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FLOW - Technical details


  • Logs
    • Proper implementation is missing
  • Metrics
    • Proper collection is missing
  • Alerts
    • Define proper vector playbook
      • This can also serve chain health service, new contract flow can be the blueprint
  • State Producer App - Bookkeeping
    • Planned - Sled (Embedded)
  • DFS Backup
    • Depends on data availability wg -- Currently unimplemented
  • FVM Explorer API
    • Auth
      • Plan is to have IDP that unifies auth needs over all products
      • Address Verify
    • Source Code
      • Upload
      • Method Mapping
      • Params + Return deserializer (based on source code)
      • Contract interaction (method calling from API)
    • Bytecode analyzer and metadata extract -- Abandoned due to low value
  • Containerize apps
    • State Producer app Dockerfile
    • New Contract Consumer app Dockerfile
    • Fvm Explorer API app Docker File
  • Lotus docker file

Notes about Testnet

Currently, we are building on Wallaby testnet, for setup, follow instructions


Network reset



  1. stop lotus daemon
  2. rm lotus repo
  3. rm ~/.lotus
  4. clone repo (checkout experimental)
  5. make wallaby
  6. make install-daemon-service
  7. systemctl start lotus-daemon


State App


  • Lotus
  • Sled (Bookkeeping embedded DB) TODO


  • Rust


  • Start (standalone)
cargo run
  • Start with Vector (some playbook examples are in vector dir)
cargo run | sudo vector --config vector/vector-all.toml

New Contract Listener


  • Lotus
  • Kafka
  • Clickhouse


  • Rust


  • Start (standalone)
cargo run --bin contract_listener

FVM Explorer API


  • Lotus
  • Kafka
  • Clickhouse
  • Postgres


  • Rust


  • Start (standalone)
cargo run --bin fvm_explorer_api


There are two docker-compose files


  • Main docker-compose file used for project min dependencies

Fvm Explorer API

  • docker compose with API dependencies

Overall Architecture

wip (6).jpg


  • State Producer (Rust bin)

    State Producer App

    • General Notes

      • Responsible for:
        • Decoding Messages (with respective sub calls)
        • Decoding Blocks
        • Resolving Actors (addresses)
      • Tech Stack
        • Rust
      • External Dependencies
        • Lotus
        • Sled (Bookkeeping embedded DB)
    • Diagrams

      wip (2).jpg

    • Compute State

      • Resolve Height
      • Resolve block details
      • Dependent on Lotus state compute, resolves block messages and sub calls
    • Enrich Data

      • Enriches Data
        • Message → Address Resolution → FlowMessage
        • Block → FlowBlock
    • Sync (emit)

      • Walks collected data and emits to stdout in JSON format
  • Data Observability Pipeline (

    Data Observability Pipeline

    • General Notes

      • Responsible for:
        • Parsing State App output
        • Branching Data flows via Filters
        • Remapping Data into an expected output format
        • Batch syncing data to output sources
      • Tech Stack
      • External Dependencies
        • Input Sources
          • StateApp
        • Sync Targets
          • Clickhouse
          • Kafka
          • DFS
    • Diagrams

      wip (3).jpg

    • Playbooks

      Playbooks are vector configs files, utilizing Vector Remap Language (VRL)

    • Input

      • Connects to State Producer app stdout
    • Transform

      • Parse

        • Parses the data into objects that can be processed with VRL
      • Filter

        In a filter stage, data flow is branching based on predicate functions. From this point, parsed input data is segregated into:

        • Blocks
        • Messages
          • ContractInit Message (sub-branch)
        • App Logs
        • Metrics
      • Remap

        Remap Phase is where data is prepared for the sync phase

        • Message → Clickhouse Table Data
        • Block → Clickhouse Table Data
        • Message → Kafka (new_contract) Payload
        • Metrics → essential metrics payload
    • Sync

      • Messages
        • Batch insert messages to Clickhouse
        • Batch save messages to DFS
          • height/ block/ message_cid/ data.json sub_calls/ message_cid.json
      • Blocks
        • Batch insert Blocks to Clickhouse
        • Batch save block on DFS height/block
      • Logs
        • Sync to Loki
      • Metrics
        • Sync to Prometheus
    • Datasources

      • Clickhouse
        • Tables
          • Transactions
          • Contracts
        • Materialized Views
          • ContractTransactions
      • Kafka
        • Topics
          • new_contract
      • DFS
        • Archival sync
  • New Contract Listener (Rust bin)

    New Contract Listener

    • General Notes

      • Responsible for:
        • Analyzing Flagged Transaction
        • Resolve Contract Details
        • Store New Contract
      • Tech Stack
        • Rust
      • External Dependencies
        • Kafka
        • Clickhouse
    • Diagrams

      wip (4).jpg

    • Parse Flagged Message

      • Once a message is flagged as contract initializer, app analyzes message return information. If information is valid message, it is passed to details resolution
    • Resolve Contract details

      • EFVM
        • Resolve message data (future contract addresses, owner, status…)
      • WASM
        • Resolve message data (contract actor addresses, owner, status…)
    • Sync Contract

      • Once details are resolved contract data is inserted into Clickhouse
  • FVM Explorer API (Rust bin)

    • General Notes

      • Responsible for:
        • Providing Search APIs
          • Transactions
          • Blocks
          • Contracts
          • Projects
        • Address Verifier
        • Contract Interaction API
        • Auth
      • Tech Stack
        • Rust
      • External Dependencies
        • Clickhouse
        • Postgres
        • Lotus
    • Diagrams

      wip (5).jpg

    • Search API (public)

      • Search transactions by cid, block, actor_address
      • Search Contracts By f2 address, f4 address, Eth Address, actor_id, owner
      • Search Blocks by Cid
      • Search Projects by name, id, owner
    • Address verifier (public)

      • Provides address verification api
    • Auth (internal)

      • Provides user apis
    • Contract Interaction API (semi-public)

      • Download Abi
      • Download bytecode
      • Upload Source
      • Invoce method
    • Platform Database

      • Postgres
        • Accounts
        • Projects
    • Magic Auth

      • Passwordless Auth
  • FVM Explorer UI (Next.js)


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