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Mark Friedrich edited this page May 11, 2019 · 12 revisions

You currently need the following to install pathfinder correctly:

Server with SSH access

  • Nginx (or Apache)
  • PHPv7.2.x
  • Composer
  • PCREv8.02 or higher (usually shipped with PHP package, but needs to be additionally updated on CentOS or Red Hat systems)
  • mod_rewrite and mod_headers enabled (Apache only)
  • Gzip compression enabled
  • GD PHP extension
  • cURL PHP extension

Lighttpd configurations are also possible.


PATHFINDER requires two databases. Both databases will get auto created during the Setup process.

  1. DB pathfinder holds all Pathfinder related data (e.g. mapped systems, scanned signatures, ...)
  2. DB eve_universe holds all static EVE data (e.g. solarSystems, wormholes, ...)

Hint: Pathfinderv1.3.5 also required the official SDE dump from CCP. This is no longer required! Since v1.4.0 Pathfinder had full ESI API support. All static data is loaded over ESI and cached in eve_universe DB.

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