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fpvandoorn committed Jun 25, 2024
1 parent 33e9f95 commit 99b555c
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Showing 2 changed files with 199 additions and 0 deletions.
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions Carleson/RealInterpolation.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import Carleson.WeakType

noncomputable section

open NNReal ENNReal NormedSpace MeasureTheory Set

variable {α α' E E₁ E₂ E₃ : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {m : MeasurableSpace α'}
{p p' q : ℝ≥0∞} {c : ℝ≥0}
{μ : Measure α} {ν : Measure α'} [NontriviallyNormedField ℝ]
[NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℝ E] [FiniteDimensional ℝ E]
[NormedAddCommGroup E₁] [NormedSpace ℝ E₁] [FiniteDimensional ℝ E₁]
[NormedAddCommGroup E₂] [NormedSpace ℝ E₂] [FiniteDimensional ℝ E₂]
[NormedAddCommGroup E₃] [NormedSpace ℝ E₃] [FiniteDimensional ℝ E₃]
[MeasurableSpace E] [BorelSpace E]
[MeasurableSpace E₁] [BorelSpace E₁]
[MeasurableSpace E₂] [BorelSpace E₂]
[MeasurableSpace E₃] [BorelSpace E₃]
(L : E₁ →L[ℝ] E₂ →L[ℝ] E₃)
{f g : α → E} {t : ℝ} {s x y : ℝ≥0∞}
{T : (α → E₁) → (α' → E₂)}

namespace MeasureTheory

/-- The `t`-truncation of a function `f`. -/
def trunc (f : α → E) (t : ℝ) (x : α) : E := if ‖f x‖ ≤ t then f x else 0

lemma aestronglyMeasurable_trunc (hf : AEStronglyMeasurable f μ) :
AEStronglyMeasurable (trunc f t) μ := sorry

/-- The `t`-truncation of `f : α →ₘ[μ] E`. -/
def AEEqFun.trunc (f : α →ₘ[μ] E) (t : ℝ) : α →ₘ[μ] E := (MeasureTheory.trunc f t) (aestronglyMeasurable_trunc f.aestronglyMeasurable)

-- /-- A set of measurable functions is closed under truncation. -/
-- class IsClosedUnderTruncation (U : Set (α →ₘ[μ] E)) : Prop where
-- trunc_mem {f : α →ₘ[μ] E} (hf : f ∈ U) (t : ℝ) : f.trunc t ∈ U

def Subadditive (T : (α → E₁) → α' → E₂) : Prop :=
∃ A > 0, ∀ (f g : α → E₁) (x : α'), ‖T (f + g) x‖ ≤ A * (‖T f x‖ + ‖T g x‖)

def Sublinear (T : (α → E₁) → α' → E₂) : Prop :=
Subadditive T ∧ ∀ (f : α → E₁) (c : ℝ), T (c • f) = c • T f

/-- Marcinkiewicz real interpolation theorem. -/
-- feel free to assume that T also respect a.e.-equality.
theorem exists_lnorm_le_of_subadditive_of_lbounded {p₀ p₁ q₀ q₁ p q : ℝ≥0∞}
(hp₀ : p₀ ∈ Icc 1 q₀) (hp₁ : p₁ ∈ Icc 1 q₁) (hq : q₀ ≠ q₁)
{C₀ C₁ t : ℝ≥0} (ht : t ∈ Ioo 0 1) (hC₀ : 0 < C₀) (hC₁ : 0 < C₁)
(hp : p⁻¹ = (1 - t) / p₀ + t / p₁) (hq : q⁻¹ = (1 - t) / q₀ + t / q₁)
(hT : Sublinear T) (h₀T : HasWeakType T p₀ q₀ μ ν C₀) (h₁T : HasWeakType T p₁ q₁ μ ν C₁) :
∃ C > 0, HasStrongType T p p μ ν C := sorry

