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Releases: elastic/eui


12 Sep 17:45
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  • Updated EuiText, EuiTextColor, and EuiTextAlign with a new component prop that allows changing the default rendered <div> wrapper to a <span> or <p> tag. (#7993)
  • Updated EuiDataGrid's cell actions to always consistently be left-aligned, regardless of text content alignment (#8011)
  • Increased EuiDataGrid's cell actions hover zone to reduce UX friction when mousing over from the grid cell to its actions (#8011)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiPopover to correctly inherit from EuiProvider's componentDefaults.EuiPortal.insert (#8003)
  • Fixed push EuiFlyoutResizables to not potentially block scrollbars on outside content (#8010)
  • Fixed an EuiDataGrid bug where the setCellProps callback passed by renderCellValue was not correctly applying custom data-test-subjs (#8011)


  • Updated the EuiBasicTable actions button's aria-label by adding a reference to the current row (#7994)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiDataGrid's toolbar controls to Emotion (#7997)
    • Removed $euiDataGridPopoverMaxHeight
  • Converted EuiDataGrid to Emotion (#7998)
    • Removed $euiZDataGrid
    • Removed $euiZHeaderBelowDataGrid
  • Converted EuiDataGrid's gridStyles to Emotion; Removed the following Sass variables and mixins: (#8006)
    • $euiDataGridCellPaddingS
    • $euiDataGridCellPaddingM
    • $euiDataGridCellPaddingL
    • $euiDataGridVerticalBorder
    • $euiDataGridPrefix
    • $euiDataGridStyles
    • @euiDataGridSelector
    • @euiDataGridStyles
  • Converted EuiDataGrid's cell popover, actions, and focus outline to Emotion; Removed the following Sass variables and mixins: (#8011)
    • $euiZDataGridCellPopover
    • @euiDataGridCellFocus
  • Converted EuiDataGrid's row, header, and footer cells to Emotion; Removed the following Sass variables and mixins: (#8013)
    • $euiDataGridColumnResizerWidth
    • @euiDataGridRowCell
    • @euiDataGridHeaderCell
    • @euiDataGridFooterCell


04 Sep 16:33
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed a visual bug in compact density EuiDataGrids, where the header cell height would increase when the actions button became visible (#7999)


03 Sep 18:05
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  • Updated EuiDataGrid to support interactive header cell content (#7898)
  • Updated EuiSearchBar's field_value_selection filter type with a new autoSortOptions config, allowing consumers to configure whether or not selected options are automatically sorted to the top of the filter list (#7958)
  • Updated getDefaultEuiMarkdownPlugins to support the following new default plugin configurations: (#7985)
    • parsingConfig.linkValidator, which allows configuring allowRelative and allowProtocols
    • parsingConfig.emoji, which allows configuring emoticon parsing
    • processingConfig.linkProps, which allows configuring rendered links with any props that EuiLink accepts
    • See our Markdown plugins documentation for example EuiMarkdownFormat and EuiMarkdownEditor usage
  • Updated EuiDatePicker to support append and prepend nodes in its form control layout (#7987)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed border rendering bug with inline EuiDatePickers with shadow={false} (#7987)
  • Fixed EuiSuperSelect's placeholder text color to match other form controls (#7995)


  • Improved the keyboard navigation and screen reader output for EuiDataGrid header cells (#7898)


27 Aug 03:13
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  • Updated EuiSearchBar's optional box.schema prop with a new recognizedFields configuration. This allows specifying the phrases that will be parsed as field clauses (#7960)
  • Updated EuiIcon with a new tokenSemanticText glyph (#7971)
  • Added support for TypeScript 5 (#7980)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiSelectableTemplateSitewide styles when used within a dark-themed EuiHeader (#7977)


19 Aug 23:04
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  • Updated EuiHeaderLinks's mobile menu to set a slight popover padding by default (#7961)
    • This can be overridden via popoverProps.panelPaddingSize if needed.
  • Updated EuiHeaderLink to default to a size of s (down from m) (#7961)


  • Updated the aria-label attribute for the EuiFieldSearch clear button (#7970)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a visual bug with <EuiDualRange showInput="inputWithPopover" /> form controls (#7957)


