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Web and Android app for collaborative vocabulary practice, along with flashcard creation.

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What is this repository for?

How to Run


➜ Install Node 18.13.0 using nvm

➜ Install docker and docker-compose

Clone the repo and install all dependencies

git clone

cd vocabulary-flashcard-backend

npm install

Run the backing services

docker-compose up -d

Create the configuration

npm run create:env

Synchronize model changes into the database

npm run migration:run

Run the tests

npm run test

Start the development environment

npm run start:dev

API docs


DB Keys Naming Convention

Primary Key


e.g., PK_Android_id

Foreign Key


e.g., FK_Definition_vocabularyId_Vocabulary_id

Unique Key


e.g., UQ_User_username, UQ_LeitnerSystems_userId_vocabularyId

Generate new migration script after changing the entity class(es)

npm run migration:generate -n <file-name>

Deploy to AWS

➜ Create an application at AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Set Virtual machine key pair (under Security section)

Set the environment variables (under Software section)

➜ Create the database at AWS RDS

Carefully set VPC/Security groups

Follow this to connect to the Amazon RDS instance in a VPC

➜ Create a deployment pipeline at AWS CodePipeline

➜ Deploy!


➜ Read about enabling HTTPS with Let's Encrypt from here

Change Logs

  • 1.52.1: Sent current date's guessing game related date from the table avoiding random generation
  • 1.52.0: API to get randomly chosen meanings (part of the guessing game)
  • 1.51.0: Created a separate DB (Docker container) for the automated test with fsync=off, synchronous_commit=off and full_page_writes=off
  • 1.50.0: Empty array when a vocab does not have a definition using the FILTER clause
  • 1.49.0: Automated getting certificate to enable HTTPS after a new EC2 instance gets launched
  • 1.48.0: Node 18 + Upgraded packages
  • 0.47.0: Added @Post(/v1/users/active-users)
  • 0.46.0: Fake caching user to reduce DB hit during authentication
  • 0.45.0: Added @Delete(/v1/users/self) API
  • 0.44.0: Set TypeORM eager to false
  • 0.43.0: Removed cohort ID from the API response
  • 0.42.0: Automated the linker words' relationship
  • 0.41.0: Refactored @Post(/v1/leitner-systems/items/:box) to filter return a single item when there are items that are supposed to have appeared in future
  • 0.40.0: Refactored @Post(/v1/vocabularies/search) to filter flashcard
  • 0.39.1: Refactored @Post(/v1/cohorts) to move all users' vocab to the requested cohort
  • 0.39.0: Refactored @Put(/v1/cohorts/:name) to move all users' vocab to the requested cohort
  • 0.38.1: Refactored @Post(/v1/vocabularies/search): Trimmed the search keyword before starting searching
  • 0.38.0: Refactored @Post(/v1/vocabularies/search) to send only the required props
  • 0.37.0: Replaced COUNT() with EXISTS() where applicable
  • 0.36.0: Added @Get(/v1/vocabularies/words/:word)
  • 0.35.0: Refactored @Post(/v1/leitner-systems/items/:box) to send an item that is not ready to appear to the user
  • 0.34.0: Added validator @IsEqualToByConfig()
  • 0.33.0: Refactored @Post(/v1/users) to send minimal data
  • 0.32.0: Authenticated @Post(/v1/users)
  • 0.31.0: Verified token using the Google provided API
  • 0.30.0: Allowed executing reporting related APIs only if the provided secret is matched
  • 0.29.0: Automated the migration scripts generation following the naming strategy
  • 0.28.0: Added test cases to validate the naming convention of the database keys (cont. 0.25.0)
  • 0.27.0: Changed the type of the column currentBox from the enum to the smallint
  • 0.26.0: Cron job to ping the health-check endpoint using the EB post-deployment hook
  • 0.25.0: Standardized the DB (primary, foreign, unique) keys
  • 0.24.0: Extended the Elastic Beanstalk default nginx configuration
  • 0.23.1: Added API to check if a vocabulary already exists
  • 0.23.0: Prevented adding same vocabulary multiple times (within the same cohort)
  • 0.22.0: Fixed the bug: cohortId is now the foreign key in the Vocabulary table
  • 0.21.0: Removed @Get(/v1/leitner-systems/exists/user/:vocabularyId) + Wrote missing test cases for 3 APIs
  • 0.20.0: Introduced foreign keys at the LeitnerSystems table
  • 0.19.0: Refactored + Prevented updating a vocab by an intruder
  • 0.18.0: Removed pinging to instance using all ENIs
  • 0.17.0: Removed the environment variable NPM_USE_PRODUCTION
  • 0.16.0: Prevented deleting vocabulary by an intruder
  • 0.15.0: CORS with specific origins
  • 0.14.0: CI pipeline with GitHub actions
  • 0.13.0: Integrated Terminus (NestJS provided health checks)
  • 0.12.0: Interceptor to log the request headers
  • 0.11.1: Capitalized all linker words
  • 0.11.0: Advanced searching/filtering
  • 0.10.0: Swagger
  • 0.9.1: Refactored the API /v1/users/all to apply ordering and send total number of users
  • 0.9.0: HTTPS for the localhost
  • 0.8.0: Introduced health check endpoint
  • 0.7.1: Fixed import issue in the test files
  • 0.7.0: Added APIs for reporting purpose
  • 0.6.3: Auto setting of isDraft if a vocab has at least one definition
  • 0.6.2: Dynamic vocab ordering
  • 0.6.1: Added script to remove a leitner item for a user
  • 0.6.0: Added functionality to remove definitions
  • 0.5.5: Fixed the (TypeORM) relationship between Vocabulary and Definition + Ordered definitions by their creation time
  • 0.5.4: Populated leitner box existence info
  • 0.5.3: Applied ordering for the leitner items
  • 0.5.2: Attached triggering time with Leitner box item
  • 0.5.1: Attached Leitner box info within the response payload of the vocab search API
  • 0.5.0: Leitner systems
  • 0.4.4: Module for Android stuff
  • 0.4.3: Ordered cohort members by their firstname (/v1/cohorts/self)
  • 0.4.2: Modified the cohort related APIs to accept usernames instead of user IDs
  • 0.4.1: Added API for populating the new user with few vocabularies
  • 0.4.0: Added authentication using JWT
  • 0.3.2: Added validation for external links
  • 0.3.1: Added vocabulary find/removal functionality
  • 0.3.0: Added vocabulary creation/update functionality
  • 0.2.0: Added cohort functionality
  • 0.1.0: Added user functionality