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SDR tool for receiving wireless sensor data (TFA IT+ KlimaLogg Pro, LaCrosse, WeatherHub)


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tfrec - A SDR tool for receiving wireless sensor data

(c) 2017-2022 Georg Acher & Deti Fliegl, {acher|fliegl}(at)

SEO Keywords: TFA KlimaLogg LaCrosse decoder SDR WeatherHub sensor Linux :)

This tool uses a RTL2832-based SDR stick to decode data sent by the KlimaLogg Pro (and recently some other) temperature sensors made by TFA Dostmann ( or other Technoline/LaCrosse-compatible sensors.

Runs on Linux (tested on x86 and ARM/Raspberry Zero/PI3/PI4) and MacOS. Required HW is a RTL2832-based DVB-T-stick, preferrably with a R820T-tuner.

Received values must be externaly fed to a database, FHEM, etc!

Supported sensors are (see sensors.txt for more details):

  • NRZS/38400baud: 30.3180.IT, 30.3181.IT and probably 30.3199 (pool sensor)
  • NRZ/9600baud: 30.3155.WD, 30.3156.WD
  • NRZ/17240baud: 30.3143.IT, 30.3144.IT, 30.3147.IT, 30.3157.IT, 30.3159.IT and probably 30.3146.IT
  • NRZ/8842baud: Technoline TX22
  • NRZS/6000baud: WeatherHub sensors (TFA 30.3303.02, 30.3305.02, 30.3306.02, 30.3307.02 30.3311.02, MA10410/TFA 35.1147.01, TFA 35.1147.01, 30.3302.02, [B30.3304.02, 30.5043.01 Technoline Mobile Alerts: MA10100 MA10200 MA10650 MA10660)

It is likely that the other LaCrosse-based sensors with 9600/17240baud also work:

TX21IT, TX25IT, TX27IT, TX29IT, TX35, TX37 (label Technoline)

Please let me know if you have any success :)



SW Requirements

  • rtl-sdr (library/headers/utilities)

Debian/Ubuntu: package name 'librtlsdr-dev'

Mac ports: package name 'rtl-sdr'

Or download+install from

Note: Make sure that the SDR stick can be accessed. The rtl_test utility has to run without any problems. Under Linux you need to add udev rules to use the stick as a non-root-user.

  • make, C++ compiler (g++/llvm), pkg-config

  • For the optional visualisation: apache, MySQL and Perl


There is now a unified makefile for some common platforms (PC, Mac, ARM), so typing "make" should be enough. For unusual architectures you need to adjust the makefile flags to get optimum performance.

The resulting executable is "tfrec". All options can be seen with "tfrec -h".

Overview and internals for KlimaLogg Pro sensors

(see below for other sensors)

KlimaLogg Pro consists of a standalone base station (30.3039), up to 8 wireless sensors (30.3180.IT) and a USB-stick to download the base station data to a PC. It is very likely that the HW is also available under the original label LaCrosse, like some other TFA sensors.

But unlike other TFA sensors, the 30.3180.IT uses a protocol that cannot be received by the popular JeeLink USB Stick with a RFM69 module, as it does NRZS coding. RFM69 is only able to decode NRZ. Since initial byte synchronisation also depends on the proper coding, this difference cannot be corrected afterwards.

tfrec receives at 868.250MHz at 1.536MHz bandwidth, downsampled to get sensitivity, filters appropriately, performs FSK demodulation and NRZ(S)-decoding. The resulting telegrams (see tfa1.c for more technical details) contain an unique15bit sensor ID, temperature (-40...+60degC), humidity (0...100%), a low battery indicator and a CRC to detect transmission errors.

The sensor ID is fixed and cannot be changed. It is printed on the backside of the sensor and is also shown when inserting the battery (the last two numbers before the temperature appears).

The telegrams with updated sensor values are sent every 10s.

The sensitivity of tfrec with a R820T based stick is at least as good as the TFA base station.

Advantages of tfrec vs. original PC software:

  • direct access to data for home automation etc.
  • no restriction to 8 sensors
  • no learning procedure required
  • sample time 10s
  • other sensors also supported (even mixed setup)



For 868MHz the usually supplied 10cm DVB-T antenna stick is well suited. Make sure that it is placed on a small metallic ground plane. Avoid near WLAN, DECT or other RF stuff that may disturb the SDR stick.

