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Getting Started with GeoMapFish - TL; DR

Open a linux console, and execute the following commands:

chmod +x

Then, follow the instructions.

  • Your application is at https://<your_computer_name>:8484. Replace <your_computer_name> with your actual computer name in lower case. On the first connection you will be kindly asked to add an exception to security risks by the browser (because of the auto-signed certificate).
  • The admin interface is at https://<your_computer_name>:8484/admin.
  • The default credentials are admin/admin.

That's it! Enjoy :-)

Getting Started with GeoMapFish - Long version


This page goes through the basic, required steps to create your first GeoMapFish application from scratch. It is based on Version 2.8. To learn what GeoMapFish is all about, please visit our homepage.

This guide is written for Linux systems. GeoMpaFish works on Windows systems as well, but as the community is using Linux in a large majority, there is no guide for Windows at the moment.

Step 1: Configure proxies

If you are behind a corporate proxy, you will have to configure the proxies. This can be done like this:

export http_proxy=http://user:password@proxy_host:proxy_port
export https_proxy=http://user:password@proxy_host:proxy_port
export no_proxy=localhost,,

Step 2: Install requirements

The first step is to install the GeoMapFish requirements.
You will need to have the following components installed on your system:

  • Git
  • Python >= 3.7 with pyyaml
  • Docker >= 17.05
  • Docker-Compose

You can install the requirements by using your package manager.
For example, on Debian, you can do the following:

apt update && apt install -y git python3 docker docker-compose

In order to be able to use GeoMapFish, your linux user must be part of the docker group:

usermod -aG docker myuser

Step 3: Prepare database

To store its configuration, GeoMapFish is using a PostgreSQL database with the following required extensions:

  • PostgreSQL >= 9.1
  • PostGIS >= 2.1
  • hstore
  • pg_trgm

If you don't have any Postgres database yet, the installation script can download and configure one for you. If this is what you want, you can jump directly to Step 4.

Otherwise, if you want to use your own database, the installation script will help you configure GeoMapFish to use it, but you will have to execute some commands on the database manually.

1. Create database


2. Activate extensions:


3. Create User, Schema, and configure rights:

CREATE SCHEMA main_static;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA main_static TO www;

Step 4: Install GeoMapFish

You are now ready to install GeoMapFish. Let's do it!

1. Download the installation script


2. Make it executable

chmod +x

3. Execute it

The installation script will guide you through the configuration process.
Just start the script, and follow the instructions:


The questions asked by the installation script should be self-explanatory.
If there's something you don't understand, feel free to ask for help at
If you're encountering an error during the installation, please join the generated file install.log to your email.

Step 5: First start

You should now have a working instance of GeoMapFish.

Now, it's time to start your application for the first time. You should be able to do this at https://hostname:port (for example https://<your_computer_name>:8484).

Because your new instance of GeoMapFish doesn't have any valid SSL certificate yet, you will very likely get a NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID warning from your Browser:

SSL Error

For the moment, just ignore it and proceed to the website anyway. You will be able to see the application:

First start

Step 6: Login & change admin password

On the right side of the application, you will see a toolbar.
At the very top of this toolbar, you can login to your application.

The default credentials are:

  • Username : admin
  • Password : admin

Admin Login

Once logged in, you will have to change the admin password:

Change Password

Ok, there you are !

Admin connected

Well... it's quite empty for now. Let's add some data!

Step 7: Add basemap

If you want a nice mapping application, I guess you need a background map to get started. Let's add a WMTS Layer from Swisstopo in order to use it as Basemap.

1. Connect to the admin interface

It is available at https://hostname:port/admin (for example https://<your_computer_name>:8484/admin). As you are already logged in to GeoMapFish with the admin user, you are also automatically authenticated to the administration interface.

2. Add a new WMTS Layer

Navigate to the WMTS Layers tab:

WMTS Empty

Create a new WMTS Layer and configure it as follows:

  • Name: The name of the layer in GeoMapFish: Swisstopo Pixelkarte Color
  • GetCapabilities URL: The URL that will be used to get the Capabilities of the configured WMTS Layer:
  • WMTS layer name: The identifier if the WMTS layer in the Capabilities: ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe.
  • Public: Defines if this layer will be publicly available in the geoportal, or if it will have restricted access: checked
  • Interfaces: Defines in which interface this Layer will be available: desktop and mobile

WMTS Color

Click Submit.

3. Add the Layer to background layers

Navigate to the Layer groups tab:

Layer groups

A layer group, with the name background, is already configured. This group is used to load available background maps in the application. The layers linked to this group will be visible in the application under the basemap selector:

Basemap Selector

Let's add our new WMTS Layer to this group. Open the layer group by double-clicking on it. In the Children area, select the WMTS Layer Swisstopo Pixelkarte Color and to add it the the group:

Add Basemap

Click Submit.

4. Refresh the application

Go back to your geoportal (https://<your_computer_name>:8484), and refresh the website with F5. The new basemap should now be available in the background selector:

With Basemap

Congratulations, you've configured your first basemap in your geoportal!

Step 8: Add you own data


Getting Started with GeoMapFish






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