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Developer box for ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack


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Developer box for ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack.

Creating Vagrant Box

Copy example pillar file for ELK Stack. Optionally you may want to edit the values in the elk.sls:

$ cp -v salt/roots/pillar/podman.sls.example salt/roots/pillar/podman.sls
$ cp -v salt/roots/pillar/elk.sls.example salt/roots/pillar/elk.sls
$ cp -v salt/roots/pillar/nginx.sls.example salt/roots/pillar/nginx.sls
$ cp -v salt/roots/pillar/zabbix-agent.sls.example salt/roots/pillar/zabbix-agent.sls

Copy vagrant file from vagrant/examples/ and then create the vagrant box (you can change to --provider=libvirt if you want to use Libvirt provider):

$ cp -v vagrant/examples/Vagrantfile.elk-box.fedora-34.x86_64.example vagrant/Vagrantfile.elk-box
$ vagrant up --provider=virtualbox

Provision the vagrant box:

$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- sudo salt-call state.highstate

Configure ELK and NGINX:

$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls elk.config
$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls elk.config.nginx,nginx.service

Deploying Elasticsearch

Deploy Elasticsearch. Then, set usernames and passwords:

$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls elk.service.elasticsearch
$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- podman exec -it elk-elasticsearch-pod-es01 elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive

For testing purpose, use password abcde12345 for all services as listed below. Please change to a secure password for production:

  • elastic
  • apm_system
  • kibana_system
  • logstash_system
  • beats_system
  • remote_monitoring_user

Setup Templates

Setup Filebeat template:

$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- podman run --rm --pod elk-elasticsearch-pod --env ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME='elastic' --env ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD='abcde12345' --privileged setup --index-management -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E 'output.elasticsearch.hosts=[""]'

Setup Metricbeat template:

$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- podman run --rm --pod elk-elasticsearch-pod --env ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME='elastic' --env ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD='abcde12345' setup --index-management -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E 'output.elasticsearch.hosts=[""]'

Setup Packetbeat template:

$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- podman run --rm --pod elk-elasticsearch-pod --env ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME='elastic' --env ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD='abcde12345' --privileged setup --index-management -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E 'output.elasticsearch.hosts=[""]'

Deploying Kibana

Deploy Kibana:

$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls elk.service.kibana

Configuring Kibana

Login Kibana as superuser role, go to https://elk-box and use the following login:

  • Username: elastic
  • Password: abcde12345

Create a minimal space such as removing unused Kibana features. Go to Stack Management > Kibana > Spaces and create a space named minimal with the following features only:

  • Kibana:
    • Discover
    • Dashboard
    • Visualize
  • Observability:
    • Logs
    • Metrics
  • Management:
    • Index Pattern Management
    • Advanced Settings

Create a Kibana admin. Go to Stack Management > Security > Users and for example create a new user named kadmin with role kibana_admin.

To create a Kibana read-only user, a custom read-only role named user must be created first. Go to Stack Management > Security > Role and Create role with the following information:

  • Role name: user
  • Index privileges:
    • Indices: filebeat-*, winlogbeat-*, metricbeat-*, packetbeat-*, Privileges: read
  • Add Kibana privileges:
    • Spaces: minimal
    • Privileges for all features: Read

Go to Stack Management > Security > Users and create a new username with role user.

To prevent Kibana error Unable to update ui setting, error code 403 for read-only users, go to Stack Management > Index patterns and set an index as default.

Configuring Elasticsearch for Logstash permissions

Go to Stack Management > Security > Role and Create role to create a new role named logstash_writer with the following information:

  • Role name: logstash_writer
  • Cluster privileges:
    • manage_index_templates
    • monitor
    • manage_ilm
  • Index privileges:
    • Indices: logstash-*, filebeat-*, winlogbeat-*, metricbeat-*, packetbeat-*, Privileges: write, create, create_index, manage, manage_ilm.

Create a new user named logstash_internal with role logstash_writer. Use password abcde12345.

Deploying Logstash

Define pipelines file salt/roots/formulas/elk-formula/elk/files/pipelines.yml:

- main
  path.config: "/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/logstash.conf"

- csv
  path.config: "/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/csv.conf"

- output
  path.config: "/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/output.conf"

Create pipeline file salt/roots/formulas/elk-formula/elk/files/pipelines/logstash.conf:

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044

output {
  pipeline {
    send_to => [

Create pipeline file salt/roots/formulas/elk-formula/elk/files/pipelines/csv.conf:

input {
  pipeline {
    address => "pipeline-csv"

filter {
  if [fields][testlog] {
    csv {
      autogenerate_column_names => false
      columns => ["training.epoch", "training.accuracy"]
    mutate {
      convert => {
        "training.epoch" => "integer"
        "training.accuracy" => "float"

output {
  pipeline {
    send_to => ["pipeline-output"]

Create pipeline file salt/roots/formulas/elk-formula/elk/files/pipelines/output.conf:

input {
  pipeline {
    address => "pipeline-output"

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ['http://elk-elasticsearch-pod:9200']
    index => "%{[@metadata][beat]}-%{[@metadata][version]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
    user => "logstash_internal"
    password => "abcde12345"

Deploy Logstash:

$ vagrant rsync
$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls elk.config
$ vagrant ssh elk-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls elk.service.logstash

Create systemd units for auto startup on boot

Generate systemd units for ELK pods and enable them:

$ cd ~/.config/systemd/user
$ podman generate systemd --files --name elk-elasticsearch-pod
$ podman generate systemd --files --name elk-logstash-pod
$ podman generate systemd --files --name elk-kibana-pod
$ systemctl --user enable pod-elk-elasticsearch-pod.service container-elk-elasticsearch-pod-es01.service pod-elk-logstash-pod.service container-elk-logstash-pod-ls01.service pod-elk-kibana-pod.service container-elk-kibana-pod-k01.service

Generate systemd unit for nginx-pod and enable it:

$ cd ~/.config/systemd/user
$ podman generate systemd --files --name nginx-pod
$ systemctl --user enable pod-nginx-pod.service container-nginx-pod-srv01.service

Generate systemd unit for zabbix-agent-pod and enable it:

$ cd ~/.config/systemd/user
$ podman generate systemd --files --name zabbix-zabbix-agent-pod
$ systemctl --user enable pod-zabbix-zabbix-agent-pod.service container-zabbix-zabbix-agent-pod-agent.service

Database management

To delete documents by query:

$ curl --user elastic:abcde12345 -X POST "localhost:9200/winlogbeat-*/_delete_by_query?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "event.provider": "Service Control Manager"

To delete all documents in an index:

$ curl --user elastic:abcde12345 -X DELETE "localhost:9200/winlogbeat-*?pretty"