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A simple flash based mindmap editor with various configuration options.

Currently used for the Moodle Mindmap Module:

Configuration options can be set via flashvars. The following config options are available:

- editable: true/false, default: fale
	Decides wether or not the currently viewd mindmap can be edited or is simply shown without the possibiliy to change something
- lang: de/en, default: de
	Language of the interface
- save_url: String, default: -
	A url where the editor POSTs data if the user tries to save a mindmap. The Mindmap data is send as xml in a POST param called "mindmail"
- save_function: String, default: -
	If you don't use a save_url you can alternatively use a javascript save_function. Simply provide the javascript function name and the editor will call this function with the XML as it's first parameter when the user tries to save something
- load_url: String: default: -
	A url where you provide the XML of a Mindmap that should be displayed
- xml_data: XML, -
	A valid mindmap XML-String. If you set this option the load_url will be ignored
- lock_url: String, -
	This url get's called in an interval to inform you that the user stills has the mindmap opened. Useful for implementing a "This mindmap is currently locked" feature
- lock_interval: Integer, 30
	How often should the lock_url get called. Value is in seconds
- bitmap_gateway_url: String, -
	If you provide this url there will be an additional button to export the mindmap as an image. An example implementation of this feature can be found in my Ekpenso repository (
- autonode_url: String, -
	This is just a fun feature do automatically create nodes. The Editor will POST a text and limit parameter to this url and you should return xml in the following format: <xml><node>result 1</node><node>result 2 </node>. For an example implementation see the Ekpenso repository (

This is a sample configuration with SWFObject:

var so = new SWFObject("", "viewer", 900, 600, "9", "#FFFFFF"); 
so.addVariable("load_url", ""); 
so.addVariable('save_url', ''); 
so.addVariable('lock_url', ''); 
so.addVariable('bitmap_gateway_url', ''); 
so.addVariable('editable', 'true');
so.addVariable("lang", "en"); 


View/Edit component of the moodle mindmap module






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