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ForUnitTest: A Fortran library for unit testing.


use forunittest

type(unit_test) :: ut

call ut%check(res, expected, tol, msg)

See example/demo.f90 for a complete example.

fpm dependency

To use ForUnitTest as a dependency in your fpm project, include the following line in your fpm.toml file:

forunittest = {git=""}

How to Run the Demo

Clone the repository:

Clone the ForUnitTest repository from GitHub using:

git clone
cd forunittest

Run the demo:

fpm run --example demo

API documentation

The most up-to-date API documentation for the main branch is available here. To generate the API documentation for ForUnitTest using ford run the following command:

ford ford.yml


Contributions to ForUnitTest are welcome! If you find any issues or would like to suggest improvements, please open an issue.