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LAB | Vue3 Training

This exercise allows you to practice and apply the concepts and techniques taught in class. This is a free adaptation from this exercise so some errors may be expected.

Upon completion of this exercise, you will be able to:

  • Create and render components with multiple props.
  • Use props to pass data to components and display the data received through props within the components
  • Use inline styles to modify the appearance of components
  • Use operators ? and && to conditionally render content
  • Use the ref function to create references to elements.
  • Use the reactive function to create reactive objects and the toRefs function to extract refs.
  • Create event handler functions to handle user interactions and browser events.
  • Create controlled components to manage the form inputs.
  • Apply the "Lifting State Up" approach to share the state between components.
  • Pass functions as props from a parent component to a child component.


The purpose of this exercise is to practice the core React concepts such as: creating components, passing data through props, working with state, rendering lists, and working with forms (controlled components).

To see the expected result for each iteration, refer to the solution example: React Training - solution.


  • Fork this repo
  • Clone this repo
$ cd vue-components-training
$ npm install
$ npm run dev


  • Upon completion, run the following commands:

    git add .
    git commit -m "done"
    git push origin master


Iteration 0 | Components folder

Inside of the src/ folder, create a new folder named components.

Use the components folder to store all the components that you create in the following iterations.

Iteration 1 | Component: IdCard

Create and render an IdCard component with 6 props:

  • lastName: A string
  • firstName: A string
  • gender: A string, 'male' or 'female'
  • height: A number
  • birth: A date
  • picture: A string


  :birth='new Date("1992-07-14")'

  last-name='Delores '
  :birth='new Date("1988-05-11")'

Expected Output:


This component is partially implemented. Help - Components and passing props Help - Passing different prop types

Iteration 2 | Component: Random

Create a Random component with 2 props:

  • min: A number
  • max: A number

The component should display a random integer in the range between the min and the max number.


<Random :min="1" :max="6"/>
<Random :min="1" :max="100"/>

Expected Output:


Iteration 3 | Component: BoxColor

Create a BoxColor component that displays a rectangle with a background color based on props. For this, you will need to add inline styles (documentation).

The component should take 3 props:

  • r: A number between 0 and 255 representing the amount of red
  • g: A number between 0 and 255 representing the amount of green
  • b: A number between 0 and 255 representing the amount of blue


    <BoxColor :r="255" :g="0" :b="0" />
    <BoxColor :r="128" :g="255" :b="0" />

Expected Output:


As a bonus, you can also display the hex values of the color (e.g., #ff0000 for red).

Iteration 4 | Component: CreditCard

Create a CreditCard component that displays a rectangle with the information coming from the props.

The component should take 8 props:

  • type: A string that can be "Visa" or "Master Card"
  • number: A string that is the number of the credit card. For security reasons, you should only display the 4 last digits 😉
  • expirationMonth: A number that represents the month, between 1 and 12
  • expirationYear: A number that represents the year
  • bank: A string that represents the name of the bank
  • owner: A string that represents the name of the owner
  • bgColor: A string for the background color of the card
  • color: A string for the text color of the card

Take your time to make the component look as close to the expected output as possible. You'll probably want to use flexbox.


      owner="Maxence Bouret"

      type="Master Card"
      owner="Maxence Bouret"

      bank="Name of the Bank"
      owner="Firstname Lastname"

Expected Output:


Iteration 5 | Component: Greetings

Create a Greetings component with 1 props:

  • lang: A string that can have values: "de", "en", "es" or "fr"

You must also pass the text between the <Greetings> tags. That's called Slots

The component should display a greeting text in the chosen language.


<Greetings lang="de"><span style="color: yellow">Ludwig</span></Greetings>
<Greetings lang="fr"><strong>François</strong></Greetings>

Expected Output:

Important: This is not the exact output. You should see the color of the text of Ludwing in yellow, whereas François should be between strong tags.


Iteration 6 | Component: Rating

Create a Rating component that displays 5 stars. Depending on the value received, some stars should be empty (☆), and some should be filled (★).


    <Rating :rate="0" />
    <Rating :rate="1.49" />
    <Rating :rate="1.5" />
    <Rating :rate="3" />
    <Rating :rate="4" />
    <Rating :rate="5" />

Expected Output:


Iteration 7 | Component: DriverCard

Create a DriverCard component that displays a rectangle with content based on the received props.

