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Releases: eve-seat/seat

v0.14.1 - Bugfixes

10 Mar 05:09
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NB Upgrade notes

Upgrading from SeAT v0.14.0 to v0.14.1 requires no special upgrade commands. The normal upgrade guide found here applies.


  • UI Fixes in the corporation ledgers (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Increase alt character avatar quality in the character sheet.
  • Add additional error checking to the keyAccess checking routines.

... and a few other smaller UI / backend enhancements and fixes!

Release Stats:

8 commits in 6 changed files with * 88 additions* and * 75 deletions.*

v0.14.0 - Bugfixes and Performance Improvements

05 Mar 07:48
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NB Upgrade notes

Upgrading from SeAT v0.13.x to v0.14.0 requires no special upgrade commands. The normal upgrade guide found here applies.


  • Fix the Heavy Interdiction cruiser typeID in the character ship skills breakdown (thanks @gattebury)
  • Fix a case where last_login and last_login_source fields would cause errors (thanks @skarp2)
  • Fix a few cases where the applications settings for number formats where not honored (thanks @mglinski)
  • Fix a bug where too many permissions would cause an exception
  • Fix a case where setting the thousands separator to a space would not validate correctly.
  • Fix the time calculation for SeAT to pause requesting updates from the API if the IP is banned (thanks @mglinski)
  • Fix a few calls from Cache::set() to Cache::put() (thanks @mglinski)
  • Fix a case where queuing new jobs for eve related information would fail (thanks @mglinski)
  • Fix a case where items with 0 size (like bookmarks) would cause a division by 0 problem (thanks @kunnis)
  • Typo fixes and clarification in the seat:diagnose command (thanks @Zumochi)


  • Add links to external services for characters such as EveBoard, zKillboard etc (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Add industrial command ships to the character ship skills breakdown (thanks @gattebury)
  • Add ORE ships to the ship skills breakdown (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Add Incursions sections to the Corporation Wallet Ledgers (thanks @sn0opy)
  • Add total value of all corporation wallet divisions (thanks @sn0opy)
  • Add a CentOS 7 install guide.
  • Add a basic troubleshooting guide (thanks @Nutbolt52)
  • Add corporation wallet totals to the home page (thanks @mglinski)
  • Add a corporation list / overview (thanks @mglinski)
  • Add an administrative email contact setting that gets sent as an User-Agent header with API requests so that CCP may easily identify bad installs hitting the API.
  • Cache user settings to relieve some database strain (thanks @mglinski)
  • Update stations location look-ups to support Thera (thanks @kunnis)
  • SeAT notifications can now have the time a member is considered inactive set, as well as the time in advance that a Starbase should warn about low fuel.
  • Add lazy loading of images. This should significantly improve client side rendering speeds in many pages. (big thanks to @mglinski)

... and a few other smaller UI / backend enhancements and fixes!

Release Stats:

76 commits in 103 changed files with * 3256 additions* and * 1409 deletions.*

v0.13.0 - Email Notifications and Fixes

11 Jan 16:01
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NB Upgrade notes

Please ensure you read and follow docs/upgrade_specifics/ after following the usual upgrade guide! An important email related configuration change was made.


  • API application access usernames are now completely randomly generated instead of attempting to make use of the user provided application name.
  • Fix a bug in SeatGuard where groups with no permissions were causing exceptions when trying to unserialize empty strings.
  • Multiple other SeatGaurd fixes and optimizations.
  • Remove unpublished skills from the skills that can be searched for (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Fix multiple datatables sorting problems (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Refactor the POS code in both the view and the controller to make it more manageable in the long term.
  • Move the SMTP Port and Encryption configuration to the .env.php file (thanks @ccatlett1984 and @warlof)
  • Fix an exception namespacing problem in the corporation starbase details EVE API updater.
  • Fix a case where the Corporation Customs office's view will fail with an exception (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Fix an error when manually adding a new user and assigning them to the Administrators group (thanks @gattebury)
  • Fix a security issue in the mail search functionality (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Fix tooltips and popovers not displaying in ajax responses.


  • Add an experimental seat:update command that will hopefully make future upgrades easier.
  • Add a tab in the corporation members security view that will display the member/title to role mappings (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Add some styling to SeAT emails.
  • Most notifications have been revisited to have their content be more useful.
  • User's can now subscribe to having notifications emailed to them using the email that they have used for their SeAT account.

... and a few other smaller UI / backend enhancements and fixes!

Release Stats:

52 commits in 73 changed files with * 3268 additions* and * 639 deletions.*

v0.12.3 - Search Fixes

29 Dec 10:52
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NB Upgrade notes

The normal upgrade path applies for v0.12.2 to v0.12.3.