/- State and prove Remark 1.2.7 -/

end MeasureTheory
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions Carleson/WeakType.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.MeanInequalities
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Layercake
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.Lebesgue.EqHaar
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Dual
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.LinearIsometry

noncomputable section

open NNReal ENNReal NormedSpace MeasureTheory Set Filter Topology Function

variable {α α' 𝕜 E E₁ E₂ E₃ : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {m : MeasurableSpace α'}
{p p' q : ℝ≥0∞} {c : ℝ≥0}
{μ : Measure α} {ν : Measure α'} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜]
[NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E] [FiniteDimensional 𝕜 E]
[NormedAddCommGroup E₁] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E₁] [FiniteDimensional 𝕜 E₁]
[NormedAddCommGroup E₂] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E₂] [FiniteDimensional 𝕜 E₂]
[NormedAddCommGroup E₃] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E₃] [FiniteDimensional 𝕜 E₃]
[MeasurableSpace E] [BorelSpace E]
[MeasurableSpace E₁] [BorelSpace E₁]
[MeasurableSpace E₂] [BorelSpace E₂]
[MeasurableSpace E₃] [BorelSpace E₃]
(L : E₁ →L[𝕜] E₂ →L[𝕜] E₃)
{f g : α → E} (hf : AEMeasurable f) {t s x y : ℝ≥0∞}
{T : (α → E₁) → (α' → E₂)}

#check meas_ge_le_mul_pow_snorm -- Chebyshev's inequality

namespace MeasureTheory
/- If we need more properties of `E`, we can add `[RCLike E]` *instead of* the above type-classes-/
#check _root_.RCLike

/-! # The distribution function `d_f` -/

/-- The distribution function of a function `f`.
Note that unlike the notes, we also define this for `t = ∞`.
Note: we also want to use this for functions with codomain `ℝ≥0∞`, but for those we just write
`μ { x | t < f x }` -/
def distribution [NNNorm E] (f : α → E) (t : ℝ≥0∞) (μ : Measure α) : ℝ≥0∞ :=
μ { x | t < ‖f x‖₊ }

@[gcongr] lemma distribution_mono_left (h : ∀ᵐ x ∂μ, ‖f x‖ ≤ ‖g x‖) :
distribution f t μ ≤ distribution g t μ := sorry

@[gcongr] lemma distribution_mono_right (h : t ≤ s) :
distribution f s μ ≤ distribution f t μ := sorry

@[gcongr] lemma distribution_mono (h : ∀ᵐ x ∂μ, ‖f x‖ ≤ ‖g x‖) (h : t ≤ s) :
distribution f s μ ≤ distribution g t μ := sorry

lemma distribution_smul_left {c : 𝕜} (hc : c ≠ 0) :
distribution (c • f) t μ = distribution f (t / ‖c‖₊) μ := sorry

lemma distribution_add_le :
distribution (f + g) (t + s) μ ≤ distribution f t μ + distribution g s μ := sorry

lemma _root_.ContinuousLinearMap.distribution_le {f : α → E₁} {g : α → E₂} :
distribution (fun x ↦ L (f x) (g x)) (‖L‖₊ * t * s) μ ≤
distribution f t μ + distribution g s μ := sorry

/- A version of the layer-cake theorem already exists, but the need the versions below. -/
#check MeasureTheory.lintegral_comp_eq_lintegral_meas_lt_mul

/-- The layer-cake theorem, or Cavalieri's principle for functions into `ℝ≥0∞` -/
lemma lintegral_norm_pow_eq_measure_lt {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : AEMeasurable f μ)
{p : ℝ} (hp : 1 ≤ p) :
∫⁻ x, (f x) ^ p ∂μ =
∫⁻ t in Ioi (0 : ℝ), ENNReal.ofReal (p * t ^ (p - 1)) * μ { x | ENNReal.ofReal t < f x } := by

/-- The layer-cake theorem, or Cavalieri's principle for functions into a normed group. -/
lemma lintegral_norm_pow_eq_distribution {p : ℝ} (hp : 1 ≤ p) :
∫⁻ x, ‖f x‖₊ ^ p ∂μ =
∫⁻ t in Ioi (0 : ℝ), ENNReal.ofReal (p * t ^ (p - 1)) * distribution f (.ofReal t) μ := sorry

/-- The layer-cake theorem, or Cavalieri's principle, written using `snorm`. -/
lemma snorm_pow_eq_distribution {p : ℝ≥0} (hp : 1 ≤ p) :
snorm f p μ ^ (p : ℝ) =
∫⁻ t in Ioi (0 : ℝ), p * ENNReal.ofReal (t ^ ((p : ℝ) - 1)) * distribution f (.ofReal t) μ := by

lemma lintegral_pow_mul_distribution {p : ℝ} (hp : 1 ≤ p) :
∫⁻ t in Ioi (0 : ℝ), ENNReal.ofReal (t ^ p) * distribution f (.ofReal t) μ =
ENNReal.ofReal p⁻¹ * ∫⁻ x, ‖f x‖₊ ^ (p + 1) ∂μ := sorry

