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cfft is a testing tool for CloudFront Functions.


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cfft is a testing tool for CloudFront Functions.


cfft is a testing tool for CloudFront Functions. cfft helps you to test CloudFront Functions in development stage.

cfft supports the following features.

  • Initialize files for testing CloudFront Functions.
  • Test CloudFront Functions in development stage.
  • Compare the result with the expect object.
  • Ignore fields in the expect object.
  • Diff function code.
  • Publish function.
  • Output JSON for Terraform. See Cooperate with Terraform.

cfft supports management of CloudFront KeyValueStore. See Use CloudFront KeyValueStore.



$ brew install fujiwara/tap/cfft

Download binary

Download the binary from GitHub Releases.


aquaproj supports cfft. fujiwara/cfft is available in aqua-registry.

$ aqua init
$ aqua g -i fujiwara/cfft


Usage: cfft <command>

  -h, --help                  Show context-sensitive help.
  -c, --config="cfft.yaml"    config file
      --debug                 enable debug log
      --log-format="text"     log format (text,json)

    test function

  init --name=STRING
    initialize files

    diff function code

    publish function

  kvs list
    list key values

  kvs get <key>
    get value of key

  kvs put <key> <value>
    put value of key

  kvs delete <key>
    delete key

  kvs info
    show info of key value store

    render function code

    output JSON for tf

    show version

Run "cfft <command> --help" for more information on a command.

Example of initializing files for testing CloudFront Functions

cfft init creates a config file and a function file and an example event file.

Usage: cfft init --name=STRING

initialize function

  -h, --help                           Show context-sensitive help.
  -c, --config="cfft.yaml"             config file

      --name=STRING                    function name
      --format="json"                  output event file format (json,jsonnet,yaml)
      --event-type="viewer-request"    event type (viewer-request,viewer-response)

If the function is already exists in the CloudFront Functions, cfft downloads the function code and creates a config file.

If the function is not found, cfft creates a new config file and a function file and example event file. You can edit the function file and event file and test the function with cfft test --create-if-missing.

Example of testing CloudFront Functions

cfft test executes CloudFront Functions in the DEVELOPMENT stage and compares the result with the expect object if specified.

Usage: cfft test

test function

  -h, --help                  Show context-sensitive help.
  -c, --config="cfft.yaml"    config file

      --create-if-missing     create function if missing

Add Cache-Control header in viewer-response

See examples/add-cache-control directory.

# cfft.yaml
name: my-function
function: function.js
  - name: add-cache-control
    event: event.json
// function.js
async function handler(event) {
  const response = event.response;
  const headers = response.headers;

  // Set the cache-control header
  headers['cache-control'] = { value: 'public, max-age=63072000' };
  console.log('[on the edge] Cache-Control header set.');

  // Return response to viewers
  return response;


    "version": "1.0",
    "context": {
        "eventType": "viewer-response"
    "viewer": {
        "ip": ""
    "request": {
        "method": "GET",
        "uri": "/index.html",
        "headers": {},
        "cookies": {},
        "querystring": {}
    "response": {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "statusDescription": "OK",
        "headers": {},
        "cookies": {}
$ cfft test
2024-01-19T22:35:26+09:00 [info] function my-function found
2024-01-19T22:35:26+09:00 [info] function code is not changed
2024-01-19T22:35:26+09:00 [info] [testcase:add-cache-control] testing function
2024-01-19T22:35:26+09:00 [info] [testcase:add-cache-control] ComputeUtilization: 31 optimal
2024-01-19T22:35:26+09:00 [info] [testcase:add-cache-control] [from:my-function] [on the edge] Cache-Control header set.
2024-01-19T22:35:26+09:00 [info] [testcase:add-cache-control] OK
2024-01-19T22:35:27+09:00 [info] 1 testcases passed

cfft executes my-function with event.json at CloudFront Functions in development stage.

About an event object, see also CloudFront Functions event structure.

  • If my-function is not found, cfft test --create-if-missing creates a new function with the name and runtime cloudfront-js-2.0.
  • If the function is found and the code is different from the function.js, cfft updates the function code.
  • Shows logs and compute utilization of the function after the execution.

Compare the result with the expect object

When you specify the expect element in test cases, cfft compares the result with the expect object.

# cfft.yaml
name: my-function
function: function.js
  - name: add-cache-control
    event: event.json
    expect: expect.json

If the result is different from the expect.json, cfft exits with a non-zero status code.

2024-01-19T22:39:33+09:00 [info] function my-function found
2024-01-19T22:39:33+09:00 [info] function code or kvs association is changed, updating...
2024-01-19T22:39:34+09:00 [info] [testcase:add-cache-control] testing function
2024-01-19T22:39:35+09:00 [info] [testcase:add-cache-control] ComputeUtilization: 29
2024-01-19T22:39:35+09:00 [info] [testcase:add-cache-control] [from:my-function] [on the edge] Cache-Control header set.
--- expect
+++ actual
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     "statusDescription": "OK",
     "headers": {
       "cache-control": {
-        "value": "public, max-age=6307200"
+        "value": "public, max-age=63072000"

2024-01-19T22:39:35+09:00 [error] failed to run test case add-cache-control, expect and actual are not equal


  "response": {
    "headers": {
      "cache-control": {
        "value": "public, max-age=6307200"
    "statusDescription": "OK",
    "cookies": {},
    "statusCode": 200

Ignore fields in the expect object

If you want to ignore some fields in the expect object, you can use the ignore element in test cases.

