = Nothing
-- , state = ParserState { curBuffer = curBuffer <> json, emptyLineFound = False, chunks = chunks } }
Nothing ->
{ chunk = Nothing
, state = ParserState { curBuffer = curBuffer <> input, emptyLineFound = False, chunks = chunks } }

fetchCompletion :: ByteString -> CompletionRequest -> IO Text
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,3 +333,82 @@ fetchCompletionWithoutRetry secretKey completionRequest = do

enableStream :: CompletionRequest -> CompletionRequest
enableStream completionRequest = completionRequest { stream = True }

data CompletionChunk = CompletionChunk
{ id :: !Text
, choices :: [CompletionChunkChoice]
, created :: Int
, model :: !Text
, systemFingerprint :: !(Maybe Text)
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance FromJSON CompletionChunk where
parseJSON = withObject "CompletionChunk" $ \v -> CompletionChunk
<$> v .: "id"
<*> v .: "choices"
<*> v .: "created"
<*> v .: "model"
<*> v .: "system_fingerprint"

data CompletionChunkChoice
= CompletionChunkChoice { delta :: !Delta }
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance FromJSON CompletionChunkChoice where
parseJSON = withObject "CompletionChunkChoice" $ \v -> CompletionChunkChoice
<$> v .: "delta"

data Delta
= Delta
{ content :: !(Maybe Text)
, toolCalls :: !(Maybe [ToolCall])
, role :: !(Maybe Role)
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance FromJSON Delta where
parseJSON = withObject "Delta" $ \v -> Delta
<$> v .:? "content"
<*> v .:? "tool_calls"
<*> v .:? "role"

instance FromJSON Role where
parseJSON (String "user") = pure UserRole
parseJSON (String "system") = pure SystemRole
parseJSON (String "assistant") = pure AssistantRole
parseJSON (String "ToolRole") = pure ToolRole
parseJSON otherwise = fail ("Failed to parse role" <> show otherwise)

data ToolCall
= FunctionCall
{ index :: !Int
, id :: !(Maybe Text)
, name :: !(Maybe Text)
, arguments :: !Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance FromJSON ToolCall where
parseJSON = withObject "ToolCall" $ \v -> do
index <- v .: "index"
id <- v .:? "id"

function <- v .: "function"
name <- function .:? "name"
arguments <- function .: "arguments"

pure FunctionCall { index, id, name, arguments }

instance ToJSON ToolCall where
toJSON FunctionCall { index, id, name, arguments } =
[ "index" .= index
, "id" .= id
, "type" .= ("function" :: Text)
, "function" .= object [ "name" .= name, "arguments" .= arguments ]

-- [{"text": "Introdu", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "finish_reason": null}]

emptyListToNothing :: [value] -> Maybe [value]
emptyListToNothing [] = Nothing
emptyListToNothing values = Just values

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