  • Fix a issue introduced in v0.12.2 which could prevent searching from functioning correctly.
  • Update composer.json to copy the sample .env.php file when installing dependencies.

Release Stats:

4 commits in 3 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions.

v0.12.2 - Password Reset and Search Fixes

29 Dec 07:23
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NB Upgrade notes

The normal upgrade path applies for v0.12.1 to v0.12.2.


  • Fix date sorting in the Corporation Member tracking view. (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Fix the password reset functionality that broke during the \Auth migration. (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Fix a case where searching would error if a user has no valid API keys or permissions.
  • Fix a case where group creation could fail when a group has no assigned permissions. (thanks @tomveninga)

Release Stats:

7 commits in 6 changed files with 20 additions and 9 deletions.

v0.12.1 - User Management Fixes

22 Dec 06:29
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NB Upgrade notes

The normal upgrade path applies for v.12.0 to v0.12.1.


  • Fix a validation error that prevented accounts from being registered.
  • Fix account statuses not being set to enabled with administratively created accounts.
  • Fix a standings typo in the POCO's view (thanks @ccatlett1984)
  • Fix administrative account deletion to not soft delete and return API keys owned by the user back to the admin user.


  • Update the login page placeholder to state that usernames or emails are valid logins

Release Stats:

6 commits in 6 changed files with 23 additions and 13 deletions.

v0.12.0 - Auth, API, POCOs, Notifications and many many Fixes

20 Dec 20:37
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NB Upgrade notes

The normal upgrade path applies, however, v0.12.0 requires some manual intervention! Go read the upgrade specifics here for v0.11.x -> v0.12.0.


  • All code has had its indentation fixed up to a standard, as well as license information added.
  • The sidebar in the web interface will remain open in the correct context when working with the SeAT configuration views.
  • Solve multiple box collapsing issues where minimizing was not happening. (thanks @gregoryduckworth)
  • Fix a sorting issue with regards to character employment records (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Fix a calculation bug on the homepage where certain keys were being counted twice under certain conditions. (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Fix up some internals with regards to the way jobs are queued so that they are invoked by their full names space. This allows for other types of jobs such as Notifications to also make use of the addToQueue() helper.
  • Fix the Settings Migration script to apply a unique index on the setting_name column. See the upgrade specifics on how to fix your install.
  • Fix a case where the Character Wallet Transactions update job would go into a infinite loop and cause CPU's to melt and stuff.
  • Make SeAT aware of certain types of EVE API Responses that would mean that no further jobs should be processed for a while. i.e. "EVE backend database temporarily disabled."
  • Make a small optimization in the way available corporations are calculated for views (thanks @gregoryduckworth)
  • The last status when jobs are moved to error state due to running more than one hour should now be preserved.
  • Allow a few milli seconds after typing before actually performing a search instead of searching as each character is entered.
  • Character listings in "All Characters" and corporation "Member Tracking" are now viewed in tabular format.
  • Fix up the way the SeAT installer detects a successful database connection.


  • The SeAT Group Management has been completely re-written. (thanks @t3rminalVel0city)
  • Add a new permission called queue_manager that allows for more granular control of who is able to see queue related information. (thanks @t3rminalVel0city)
  • Add a notifications backend that will alert users with the correct roles about certain key events. (thanks @t3rminalVel0city)
  • Completely rip out the old Sentry authentication and add a custom SeAT Auth driver which extends the base Laravel \Auth. See the version release notes for more information. (thanks @t3rminalVel0city)
  • Added a custom view for 500 type errors to replace the utterly scary 'Whoops'.
  • Add login history tracking for user accounts. This history can be accessed in the profile found on the email dropdown on the right hand side.
  • Add a more verbose message about the last login activity on login.
  • Introduce a SeAT RESTful API. See this document for more information. (thanks @t3rminalVel0city)
  • Introduce a configuration page to manage access to the RESTful API.
  • Add more ship types to the Spaceship Command Skills section for characters. (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Allow users to personalize their profile by setting a main character and allowing them to choose a color scheme etc.
  • Allow for the sidebar to be scrolled so that it is usable on small displays. (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • All data-tables have now been moved to a more compact view.
  • Add updaters and a view for Player Owned Customs Offices (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Add some corporation related searching results to the global searcher.
  • Add Settings and backend logic to allow for backend updaters to be selectively enabled and disabled.
  • Make the SeAT installer part of the official installation process and update all of the update/upgrade documentation.

... and a few other smaller UI / backend enhancements and fixes!