# cfft.yaml
name: my-function
function: function.js
  - name: add-cache-control
    event: event.json
    expect: expect.json
    ignore: ".response.cookies,"

The .response.cookies and are ignored in the expect object.

Event and Expect file format

The event and expect file format is JSON, Jsonnet or YAML.

# cfft.yaml
name: my-function
function: function.js
  - name: add-cache-control
    event: event.jsonnet
    expect: expect.yaml

cfft supports the following file extensions.

  • .json
  • .jsonnet
  • .yaml
  • .yml

HTTP text format for Request and Response objects

cfft supports an HTTP text format for Request and Response objects.

The following example is the HTTP text format of the Request object.

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1

The request object is converted to the following JSON object.

  "method": "GET",
  "uri": "/index.html",
  "headers": {
    "host": {
      "value": ""

The following example is the HTTP text format of the Response object.

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

The response object is converted to the following JSON object.

  "statusCode": 302,
  "statusDescription": "Found",
  "headers": {
    "location": {
      "value": ""

You can convert from HTTP text to JSON object with cfft util parse-request and cfft util parse-response commands.

$ cfft util parse-request < request.txt
  "method": "GET",
  "uri": "/index.html",
  "headers": {
    "host": {
      "value": ""

For use of the text format, I recommend using YAML or Jsonnet format for the event and expect files instead of plain JSON. YAML and Jsonnet support multiline strings.

# event.yaml
version: "1.0"
  eventType: viewer-response
request: |
  GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
response: |
  HTTP/1.1 302 Found
  version: '1.0',
  context: {
    eventType: 'viewer-response',
  viewer: {
    ip: '',
  request: |||
    GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
  response: |||
    HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Chain multiple functions

cfft supports chaining multiple functions. The feature is useful to test the combined function.

# cfft.yaml
name: my-function
runtime: cloudfront-js-2.0 # required
  event-type: viewer-request
    - function1.js
    - function2.js
  filter_command: "npx esbuild --minify"
## ...

The runtime must be cloudfront-js-2.0.

  • function element allows you to specify multiple function files.
    • event-type must be viewer-request or viewer-response. required.
    • functions element is an array of function files.
    • filter_command is a command to filter the chained function code. optional.

When you specify the multiple functions in function, cfft automatically creates a combined function chained with all functions.

The combined function works as the following steps.

  1. The first function in the functions array is evaluated.
  2. The result of the first function is passed to the second function.
  3. ...(repeat)

When the event-type is viewer-response and any step returns a response object(includes statusCode), the response object is returned to the viewer immidiately. The following functions are not evaluated.

The filter_command is a command to filter the chained function code. The command must accepts the function code from stdin and outputs the filtered function code to stdout. For example, use npx esbuild --minify to minify the function code.

Note: esbuild --minify may change identifiers in js code, so it may not work for js file includes import syntax.

You can review the generated combined function code with cfft render command.

Use CloudFront KeyValueStore

cfft supports CloudFront KeyVakueStore.

# cfft.yaml
name: function-with-kvs
function: function.js
  name: hostnames

If you specify the kvs element in the config file, cfft test --create-if-missing creates a KeyValueStore with the name if not exsites, and associates the KeyValueStore with the function. You can use the KeyValueStore in the function code.

In a function code, the KVS id is available in the KVS_ID environment variable.

import cf from 'cloudfront';

const kvsId = "{{ must_env `KVS_ID` }}";
const kvsHandle = cf.kvs(kvsId);

async function handler(event) {
  const request = event.request;
  const clientIP = event.viewer.ip;
  const hostname = (await kvsHandle.exists(clientIP)) ? await kvsHandle.get(clientIP) : 'unknown';

  request.headers['x-hostname'] = { value: hostname };
  return request;

Manage KVS key values with cfft kvs command

cfft kvs command manages KVS key values.

  • cfft kvs list lists all key values.
  • cfft kvs get <key> gets the value of the key.
  • cfft kvs put <key> <value> puts the value of the key.
  • cfft kvs delete <key> deletes the key.
  • cfft kvs info shows the information of the KeyValueStore.

Diff function code

cfft diff compares the function code with the code in the CloudFront Functions in the "DEVELOPMENT" stage.

$ cfft diff
2024-01-19T22:41:18+09:00 [info] function my-function found
+++ function.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 async function handler(event) {
   const request = event.request;
-  console.log('hello cfft world');
+  console.log('hello cfft');
   return request;

cfft diff --live compares the function code with the code in the CloudFront Functions in the "LIVE" stage.

Publish function

cfft publish publishes the function to the CloudFront Functions.

