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Backend of the app miSalle. A personal project to improve my university experience.


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miSalle was a product for the students of the Universidad De La Salle Bajío, but the server was blocked due to conflict of interests by the institution administration. You can read more about this at public/index.html.

In this repository you will find the server side of the product, which gets the students information from the university system, and returns it as a 'json' for its manipulation.

The code of the app complementing the server can be found at


With miSalle you can get:

  • Student personal information
  • Schedule
  • Credits
  • Grades


You will need to run miSalleScrapper:

  • ruby 2.4.0
  • postgresql
  • bundle


$ git clone
$ cd miSalleScrapper
$ bundle install
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate


For running miSalleScrapper:

bundle exec rakup -p 3000


To get the student information, you need its enrollment number, password and system:

System numbers:

  • Lomas del campestre:
    • Licenciatura: 1
    • Profesional asociado: 4
    • Especialidad: 5
    • Maestría: 6
  • Juan Alonso de Torres
    • Preparatoria: 43
  • Américas
    • Preparatoria: 33
  • Salamanca
    • Licenciatura 1: 20
    • Licenciatura 2: 21
    • Preparatoria: 23
    • Especialidad: 25
    • Maestría: 26
  • San Francisco del Rincón
    • Secundaria: 12
    • Preparatoria: 13

All the student information:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"matricula": "XXXXX", "password": "XXXXXX", "sistema": X}' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/alumno

Student credits:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"matricula": "XXXXX", "password": "XXXXXX", "sistema": X}' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/creditos

Student grades:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"matricula": "XXXXX", "password": "XXXXXX", "sistema": X}' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/periodos

System description

Every request to the system, will be processed by the file app/router_v1.rb.

The university expended the username and password of the student, but the system doesn't really need those. I only implemented it to verify the identity of the user. If you want to get any student's information, go to app/navegador.rb.

In this file you will find the logic that navigates the university system for the data extraction. For further specification, go to Navegador.parsear.

Once the navegador.rb gets the webpage needed, it sends the information to the files inside app/parser/. There the system manipulates the data to serve it as a json.



Problem Description

The students of the Universidad De La Salle Bajío don't have a natural way of consume their relevant academic information. With a natural way I want to say "a phone platform native way".



The student can check its information faster, so the interaction with its university will be improved, making him to feel closer to the institution.


Proceses will be automatized with the general vision of the system, which means cost and time savings. The school employees can spend their time in less repetitive tasks, improving the institution productivity in general.


At launch day, to see the next information:

  • Schedule
  • Grades
  • Credits
  • Teachers

the student needs to make the next steps:

  1. Open web browser
  2. Go to university website
  3. Go to students website
  4. Log in
  5. Go to information website
  6. Go to a webpage depending on what information he needs

At launch day there was no competition at all.


Make a mobile solution to serve as intermediary between the student and the institution.


miSalle will be part of processes that involve the student and what its called "college comunity".

Out Of Scope

If a feature breaks the the relation student-"college comunity" is out of the scope of the project.


  • Money to pay the infrastructure
  • Human resources
  • Time


  • There is no market competiton, so the system can reach the 100% of the school population
  • This opens the possibility to work with the university
  • This can open the oportunity to change the teaching system


Further in time, I can see the system doing the following:

  • Credits details
  • Show bachelor subjects
  • Schedule by week
  • The student will be able to track its absences without the need to wait for the system to register them
  • The user will be able to create events and projects, so other students can join them
  • Some type of network will be made between the business around the school and the students
  • A pay option will be available within the app, thus the student doesn't need to go to the bank
  • An evaluation system will be implemented to rate your teachers and subjects

Functional Requirements

  1. The user will access the app with university credentials
  2. The system will show a daily schedule, only showing the student classes with its teacher's name
  3. The system will show the next class in case one exists
  4. The system will show the student's grades by period
  5. The system will show the student's social, cultural and sports credits
  6. The system will show how many days are left before the next payment's due date
  7. The system will show the student's absences by subject
  8. The system will show the student's name, enrollment number and bachelor
  9. The student will upload a picture to its personal information

Non Functional Requirements

  1. The system will get the information using web scrapping
  2. The client of the system needs to be a mobile application
  3. The application will exists in Android an iOS platforms, making Android a priority
  4. The system will give access only to those who have university expended credentials
  5. The application needs to be capable of displaying the student's information without an internet connection


IP blocked by the institution (This happened)


By taking advantage of a vulnerability, and accesing the information by web scrapping, the institution can detect the traffic spike and just block the IP of the system.


High It is the main source of information.

  1. The Arquitecture shows how the tiers are distributed. The scrapper being hosted on Heroku, gives the system a dynamic IP. So if this risk happens, it only takes to restart the dyno to get a different IP
  2. Keeping the information offline in the student's device, while the dyno restart takes place, the users wont notice the event

This risk happened and led to the shutdown of the service. I underestimated the technology department of the institution, and I wasn't prepared enough to overcome the blocking.