To reduce other disturbances, place a sensor in about 2m distance for the first test.

By default, three sensor types (TFA_1/2/3) are enabled (see -T option for enabling TX22 and WeatherHub).

Run "tfrec -D". This uses default values and should print a hexdump of received telegrams and the decoded values like this (KlimaLogg Pro sensor):

#000 1485215350 2d d4 65 b0 86 20 23 60 e0 56 97 ID 65b0 +22.0 35% seq e lowbat 0 RSSI 81

This message is sensor 65b0 (hex), 22degC, 35% relative humidity, battery OK.

The sequence counts from 0 to f for every message and allows to detect missing messages.

RSSI is the receiver strength (usually values between 50 and 85). Typically telegrams with RSSI below 55 tend to have errors. Please note that in the default auto gain mode RSSI values among different sensors can not be compared. Use fixed gain for determining weaker sensors.

Non-KlimaLoggPro sensors (3143,...) have an additional offset value in the debug output. Subtract that from 868250 if you have reception problems (see below).

If that works, you can omit the -D. Then only successfully decoded data is printed. If you want to store the data, you can use the option -e <cmd>. For every received message <cmd> is called with the arguments

id temp hum seq batfail rssi timestamp

The timestamp is the typical Unix timestamp of the reception time.

For a start, try 'tfrec -q -e /bin/echo'. Then all output comes from the echo-command.

Other useful options:

  • -g <gain>: Manual (for 820T-tuner 0...50, -1: auto gain=default)
  • -d <index or name>: Use specified stick (use -d ? to list all sticks)
  • -w <timeout>: Run for timeout seconds and exit
  • -m <mode>: If 1, store data and only execute one handler for each ID at exit (use with -w)
  • -W: Use wider filter (+-80kHz vs +-44kHz), tolerates more frequency offset, but is less sensitive
  • -T <type>: Enable individual sensor types, bitmask ORing the following choices as hex value:
    • 1: TFA_1 (KlimaLoggPro)
    • 2: TFA_2 (17240bit/s)
    • 4: TFA_3 (9600bit/s)
    • 8: TX22 (8842bit/s) NOT ENABLED BY DEFAULT!
    • 20: WeatherHub (6000bit/s) NOT ENABLED BY DEFAULT!
    • Example: "-T 2a" enables TFA_2 (2), TX22 (8) and WeatherHub (20)
  • -t <trigger>: Manually set trigger level (usually 200-1000). If 0, the level is adjusted automatically (default)

Support for non-KlimaLoggPro TFA/LaCrosse sensors:

Non-WeatherHub (TFA_2, TFA_3, TX22)

(See tfa2.c for more details on the protocol)

These sensors do not have a unique ID. Each time the battery is inserted, a random ID is generated. The 2-hex-digit-ID is displayed after powerup as the last number before the temperature appears. tfrec generates a 8-hex-digit ID with the following scheme:


  • a = type 1 (17240baud types), 2 (9600 baud types), 3 (TX22)
  • b = static value (0 for TX22, usually 9 for others)
  • cc = random ID
  • d = subtype
    • d = 0 (internal temperature sensor)
    • d = 1 (external temperature sensor for 3143)
    • d = 1 only humidity (TX22)
    • d = 2 rain counter as temperature value (TX22)
    • d = 3 speed as temperature in m/s, direction as humidity (TX22)
    • d = 4 gust speed as temperature in m/s (TX22)

The output format for the handler is identical to the other sensors. The sequence counter is set to 0. If the sensor does not support humidity, it is set to 0.

Please note that the TX22 system can deliver multiple outputs for each of its subsystems. With -D, only the actually sent values are printed.

The debug output also shows the frequency offset like this:

ID 20009900 +17.2 47 12 12 RSSI 83 Offset 11kHz

This indicates that the real frequency is actually 11kHz below the center frequency. About +-30kHz are tolerated with decreasing sensitivity at the edges. If you have reception problems, adjust the center frequency with -f.

Note #1: The frequency offset is very inaccurate for real offsets beyond 30kHz and may indicate even the wrong direction. So better try in 10kHz steps...

Note #2: My 3144 sensor is about 25kHz lower (at 868225kHz), maybe this affects all sensors.