The component should take 4 props:

  • name: A string
  • rating: A number between 0 and 5. The value can be a floating point number.
  • img: A string
  • car: An object with properties model and licensePlate.

Notice that you can use the component created in Iteration 6 in this Driver Card component.


      name="Travis Kalanick"
      :car="{ model: 'Toyota Corolla Altis', licensePlate: 'CO42DE' }"

      name="Dara Khosrowshahi"
      :car="{ model: 'Audi A3', licensePlate: 'BE33ER' }"

Expected Output:


Iteration 8 | State: LikeButton

Create a LikeButton component that displays a button with the initial text "0 Likes". With each click, the number of Likes should increase.

As a bonus, implement the background color change on each click. You can use the following array of colors: ['purple','blue','green','yellow','orange','red']


<LikeButton />

Expected Output:

Iteration 9: State: ClickablePicture

Create a ClickablePicture component that displays a picture. On each click, the picture should toggle between the two images passed through the props.


<ClickablePicture img="maxence.png" img-clicked="maxence-glasses.png" />

Expected Output:

PS: If you want to use your picture instead, you can create it using this picture: 😎

Iteration 10 | State: Dice

Create a Dice component that displays a picture with the random dice value (example: '../assets/images/dice3.png').

Every time the user clicks on the component, it should:

  • First, display an empty picture ('../assets/images/dice-empty.png')
  • 1 second later, display a new random picture (example: '../assets/images/dice6.png').


<Dice />

Expected Output before the click:


Expected Output immediately after the click:


Expected Output 1 second after the click:


Iteration 11 | State: Carousel

Create a Carousel component that displays an image and two buttons (Left and Right), which change the picture on each click, respectively.

The component should take 1 prop:

  • images: An array of strings. Each string should be an image URL.



Expected Output:

Iteration 12 | List and Keys | NumbersTable

Create a NumbersTable component that displays a list of numbers between 1 and the limit. Even numbers must be colored in red.

The component should take 1 prop:

  • limit: A number.


<NumbersTable :limit={12} />

Expected Output:


Iteration 13 | List and Keys - FaceBook (Simple)

Create a FaceBook component that displays the list of all profiles coming from the file src/data/berlin.json. Remember to import the json data in the component:

import profiles from "./data/berlin.json";


<FaceBook />

Expected Output: (you should see about 28 profiles)


Iteration 14 | List and Keys - FaceBook (Advanced)

Update your FaceBook component and add a button for each country the students come from; Each student object has a country property. When the user clicks on the button with the country name (example: USA), add a blue background to all the profiles where the country is the one selected.


<FaceBook />

Expected Output: (note: part of the content in the screenshot was cropped)



  • By default, only display the picture. Then, when a user clicks on a picture, display more information
  • Add sort buttons
  • Add a search input

Iteration 15 | Form - SignupPage

Create a SignupPage component with the following elements:

  • An input of type "email" (bonus: make the input green/red when the email is valid/invalid)

  • An input of type "password" (bonus: make the input green/red when the password is strong/weak)

  • A select input, used for selecting a nationality, with possible options/values: "en", "de", "fr"

  • A paragraph displaying "Hello", "Hallo" or "Bonjour" based on the selected nationality

  • A text "Your email is"

For this, you will need 3 state variables:

  • email
  • password
  • nationality

Try installing Bootstrao or PicoCSS to markup easily the form.


<SignupPage />



Iteration 16 | Lifting State Up - RGBColorPicker

Create 2 components:

  • The RGBColorPicker component, that displays a square with an rgb color coming from the state. The component should have the following state variables:

    • rValue: A number between 0 and 255, representing the amount of red

    • gValue: A number between 0 and 255, representing the amount of green

    • bValue: A number between 0 and 255, representing the amount of blue

  • The SingleColorPicker component should have an input field of type "number", and allow the user to select a number between 0 and 255.

    The component should take 3 props:

    • color: A string that is either "r", "g" or "b"
    • value: A number between 0 and 255
    • onChange: A method that is triggered when the input is changed

The RGBColorPicker should render 3 SingleColorPicker components and send the state values to them.


 <SingleColorPicker color="r" :value="rValue" @change="updateColor('r', $event)" />
    <SingleColorPicker color="g" :value="gValue" @change="updateColor('g', $event)" />
    <SingleColorPicker color="b" :value="bValue" @change="updateColor('b', $event)" />

Expected Output


Happy coding! ❤️

Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build


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