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Miscellaneous Engine Settings

stefanbeller edited this page Jun 6, 2013 · 1 revision

This document describes the file engine/misc.txt

The following settings are available:

  • save_hpmp = bool determines whether the hit points and mana will be refreshed on loading a save file.
  • corpse_timeout = integer determines the number of frames a corpse will be visible
  • sell_without_vendor = bool determines whether you can always sell stuff. If true you are not forced to visit a trading npc to sell items for money.
  • aim_assist = integer in pixels. This offsets the mouse y position a bit up, so you can actually click on the enemy instead of the tile it is standing on.
  • window_title = string How the window is named, you're likely going to choose your games name here.
  • game_prefix = string This string is a prefix to the save files. So if you change this in a mod, you're not going to see old save files, but you'll have 4 fresh slots to be played with. This is used for distinguishing incompatible mods, such as different games (Think of flare-game and polymorphable)
  • sound_falloff = integer The distance when sounds are muted. From the hero to this distance there will be a fall off, and all sounds having a larger distance to the hero are just mute.
  • party_exp_percentage = integer When one of your allies (summoned creatures) kills an enemy, this setting determines how much experience the player gains. 100 means he will get the same amount of experience as if he would have killed it themselves. 50 would mean the hero gets half the experience of the enemy, when the allies kill it.
  • enable_ally_collision = bool determines whether the hero can walk through the allies, so these cannot block the way by mistake.
  • enable_ally_collision_ai = bool If true, the allies try to avoid blocking the way of the hero.
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