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libyaml_constructor is a tool and library that loads a YAML document into native C types. It consists of the generator tool that takes a C header and generates the code for loading, and the runtime library that provides common functionality used by the generated code.

The constructor depends on the excellent libclang for parsing the given header. The generated code and the runtime (quite obviously) depend on libyaml.


I develop this project as part of a larger one. That means that it probably will not get complete support for every feature the C type system has in the forseeable future. I only add features when needed.

Since this project is in development, do not expect it to work smoothly and be wary about its generated code, especially concerning memory leaks when the YAML fails to load.

List of stuff that currently works:

  • integer and unsigned types (short, int, long, long long, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned, unsigned long, unsigned long long)
  • floating point types (float, double, long double)
  • char (interpreted as ASCII-character)
  • bool (taking the literals true and false)
  • struct with fields containing anything from this list
  • enum at top-level
  • char* as string or optional string
  • pointers to anything on this list apart from pointers, possibly optional
  • dynamic lists (see below)
  • tagged unions (see below)
  • having reference to line and column in error messages

List of stuff that currently does not work:

  • serializing back to YAML
  • anonymous structs inside structs
  • reading the documentation (there is none apart from this Readme)

The documentation in this readme is usually outdated.


yaml_constructor_generator [options] file
    -o directory       writes output files to $directory (default: .)
    -r name            expects the root type to be named $name.
                       default: "root"
    -n name            names output files $name.h and $name.c .
                       default: ${file without ext}_loading.{h,c}.

In your code, you need to annotate certain structures so that libyaml_constructor knows your intention. You annotate a type or field by adding a comment in front of it which has ! as first character in the comment content (i.e. it starts with either //! or /*!). The string following the ! is the annotation until the next space. Content after that space until the following space is an optional parameter.

The following annotations exist:

  • string: for char* fields. Tells the generator to generate a (heap-allocated) null-terminated string into this field.
  • list: for structs containing a data pointer as well as two unsigned values count and capacity. The generator will treat the annotated struct as dynamically growing list of items.
  • tagged: for structs containing exactly two items; the first one being an enum value and the second one being a union. This will cause the struct to be treated as tagged union. The YAML input value will be required to have a local tag matching the repr of one of the enum's values, prepended by a ! (to be a local tag). The YAML value will then be deserialized into the union field with the same index as the specified enum value. If there are more enum values than union fields, the surplus values will have no content and must be given in the YAML as empty string with the respective local tag.
  • repr: takes a parameter. Currently only supported for enum values. Enum value will be loaded from the representation given as parameter. This means that the spelling of the enum value in the code will not be accepted.
  • optional: for fields of pointer types. Tells the generator that this field may be omitted in the YAML, in which case it will be NULL after loading.
  • optional_string: for char* fields, works like optional but if given, parses into a null-terminated string.
  • ignored: for types that should be ignored while parsing the header file. Mind that these types may not be used for fields of any type for which deserialization code should be generated.
  • custom: for types that have user-defined constructors and deallocators. The user-defined functions must be declared in the header and must have the same name and signature that would be generated if the functions were to be auto-generated.
  • default: for fields of value types. Tells the generator that this field may be omitted in the YAML, in which case it will have a default value depending on the type. Default values are 0 for all signed and unsigned integer types as well as enum types, and an empty list for struct types tagged with list. Other types may not use the default tag.


To build libyaml_constructor_generator, you need:

  • A C compiler. libyaml_constructor is tested and known to work with GCC, LLVM/Clang and Visual Studio.
  • CMake, Version 3.10 or later
  • libclang. On macOS, you currently need to install Xcode which bundles libclang (not just the command line utilities which do not) and use xcode-select to select it as the active toolchain. You also need to install headers into /usr/include via the package located at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages. This is required for libclang to be able to parse your code. This may change in the future, but I currently have other worries.

The tests, as any generated code, also depend on libyaml (quite obviously).