  • Deprecated EuiFormRow's columnCompressedSwitch display prop. Use columnCompressed instead, which will automatically account for child EuiSwitches (#7968)
  • Deprecated EuiFormRow's rowCompressed display prop. Use row instead for vertical forms, or centerCompressed for inline forms (#7968)
  • (Styling) Updated EuiFormRow's hasEmptySpaceLabel prop to no longer attempt to automatically align its content to a vertical center. Use the display="center" prop for that instead (#7968)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiFormControlLayout to Emotion (#7954)
    • Removed .euiFormControlLayout--*icons classNames and --eui-form-control-layout-icons-padding CSS var. Use --euiFormControlRightIconsCount or --euiFormControlLeftIconsCount instead
  • Converted EuiFormLayoutDelimited to Emotion (#7957)
  • Fixed cloneElementWithCss throwing an error when used multiple times without a key prop (#7957)
  • Updated cloneElementWithCss utility to support a third argument that allows prepending vs. appending the cloned Emotion css className (#7957)
  • Removed @euiFormControlLayoutClearIcon Sass mixin (#7959)
  • Converted EuiDescribedFormGroup to Emotion (#7964)
  • Converted EuiForm, EuiFormHelpText, and EuiFormErrorText to Emotion (#7966)
  • Converted EuiFormLabel and EuiFormLegend to Emotion; Removed @euiFormLabel mixin (#7967)
  • Converted EuiFormRow to Emotion (#7968)
  • Converted EuiCheckbox to Emotion (#7969)
  • Converted EuiRadio to Emotion (#7969)
  • Converted EuiSwitch to Emotion (#7969)
  • Removed the following Sass variables: (#7969)
    • $euiFormCustomControlDisabledIconColor
    • $euiFormCustomControlBorderColor
    • $euiRadioSize
    • $euiCheckBoxSize
    • $euiCheckboxBorderRadius
    • $euiSwitchHeight (and compressed/mini variants)
    • $euiSwitchWidth (and compressed/mini variants)
    • $euiSwitchThumbSize (and compressed/mini variants)
    • $euiSwitchIconHeight
    • $euiSwitchOffColor
  • Removed the following Sass mixins: (#7969)
    • euiIconBackground
    • euiCustomControl
    • euiCustomControlSelected
    • euiCustomControlDisabled
    • euiCustomControlFocused


12 Aug 16:31
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CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiSelectable to Emotion (#7940)
    • Removed $euiSelectableListItemBorder
    • Removed $euiSelectableListItemPadding
  • Converted EuiSelectableTemplateSitewide to Emotion (#7944)
    • Removed $euiSelectableTemplateFocusBackgroundLight
    • Removed $euiSelectableTemplateFocusBackgroundDark
    • Removed $euiSelectableTemplateSitewideTypes
  • Converted EuiComboBox to Emotion (#7950)


05 Aug 17:38
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  • Updated EuiIcon with a new crossInCircle glyph (#7924)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiEmptyPrompt to correctly collapse and expand responsively when used with custom breakpoints larger than the default xl breakpoint (#7935)


  • Improved the experience of EuiModal by ensuring nested EuiPopover closes on Escape keypress instead of the modal (#7939)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiDatePicker to Emotion (#7937)
    • Removed $euiDatePickerCalendarWidth
    • Removed $euiDatePickerPadding
    • Removed $euiDatePickerGap
    • Removed $euiDatePickerCalendarColumns
    • Removed $euiDatePickerButtonSize
    • Removed $euiDatePickerMinControlWidth
    • Removed $euiDatePickerMaxControlWidth
    • Removed @mixin datePickerCaret
    • Removed @mixin datePickerArrow


29 Jul 17:15
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  • Added minusInSquare and plusInSquare glyphs to EuiIcon. (#7875)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiSuperDatePicker not correctly passing refreshMinInterval from the quick select popover (#7905)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiSuperDatePicker's form control to Emotion; (#7904)
    • Removed $euiSuperDatePickerWidth
    • Removed $euiSuperDatePickerButtonWidth
    • Removed $euiSuperDatePickerNeedsUpdatingBackgroundColor
    • Removed $euiSuperDatePickerNeedsUpdatingTextColor
    • Removed @euiSuperDatePickerText mixin
  • Converted EuiSuperDatePicker's date popover content to Emotion (#7908)
  • Converted EuiSuperDatePicker's quick select to Emotion (#7909)


22 Jul 17:13
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  • Added anomalyChart, anomalySwimLane, changePointDetection, fieldStatistics, logPatternAnalysis, logRateAnalysis and singleMetricViewer glyph to EuiIcon (#7873)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed overlapping content in EuiBasicTable for expanded and selectable table rows (#7895)
  • Fixed the alignment of EuiBasicTable mobile actions (#7895)


  • Improved EuiStat's screen reader accessibility (#7864)


01 Jul 21:56
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  • Updated EuiThemeProviders to allow modifying/setting custom breakpoints in nested usage (as opposed to only at the top EuiProvider level) (#7862)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a Chrome/Edge CSS mask-image bug that was affecting scroll overflow shadow utilties (#7855)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiColorPicker to Emotion; Removed $euiColorPickerWidth (#7845)
  • Converted EuiColorPickerSwatch to Emotion (#7853)
  • Converted EuiColorPalettePicker and EuiColorPaletteDisplay to Emotion (#7854)
    • Removed $euiColorPaletteDisplaySizes
    • Removed @mixin euiColorPaletteInnerBorder
  • Removed $euiColorPickerValueRange0, $euiColorPickerValueRange1, $euiColorPickerSaturationRange0, $euiColorPickerSaturationRange1, and $euiColorPickerIndicatorSize (#7859)


  • Updated the aria-label attribute for the EuiFilePicker remove file button (#7860)