Change on the institution website


Webscrapping is how the system gets the students information, so this means that it is heavily dependent on how the website html is structured due to the lack of css selectors to navigate it.


Medium Every change done to the institution's website, needs to be adjusted in the system.


Low The website is poorly designed, being only a sequence of html tables and by analysing it, heavily attached to how the information is stored in the institution database. Thanks to my expirience as a student at the institution, I observed that burocracy slows down any effort to change something, so a change seems hard to happen.

Also it is known that on the first semester of the year, the institution revise the budget to put it to work on the second half of the year. The system being launched at August 2017, gives us a window of opportunity of almost a year to create a solid user base.


Designing the system following SOLID principles and Separation of Concerns, so when change comes, it can happen without affecting other components.

Lack of income ($$$)


The project doesn't have have any sponsors to pay for the servers, so for a start the costs will be covered by me (Eduardo). This brings a limitation of funding to hire new developers and scaling the infrastructure.


Medium The initial inversion doesn't represent much of a problem in a short term plan. By the time the server load increases, a solid user base will exists, which brings the opportunity to atract funding.


Medium I don't have the expirience to make a real estimation of how much the system will cost related to its traffic.

  1. A free private git repository will be used for the development
  2. An ad centric business model will be utilized

High Level Design

Data Flow Analysis

Screen Analysis

System Design

Class Diagram (May be outdated)

Architecture Modules

Color Palette

UI Prototype

API Spec





By using this, you can get all the information of the student, including the following:

  • General information
  • Schedule
  • Credits
  • Grades
  • Payment due dates




{matricula: "XXXXX", password: "XXXXXX", sistema: "X"}

Response (200)

  "matricula": "XXX",
  "nombre": "XXXX",
  "apellido_p": "XXXX",
  "apellido_m": "XXXX",
  "email": "XXXXX",
  "usuario": {
    "matricula": "XXXX",
    "password": "XXXX",
    "sistema": 1
  "campus": {
    "nombre": "XXXXXX"
  "programa": {
    "nombre": "XXXXX"
  "creditos": [{
    "tipo": "XXXXX",
    "necesarios": 0,
    "actuales": 0
  }, {
    "tipo": "XXXX",
    "necesarios": 0,
    "actuales": 0
  }, {
    "tipo": "XXXX",
    "necesarios": 0,
    "actuales": 0
  "clases": [{
    "dia": 1,
    "hora_inicio": 14,
    "hora_final": 16,
    "materia": {
      "nombre": "XXXX"
    "profesor": {
      "nombre": "XXXXXX"
  "periodos": [{
    "nombre": "XXXXX",
    "boletas": [{
      "tipo": "XXXXX",
      "materia": {
        "nombre": "XXXXX"
      "profesor": {
        "nombre": "XXXXX"
      "faltas": 0,
      "parciales": [{
        "numero": 1,
        "calificacion": 0.0
      }, {
        "numero": 2,
        "calificacion": 0.0
      }, {
        "numero": 3,
        "calificacion": 0.0
      }, {
        "numero": 4,
        "calificacion": 0.0
      }, {
        "numero": 5,
        "calificacion": 0.0
  "pagos": [{
    "id": 1,
    "fecha": "2017-08-11"
  "nuevo_ingreso": 0





By using this, you can get all the the student's credits.




{matricula: "XXXXX", password: "XXXXXX", sistema: "X"}

Response (200)

  "creditos": [{
    "tipo": "Solidaridad",
    "necesarios": 30,
    "actuales": 33
  }, {
    "tipo": "Cultural",
    "necesarios": 30,
    "actuales": 33
  }, {
    "tipo": "Deportivo",
    "necesarios": 30,
    "actuales": 32





By using this, you can get all the the student's credits.




{matricula: "XXXXX", password: "XXXXXX", sistema: "X"}

Response (200)

  "periodos": [{
    "nombre": "XXXXX",
    "boletas": [{
      "tipo": "XXXXX",
      "materia": {
        "nombre": "XXXXX"
      "profesor": {
        "nombre": "XXXXX"
      "faltas": 0,
      "parciales": [{
        "numero": 1,
        "calificacion": 0.0
      }, {
        "numero": 2,
        "calificacion": 0.0
      }, {
        "numero": 3,
        "calificacion": 0.0
      }, {
        "numero": 4,
        "calificacion": 0.0
      }, {
        "numero": 5,
        "calificacion": 0.0


A special mention to Andrea Hernández De Alba, for her initial colaboration in the project, making the UI design, the frontend and part of the development of the Android app.


Backend of the app miSalle. A personal project to improve my university experience.







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