Release Stats:

169 commits in 405 changed files with 17811 additions and 13523 deletions.

v0.11.0 - Industry Views, Installer and fixes

11 Dec 06:31
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NB Upgrade notes

v0.11.0 requires some manual intervention! It is recommended that you read the upgrade specific for v0.10.x -> v0.11.0 document before you upgrade so that you can migrate your configuration.

After that, the normal upgrade path applies.


  • Fix a some typos that could cause the corporation kill mails view to throw an exception (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Fix some cases where configuration parameters in views were not being honored (thanks @t3rminalVel0city)
  • A few documentation updates


  • Add a view to see industry jobs and progress for characters and corporations (thanks @warlof)
  • Add a SeAT installer. This is an incomplete command and should be used with caution (or not at all for now :])
  • Move SeAT configurations to an environment file. See the install and upgrade guides for more details.

... and a few other smaller UI / backend enhancements and fixes!

Release Stats:

20 commits in 28 changed files with 952 additions and 39 deletions.

v0.10.1 - Search, Corp Killmails and Fixes

09 Dec 13:47
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  • Fix a missing timeout argument when starting the EVE API Error count.
  • Minor refactoring to start optimizing wallet journal/transaction updates.
  • Small refactor to [char/corp]/ContractItems to prevent it causing excessive errors.
  • Fix the API Error threshold value % to be limited to 2 decimal places.


  • Add a debug bar for developers. This will auto enable when the application is placed into debug mode.
  • Expose corporation Kill Mail information.
  • Add logic to the "Search" feature. This is still very primitive and a work in progress.


  • Remove cloneTypeID, cloneName, and cloneSkillPoints from character sheets as per the Rhea patchnotes.

... and a few other smaller UI / backend enhancements and fixes!

Release Stats:

11 commits in 24 changed files with 972 additions and 195 deletions.

v0.10.0 - API Updater Optimizations, New Endpoints and Bugfixes

06 Dec 12:36
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NB Upgrade notes

After following the normal upgrade path, please check the following:

  • If you are running CentOS, please check that you have php-mbstring installed. Once installed, restart apache.
  • Run the SeatSettingSeeder to prepare the database for the SeAT UI settings with php artisan db:seed --class SeatSettingSeeder.


  • Remove checking the corporationID of a character when roles are updated in case a character flipped to another corporation (thanks @Cripsii)
  • Fix tooltip bug if a starbase has less than 3 days worth of charters left (thanks @LunarchildEU)
  • Fix a bug where a characters Corporation Affiliation may be incorrectly determined. (thanks @gregoryduckworth)
  • Fix a case where adding a corporation API may cause a exception (thanks @warlof)
  • Fix a case where the wallet journal/transaction API calls may fail.
  • Many documentation updates that include new dependencies for new installs, as well as details about the new Static Data Export updater and logrotate suggestions.
  • Fix a bug where it was assumed when a user changes their password that the old one is already at least 6 characters long.
  • Fix a bug where users would not be able to change their own passwords
  • Fix parsing the inWatchlist field from the Char/ContactList API
  • Update the Char/CharacterSheet to parse and validate the latest changes made by CCP
  • Fix up the ban logic for Planetary Interaction related API calls
  • Fix a case where the account/APIKeyInfo would random disable API keys


  • Add a warning in Corporation Member Tracking to alert if a character has not logged in for more than 1 month (thanks @gregoryduckworth)
  • Added a button on the all keys page to enable all of the recorded keys, as well as clear all known bans.
  • Update pheal-ng dependency to version 1.3
  • Add more information about how the seat:diagnose command should be run
  • Add logic to make SeAT aware of the fact that the EVE API may be down. If it is determined as down, SeAT will wait 30minutes before processing jobs again.
  • Add a widget to view the current error threshold in the job status view.
  • Add a new command seat:clear-cache to clear all of the SeAT used caching implementations. This includes the pheal-ng file cache, database cached_until timers and the Redis cache (thanks @t3rminalVel0city)
  • Implement a SeAT UI configurations page and move some of the configuration variables out of app/config/seat.php to the database (thanks @t3rminalVel0city)
  • Add a new EVE Static Data Export updater. This was built to allow for more rapid SDE updates as needed. The updater can be run anytime and should not affect anything in your SeAT installation. Run it with php artisan seat:update-sde. The old shell script to update the SDE has been removed.
  • Add the Char/KillMails and Corp/KillMails endpoints to the backend API updater as well as expose character killmails (with links to zKb for details) in the front end.
  • Add character Jump Clone Information
  • Add character Jump Fatigue information
  • Rework the character implant view slightly with the new information as retrieved from the EVE API.

... and a few other smaller UI / backend enhancements and fixes!

Release Stats:

63 commits in 94 changed files with 2863 additions and 621 deletions.