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Our application is called rate your courses. Deployed app URL:


  • Sign in/ Sign up

    • A user can sign up for our application and log in using their username and password
  • Dashboard

    • After setting up your prefered tags, you can get your course recommendation here.
  • Write a course review

    • Choose 3 tags and your personal rating, as well as writing a comment for a course.
  • Search for a course or tag

    • Search courses with course code or tag.
  • All courses

    • A page where users can see all courses that the website has recorded before, they can view general information
  • Course page

    • A page where users can view specific information about a course, its reviews and ratings, as well as its prerequisite.
  • Profile

    • Users can modify their year of study, change their password, change their preferred tags, courses they have taken and delete reviews written by them.
  • Admin

    • Admins can manage the website by:
      • Deleting users
      • Adding and Deleting courses
      • Adding and Deleting tags
      • Deleting reviews

List of third-party libraries

  • Bootstrap

Default Login Credentials:

  • User:
    • username: user
    • password: user
  • Admin:
    • username: admin
    • password: admin


Landing page:

  • This is the default page users go to if they are not logged in
  • If a user have an account, follow these instructions:
    • Click on the form right below Username to enter the username
    • Click on the form right below Password to enter the password corresponding to that username
    • Click Login button to attempt a log in
    • If Success the user will go to the Dashboard Page, else an alert will pop up telling the user what has gone wrong
  • If a user does not have an account, follow these instructions instead:
    • Click on Sign Up button to go to the Sign Up page
    • If clicked by mistake Click Login button in the Sign Up page to go back to the Log in page
    • Click on the form right below Username to enter a new username (needs to be exactly or more than 3 characters)
    • Click on the form right below Password to enter a password corresponding to that username (needs to be exactly or more than 4 characters)
    • Click on the form right below Confirm Password to enter the same password as above
    • If Success the user will directly go to the Dashboard Page, else an alert will pop up telling the user what has gone wrong


  • This is the default page users go to if they are logged in
  • Click on Log out at the top navbar if the user wish to log out and the application will go back to the Log in page
  • If you have not selected any tags that you prefer, the Dashboard will prompt the user to go to My Profile page to choose tags, courses taken
  • You can view general information about each course that is recommended to you based on what you tags you chose in the profile page

All Courses

  • Click on All Courses at the top navbar, you can view a list of all courses that our website offers
  • You can view general information about each course, such as: course code, course name, average rating, number of reviews, tags that users have given to it.
  • You can click on the View Detail button to view detail about that course in its own course page, which will be described below.


  • After clicking View Detail, you will be redirected to a course's detail page
  • Here you can view:
    • Course code, course name
    • Average rating
    • Prerequisite
    • Tags
    • All reviews for this course
  • If you have admin permission, you can delete reviews, this function will be described in Admin section below.


  • Put the keyword in the search field and click the Search button, you can get a list of course matching with your keyword.
  • You can click into these course to see their detail.

Write Review

  • Click on Write Reviews at the top navbar, you can write reviews.
  • To write a review, you need to choose a course, choose 3 tags, give a rating. You can also leave a comment.
  • Click submit button to submit.


  • Click on My Profile in the top navbar, you will be redirected to profile page
  • Here you can view your personal information
  • Modify and information:
    • First click on Edit Information button, now you can enter new information
    • Change Year of Study:
      • You can enter a new year of study, it has to be a number and has to be chose from 1 ~ 4.
    • Change your password:
      • You can change your password by entering the new password in the corresponding input field
    • Change preferred tags:
      • You can choose new preferred tags from the list of all tags
    • Change courses taken:
      • You can change courses taken by choosing from a list of all courses
  • Delete personal reviews:
    • At the bottom of your profile pages, you will see a table of all reviews you have written before, you can delete them by click on the Delete button next to them.


  • Sign in using the admin credential and now you have the permission of an admin.
  • Go to normal profile page
  • Click on Go to admin page next to your permission status, now your will be redirected to admin page.
  • Delete user
    • Simply click on the delete button next to a user's username
  • Add tag
    • Click in the Add Tag button, then enter the tag name in the input field, click Add.
  • Delete tag
    • Click the delete button next to a tag that you want to delete.
  • Add course
    • Click in the Add Course button, then enter the course code and course name in the input field, click Add.
  • Delete tag
    • Click the delete button next to a course that you want to delete.
  • Delete reviews:
    • Go to each course's page, then you can view reviews for that courses, if you are an admin, you will see a Delete button on the top right of each review, clicking on that button deletes that review.

Overview of the routes


  • POST /users/login: An attempt to log in by a user
    • Body is {username: "example_username", password: "example_password"}


  • GET /users/logout: A log out request sent by a user


  • GET /users/check-session: The app checks if a user is logged in right now by cookie when it launches


  • POST /api/users: An attempt to sign up by a user
    • Body is {username: "example_username", password: "example_password", permission: "user", year: 1, coursesTaken: [], preferredTags: [], review: []}


  • GET /api/allUsers: Get all users in our database for admin to view


  • GET /api/allTags: Get all tags in our database for admin to view


  • POST /api/filteredTags: Dashboard gets Tags preferred by this logged in user by ObjectIds of the Tags
    • (Example) Body is {tagIds: ["5fd2aaa1fcf042fd504058b6", "5fd2aa85fcf042fd504058b5"]}


  • GET /api/allCourses: Get all courses in our database for admin to view


  • POST /tag: For admin add tag feature, create a new tag.
    • Body is {name: "something"}


  • POST /course: For admin add course feature, create a new tag.
    • Body is {code: ""something, name: "something"}


  • DELETE /course/:id: For admin delete course feature, delete a course with given id


  • DELETE /tag/:id: For admin delete tag feature, delete a tag with given id


  • DELETE /user/:id: For admin delete user feature, delete a user with given id


  • POST /review: For write review feature, post a new review


  • DELETE /review/:id: For admin delete review feature, delete a review with given id


  • PATCH /api/edit/:id: For user modify personal information feature, allow user to update their information, id is the user's id in our database
    • Body is {newPwd: "", newYear: "", tags: [], courses: []}


CSC309 Course Team Project






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