$ cfft publish

cfft publish fails if the local function code differs from the CloudFront Functions code.

Before publishing the function, you need to run cfft diff to check the difference and run cfft test to check the function behavior.

Render function code, event and expect object

cfft render renders the function code or event object or expect object to STDOUT.

Usage: cfft render [<target>]

render function code

  [<target>]    render target (function,event,expect)

       --test-case="" test case name (for target event or expect)
$ cfft render

You can use cfft render to check the function code after rendering the template syntax.

cfft render event --test-case=foo renders the event object of the test case named 'foo'.

The --test-case flag is available only for the event and expect targets. If --test-case is not specified, cfft renders the event or expect object of the first test case.

Template syntax

cfft read files (config, function, event, and expect) with the following template syntax by kayac/go-config.

must_env function renders the environment variable value.

{{ must_env `FOO` }}

If the environment variable FOO is not set, cfft exits with a non-zero status code. You can use env function to set a default value.

{{ env `BAR` `default_of_BAR` }}

See examples/true-client-ip directory to see how to use the template syntax.

  - name: localhost
    event: event.json
    expect: expect.json
      HOSTNAME: localhost
  - name: home
    event: event.json
    expect: expect.json
      HOSTNAME: home

In testCases, env overrides the environment variables. These values are used in event.json and expect.json.


  "version": "1.0",
  "context": {
    "eventType": "viewer-request"
  "viewer": {
    "ip": "{{ env `IP` `` }}"
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "uri": "/index.html",
    "headers": {},
    "cookies": {},
    "querystring": {}


  "request": {
    "cookies": {},
    "headers": {
      "true-client-ip": {
        "value": "{{ env `IP` `` }}"
      "x-hostname": {
        "value": "{{ env `HOSTNAME` `unknown` }}"
    "method": "GET",
    "querystring": {},
    "uri": "/index.html"

Cooperate with Terraform

cfft is desined to use with Terraform.

cfft has two methods to cooperate with Terraform, cfft tf generates tf.json, and cfft tf --external generates JSON for Terraform's external data sources.

Generate tf.json

cfft tf command outputs a JSON defines a Terraform aws_cloudfront_function resource. The JSON file is read by Terraform as JSON Configuration Syntax.

$ cfft tf >

  "//": "This file is generated by cfft. DO NOT EDIT.",
  "resource": {
    "aws_cloudfront_function": {
      "some-function": {
        "name": "some-function",
        "runtime": "cloudfront-js-2.0",
        "code": "....(function code)....",
        "comment": "comment of the function",

Terraform creates or updates the function with the JSON. If you want to publish the function into the "LIVE" stage by terraform apply, set cfft tf --publish flag.

If you want to run cfft test before terraform (plan|apply), execute cfft test --create-if-missing to create a function in the DEVELOPMENT stage.

In this case, you have to define the import block in a .tf file because the function is already created by cfft, but Terraform does not know the function. After terraform apply, you can remove the import block.

import {
  to = aws_cloudfront_function.some-function
  id = "some-function"

When a function code contains ${, this syntax conflicts with Terraform's interpolation syntax. In this case, cfft outputs the function code into Terraform's variable, and the aws_cloudfront_function resource refers to the variable.

The variable's default value is not parsed as Terraform's interpolation syntax. See also variable-blocks.

  "//": "This file is generated by cfft. DO NOT EDIT.",
  "variable": {
    "code_of_some-function": {
      "type": "string",
      "default": "...(function code)..."
  "resource": {
    "aws_cloudfront_function": {
      "some-function": {
        "name": "some-function",
        "code": "${var.code_of_some-function}",
        "runtime": "cloudfront-js-2.0"

cfft tf --resource-name foo outputs the JSON with the tf resource name foo instead of the function name.

Generate JSON for Terraform external data sources

cfft tf --external command outputs a JSON for Terraform external data sources.

$ cfft tf --external
  "name": "some-function",
  "code": "....(function code)....",
  "comment": "comment of the function",
  "runtime": "cloudfront-js-2.0"

You can define the aws_cloudfront_function resource with the data.external data source calling cfft tf --external.

When you run terraform apply, cfft tf --external is executed and the function is created or updated. If publish is true, Terraform will publish the function into the "LIVE" stage.

Note: cfft tf --external does not output a publish attribute because the external data source does not accept non-string values.

resource "aws_cloudfront_function" "some-function" {
  name    = data.external.some-function.result["name"]
  runtime = data.external.some-function.result["runtime"]
  code    = data.external.some-function.result["code"]
  comment = data.external.some-function.result["comment"]
  publish = true

data "external" "some-function" {
  program = ["cfft", "--config", "cfft.yaml", "tf", "--external"]

If you want to execute cfft test before terraform apply, or you use the KeyValueStore, cfft test --create-if-missing creates a KeyValueStore and associates the KeyValueStore with the function. In this case, you have to define the import block in a .tf file because the function is already created by cfft, but Terraform does not know the function. After terraform apply, you can remove the import block.

import {
  to = aws_cloudfront_function.some-function
  id = "some-function"




Fujiwara Shunichiro