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Orchestrating Docker with Kubernetes

This is a demo app to showcase orchestrating Docker with Kubernetes. You can find more at my post.


  1. Run backend
kubectl create -f backend.yaml

According to the best practices, create a Service before corresponding Deployments so that the scheduler can spread the pods comprising the Service. So the redis service is created before deployment and they are defined in backend.yaml.

  1. Run frontend
kubectl create -f frontend.yaml

Note I used type: NodePort, because our cloud doe not provide public IP. The solution is to map the node port to container port, then in LB configure virtual port to node port. For example:

http 30003 http 30003

After that one can find the FQDN for the node and use below to see the page in browser.


Note both should use LB and FQDN for Node, Not Master.

  1. Self-healing

Delete a random pod and see Kubernetes creates a new one.

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 delete pod frontend-1287392616-6kk6q; kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 get pods | grep frontend
pod "frontend-1287392616-6kk6q" deleted
frontend-1287392616-3zmqa   1/1       Running       0          27m
frontend-1287392616-6kk6q   1/1       Terminating   0          27m
frontend-1287392616-8lki8   0/1       Terminating   0          1s
frontend-1287392616-92fgg   1/1       Running       0          27m
frontend-1287392616-my2gy   0/1       Terminating   0          1s
frontend-1287392616-r9sfx   0/1       Pending       0          1s

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 get pods | grep frontend
frontend-1287392616-3zmqa   1/1       Running   0          28m
frontend-1287392616-92fgg   1/1       Running   0          28m
frontend-1287392616-r9sfx   1/1       Running   0          29s
  1. Scaling
kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 scale deployment/frontend --replicas=6; kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 get pods | grep frontend
deployment "frontend" scaled
frontend-1287392616-3zmqa   1/1       Running             0          32m
frontend-1287392616-7dd1z   0/1       Terminating         0          0s
frontend-1287392616-92fgg   1/1       Running             0          32m
frontend-1287392616-p1x6m   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          0s
frontend-1287392616-r9sfx   1/1       Running             0          4m
frontend-1287392616-z7jjv   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          0s

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 get pods | grep frontend
frontend-1287392616-3zmqa   1/1       Running   0          32m
frontend-1287392616-92fgg   1/1       Running   0          32m
frontend-1287392616-p1x6m   1/1       Running   0          8s
frontend-1287392616-pjf35   1/1       Running   0          8s
frontend-1287392616-r9sfx   1/1       Running   0          4m
frontend-1287392616-z7jjv   1/1       Running   0          8s

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 scale deployment/frontend --replicas=3; kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 get pods | grep frontend
deployment "frontend" scaled
frontend-1287392616-3zmqa   1/1       Running       0          33m
frontend-1287392616-92fgg   1/1       Running       0          33m
frontend-1287392616-lnuj6   0/1       Pending       0          0s
frontend-1287392616-p1x6m   1/1       Terminating   0          1m
frontend-1287392616-pjf35   1/1       Terminating   0          1m
frontend-1287392616-r9sfx   1/1       Running       0          6m
frontend-1287392616-z7jjv   1/1       Terminating   0          1m

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 get pods | grep frontend
frontend-1287392616-3zmqa   1/1       Running       0          33m
frontend-1287392616-92fgg   1/1       Running       0          33m
frontend-1287392616-lnuj6   1/1       Terminating   0          5s
frontend-1287392616-r9sfx   1/1       Running       0          6m
frontend-1287392616-u8mjt   1/1       Terminating   0          4s

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 get pods | grep frontend
frontend-1287392616-3zmqa   1/1       Running   0          36m
frontend-1287392616-92fgg   1/1       Running   0          36m
frontend-1287392616-r9sfx   1/1       Running   0          8m
  1. Rolling update
kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 create -f frontend-canary.yaml
kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 get pods -L track
NAME                               READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       TRACK
backend-3180978658-93bi0           1/1       Running   0          50m       <none>
frontend-1287392616-3zmqa          1/1       Running   0          39m       stable
frontend-1287392616-92fgg          1/1       Running   0          39m       stable
frontend-1287392616-r9sfx          1/1       Running   0          11m       stable
frontend-canary-1722551660-obhmi   1/1       Running   0          18s       canary

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080  get deployments frontend-canary
frontend-canary   1         1         1            1           2m

kubectl create -f frontend-canary.yaml
vim frontend.yaml # update simple-node:v1 to simple-node:v2
kubectl apply -f frontend.yaml

Hit the frontend service a few times to verify that only one pod is updated to chenglong/simple-node:v2

$ curl http://<fqdn-for-node-lb>:30003
This request is served by frontend-canary-1722551660-obhmi
You have viewed this page 1877 times!
Server Time: 2017-03-28T17:46:43.299Z

$ curl http://<fqdn-for-node-lb>:30003
This request is served by frontend-1287392616-r9sfx. You have viewed this page 1930 times!

Since the Canary Release is working fine, I want to roll out to all pods.

vim frontend.yaml
          #image: chenglong/simple-node:v1
          image: chenglong/simple-node:v2
kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 apply -f frontend.yaml

Find out details of one of the none-canary pods. Note that the image is chenglong/simple-node:v2 not v1.

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 describe pods frontend-1389432169-t89d8
Name:   frontend-1389432169-t89d8
Namespace:  default
    Container ID: docker://9f3aded8f61cf6326ffcb4aa02699b4fd11ef713b0e879237e31040b79c0b60f
    Image:    chenglong/simple-node:v2

Delete Canary deployment

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 delete deployments frontend-canary

If this release is not ideal, we could easily roll back

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 rollout undo deployment/frontend

Confirm it is using v1 by describing one of the frontend pods.

kubectl -s http://<fqdn-for-master-lb>:8080 describe pods frontend-1287392616-2kakj
Name:   frontend-1287392616-2kakj
    Container ID: docker://4373cb8ae9f8ac78f715e3a1a35ca652a8c20eb7452f92731a648860cd44a142
    Image:    chenglong/simple-node:v1


A demo app to show orchestrating Docker with Kubernetes






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