Instructions for Windows

Download the latest Visual Studio IDE (Community Edition unless you are in possession of a license) and install it. Download the latest pre-built LLVM binaries for Windows and execute the installer. Download the latest CMake installer and execute it.

Since you are already in possession of all tools required to compile libyaml, I suggest you build it yourself: Get the latest LibYaml release and unpack it somewhere. Ignore the build instructions on the page; we will use CMake to build it instead. Start the CMake GUI, configure the source code to be the directory you unpacked the files into, and the binary folder to something like cmake-vs inside the source folder. Click Configure, Generate and then Open Project. Visual Studio should launch. Select the Release configuration, right-Click on the yaml project and select Build. This should give you a yaml.dll in cmake-vs/Release.

Now, to compile yaml_constructor_generator, go back to the CMake GUI and select the libyaml_constructor folder as source folder and a subfolder cmake-vs as subfolder. We will need to add some entries to the configuration so that CMake finds all dependencies:

  • Add a PATH variable named LibClang_ROOT and make it point to your LLVM installation's root folder (e.g. C:\LLVM).
  • Add a PATH variable named LibYaml_ROOT and make it point to the folder you unpacked the libyaml sources to.
  • Add a PATH variable named LibYaml_LIBDIR and make it point to the folder that holds the yaml.dll (e.g. ${LibYaml_ROOT}/cmake-vs/Release).

After that, you should be able to Configure and Generate a Visual Studio project. Open it, select the Release configuration and build the yaml_constructor_generator project. It generates the executable and places required dependencies (libclang.dll) in the output folder (cmake-vs/Release). You can now use it to generate code.


Let's assume we have some header file simple.h like this:

#include <stddef.h>

#ifndef _SIMPLE_H
#define _SIMPLE_H

enum gender_t {
  //!repr male
  MALE = 0,
  //!repr female
  FEMALE = 1,
  //!repr other
  OTHER = 2

struct person {
  char* name;
  int age;
  enum gender_t gender;

struct person_list {
  struct person* data;
  size_t count;
  size_t capacity;

enum int_or_string_t {
  //!repr int
  //!repr string

struct int_or_string {
  enum int_or_string_t type;
  union {
    int i;
    char* s;

struct root {
  char symbol;
  struct person_list people;
  struct int_or_string foo;


To autogenerate loading code, we execute this command:

yaml_constructor_generator simple.h

We do not need to give any options since our root type is named root (the default) and we want the generated files to be in the current directory. The command produces simple_loading.h and simple_loading.c.

Now, having those, we write our main procedure:

#include "simple.h"
#include <simple_loading.h>

#include <yaml_loader.h>

static const char* input =
    "symbol: W\n"
    "  - name: Ada Lovelace\n"
    "    age: 36\n"
    "    gender: female\n"
    "  - name: Karl Koch\n"
    "    age: 27\n"
    "    gender: male\n"
    "  - name: Scrooge McDuck\n"
    "    age: 75\n"
    "    gender: other\n"
    "foo: !int 42\n";

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  yaml_loader_t loader;
  yaml_loader_init_string(&loader, (const unsigned char*)input, strlen(input));
  struct root data;
  bool success = yaml_load_struct_root(&data, &loader);
  if (!success) {
    fprintf(stderr, "error while loading YAML.");
    return 1;
  } else {
    printf("symbol = %c\nPersons:\n", data.symbol);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data.people.count; ++i) {
      struct person* item = &[i];
      printf("  %s, age %i\n", item->name, item->age);
    return 0;

Executing it yields:

symbol = W
  Peter Pan, age 12
  Karl Koch, age 27
  Scrooge McDuck, age 75

Autogenerating Code with CMake

For an example, see test/CMakeLists.txt. Link the target that uses the generated code to the yaml_constructor target, which is the runtime.

I suggest using git submodules or git-subrepo to use libyaml_constructor in your project. That will allow you to reuse this project's CMake module to find libyaml.




Code generator to load YAML into C types








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