/-- The weak L^p norm of a function, for `p < ∞` -/
def wnorm' [NNNorm E] (f : α → E) (p : ℝ) (μ : Measure α) : ℝ≥0∞ :=
⨆ t : ℝ≥0, t * distribution f t μ ^ (p : ℝ)⁻¹

lemma wnorm'_le_snorm' {f : α → E} (hf : AEStronglyMeasurable f μ) {p : ℝ} (hp : 1 ≤ p) :
wnorm' f p μ ≤ snorm' f p μ := sorry

/-- The weak L^p norm of a function. -/
def wnorm [NNNorm E] (f : α → E) (p : ℝ≥0∞) (μ : Measure α) : ℝ≥0∞ :=
if p = ∞ then snormEssSup f μ else wnorm' f (ENNReal.toReal p) μ

lemma wnorm_le_snorm {f : α → E} (hf : AEStronglyMeasurable f μ) {p : ℝ≥0∞} (hp : 1 ≤ p) :
wnorm f p μ ≤ snorm f p μ := sorry

/-- A function is in weak-L^p if it is (strongly a.e.)-measurable and has finite weak L^p norm. -/
def MemWℒp [NNNorm E] (f : α → E) (p : ℝ≥0∞) (μ : Measure α) : Prop :=
AEStronglyMeasurable f μ ∧ wnorm f p μ < ∞

lemma Memℒp.memWℒp {f : α → E} {p : ℝ≥0∞} (hp : 1 ≤ p) (hf : Memℒp f p μ) :
MemWℒp f p μ := sorry

/- Todo: define `MeasureTheory.WLp` as a subgroup, similar to `MeasureTheory.Lp` -/

/-- An operator has weak type `(p, q)` if it is bounded as a map from L^p to weak-L^q.
`HasWeakType T p p' μ ν c` means that `T` has weak type (p, q) w.r.t. measures `μ`, `ν`
and constant `c`. -/
def HasWeakType (T : (α → E₁) → (α' → E₂)) (p p' : ℝ≥0∞) (μ : Measure α) (ν : Measure α')
(c : ℝ≥0) : Prop :=
∀ f : α → E₁, Memℒp f p μ → AEStronglyMeasurable (T f) ν ∧ wnorm (T f) p' ν ≤ c * snorm f p μ

/-- An operator has strong type (p, q) if it is bounded as an operator on `L^p → L^q`.
`HasStrongType T p p' μ ν c` means that `T` has strong type (p, q) w.r.t. measures `μ`, `ν`
and constant `c`. -/
def HasStrongType {E E' α α' : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedAddCommGroup E']
{_x : MeasurableSpace α} {_x' : MeasurableSpace α'} (T : (α → E) → (α' → E'))
(p p' : ℝ≥0∞) (μ : Measure α) (ν : Measure α') (c : ℝ≥0) : Prop :=
∀ f : α → E, Memℒp f p μ → AEStronglyMeasurable (T f) ν ∧ snorm (T f) p' ν ≤ c * snorm f p μ

/-- A weaker version of `HasStrongType`. This is the same as `HasStrongType` if `T` is continuous
w.r.t. the L^2 norm, but weaker in general. -/
def HasBoundedStrongType {E E' α α' : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedAddCommGroup E']
{_x : MeasurableSpace α} {_x' : MeasurableSpace α'} (T : (α → E) → (α' → E'))
(p p' : ℝ≥0∞) (μ : Measure α) (ν : Measure α') (c : ℝ≥0) : Prop :=
∀ f : α → E, Memℒp f p μ → snorm f ∞ μ < ∞ → μ (support f) < ∞ →
AEStronglyMeasurable (T f) ν ∧ snorm (T f) p' ν ≤ c * snorm f p μ

lemma HasStrongType.hasWeakType (hp : 1 ≤ p)
(h : HasStrongType T p p' μ ν c) : HasWeakType T p p' μ ν c := by

lemma HasStrongType.hasBoundedStrongType (h : HasStrongType T p p' μ ν c) :
HasBoundedStrongType T p p' μ ν c :=
fun f hf _ _ ↦ h f hf

end MeasureTheory

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