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This project uses asdf to manage development dependencies.

Get required asdf plugins

Install development dependencies

asdf install
# copy .envrc.local.example to .envrc.local
cp .envrc.local.example .envrc.local
# allow via direnv
direnv allow


Setup & Start Server

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install with mix setup
  • provide a valid SECRET_KEY_BASE in your .envrc.local, generate one with mix phx.gen.secret
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:1337/fh from your browser.

Additional Features

Login via Auth0 (optional)

Provide the according environment variables in your .envrc.local.

Payment via Stripe (optional)

Provide the according environment variables in your .envrc.local.


You can access the API via localhost:1337/fh/api.

For accessing the API from the outside, provide the according environment variables in your .envrc.local.

Unit Tests / Quality

mix check

E2E Tests


# install deps
mix e2e.setup
# prepare db and compile app
MIX_ENV=e2e mix ecto.reset && MIX_ENV=e2e mix compile
# run tests
pnpm --prefix test/e2e test
# .. with traces
pnpm --prefix test/e2e test -- --trace on
# .. with traces and headed
pnpm --prefix test/e2e test -- --trace on --headed

If you want to use the VSCode Extension

Link to extension.

Select Setup Step

Make sure to select the setup steps inside the "project" view of the vscode extension:

  1. setup
  2. setup photographer
Env Vars

Add the following variables to your vscode user settings:

  "playwright.env": {
    "AUTH0_DOMAIN": "",
    "AUTH0_CLIENT_ID": "",
    "STRIPE_SECRET": "",
    "STRIPE_PRICE_ID": "",
    "E2E_USER_ID": "",
    "E2E_USER_EMAIL": "",
    "E2E_USER_PASSWORD": "",


  • E2E_USER
    • use a user that hasn't set up donations yet (lib/fotohaecker/payment/stripe_payment.ex:133~135)
    • E2E_USER_ID id of the user that is used for the e2e tests
    • E2E_USER_EMAIL email of the user that is used for the e2e tests
    • E2E_USER_PASSWORD password of the user that is used for the e2e tests
    • use a user that has set up donations (lib/fotohaecker/payment/stripe_payment.ex:133~135)
    • E2E_PHOTOGRAPHER_ID id of the user that is used for the e2e tests
    • E2E_PHOTOGRAPHER_EMAIL email of the user that is used for the e2e tests
    • E2E_PHOTOGRAPHER_PASSWORD password of the user that is used for the e2e tests


Setup envrc.local

To deploy your application to uberspace, make sure to set the required variables in your .envrc.local.

ensure access to uberspace

You should be able to ssh onto this server in order to deploy. Try it out with this:

# access shell
# you should be on the server now.
[user@server]~$ exit

setup uberspace (remote)

prepare supervisord config

copy the _uberspace/fotohaeckertwo.ini.example to _uberspace/fotohaeckertwo.ini

cp _uberspace/fotohaeckertwo.ini.example _uberspace/fotohaeckertwo.ini

now, insert the neccessary environment variables.

adding web backend

you need to add the web backend to your uberspace server. You can do this with the following commands:

# set web backend
uberspace web backend set /fh --http --port $TFP_PORT
# verify
[user@server]~% uberspace web backend list
/fh http:6000 => NOT OK, no service
/ apache (default)


Now you can deploy your application to uberspace. You can do this with the following script:


This executes some rsync and ssh commands, you might get asked for your password multiple times. Also, if you run this the first time, Elixir asks you if you want to install Hex/rebar3, which you interactively agree to.

The deployment script is quite hacky right now so:

  • environment variables are directly set in the script
  • the script doesn't run ecto migrations due to missing env vars

seed database

In case you want to re-run the seed script, you can do this with the following command:

[user@server]~% DATABASE_PATH=/path/to/db SECRET_KEY_BASE=DOESNT_MATTER MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.reset


check for tool versions

When in doubt, check the versions of the tools you are using. You can do this with the following commands:


When your system doesn't provide a sufficient GLIBC version to compile sqlite3, you can use the preinstalled sqlite3 binary on your system.

For example on uberspace, you'd need these environment variables:

    EXQLITE_SYSTEM_LDFLAGS="-L/lib64/sqlite -lsqlite3"

Make sure to use the Elixir/OTP version closest to the one specified in the .tool-versions file. You can check the current version with the following command:

[user@server]~% uberspace tools version show erlang



Make sure to use the Node version closest to the one specified in the .tool-versions file. You can check the current version with the following command:

[user@server]~% uberspace tools version show node

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