WeatherHub sensors

These sensors have unique 6 byte IDs, usually printed on sensor. The first byte describes the sensor type. Sensors values for rain, wind and door states are mapped like TX22 by the last nibble of the ID at the temperature and humidity values:


  • I: 6 Byte ID, T: Type (4bit)
  • Subtype
    • T=0: temperature, humidity (0 if not available), indoor values for stations with multiple sensors
    • T=1: External (cable) temperature sensor (WHB type 7)
    • T=2: Rain sensor: tempval=rain-counter, hum=time in s since last pulse
    • T=3: Wind sensor: tempval=speed (m/s), hum=direction (degree)
    • T=4: Wind sensor: tempval=gust speed (m/s)
    • T=5: Door/water sensor: tempval=state (1=open/wet), hum=time in s since last event (only door sensor)
    • T=0xc to 0xe: temperature/humidity of extra sensors (or stations)

Thus, some sensor types deliver two or more output messages in one go, see the following examples:

Wind sensor with ID 0b3d9ddeeabc:

0b3d9ddeeabc2 +0.7 270 950 0 92 0 1525996300    -> 2=Wind 0.7m/s from west (270deg)
0b3d9ddeeabc3 +5.8 0 950 0 92 0 1525996300      -> 3=Gust 5.8m/s

Temperature/Humidity/Wetness sensor with ID 0469fe50dabc:

0469fe50dabc0 +21.3 51 16394 0 90 0 1525979222  -> 0= Temp +21.3, humidity 51%
0469fe50dabc5 +1.0 0 16394 0 90 0 1525979222    -> 5= State=1 (wet)

Rain sensor with ID 0833c2708abc (0.25mm/m^2 rain per count)

0833c2708abc2 +9.0 774 10 0 92 0 1525998514   -> 2= Counter 9, last event 774s ago
0833c2708abc0 +21.0 0 10 0 92 0 1525998514    -> 0= Temp 21.0

Station ID 117addaf2ff6 with one internal and 3 external T/H sensors (TFA 30.3060.01)

117addaf2ff60 +22.0 55 1772 0 0 0 1540944521    -> 0=indoor
117addaf2ff6c +11.6 86 1772 0 0 0 1540944521    -> c=sensor#1
117addaf2ff6d +22.2 51 1772 0 0 0 1540944521    -> d=sensor#2
117addaf2ff6e +18.8 62 1772 0 0 0 1540944521    -> e=sensor#3

Station ID 124a42a3d8e3 with internal T/H and averaged H (TFA 30.5043.01)

124a42a3d8e30 +21.5 52 1263 0 0 0 1552610966    -> 0= indoor temp/hum.
124a42a3d8e31 +0.0 51 1263 0 0 0 1552610966     -> 1= 3h average hum.
124a42a3d8e3c +0.0 53 1263 0 0 0 1552610966     -> c= 24h average hum.
124a42a3d8e3d +0.0 51 1263 0 0 0 1552610966     -> d= 7d average hum.
124a42a3d8e3e +0.0 0 1263 0 0 0 1552610966      -> e= 30d average hum.

Some sensors (rain, wind, door) send a history of previous values. This history is currently just internally decoded but not used. You can see it with the "-DD" option.


  • No messages at all

If the sensors should be supported, please send me a dump (see below).

Run with -DDD. This prints the trigger events like 400/32768. If there is too much noise, the first number reaches the second. It is very unlikely that decoding works in this case, so the trigger sensitivity is automatically adjusted without altering the hardware gain. If this doesn't work for you, try the manual gain option or set the trigger level manually with '-t 1000' or even higher values.

  • Missing sensor IDs

Use manual gain and optimize antenna position depending on RSSI level

  • Too many CRC errors

At strong RSSI: Reduce gain (manual gain), reduce strong RF sources nearby At weak RSSI: Use other antenna position

My 3144/TX22 sensors have a frequency offset and may require a slightly different frequency for reliable reception: Either try with '-f 868225' or use "-W" for a wider filter. You can also look at the offset value in the debug output for correctly received messages and use that as a correction value.

  • Unknown IDs

Possibly there are other sensors are in the neighborhood. If they are of different type than yours, disable these with -T. If not, maybe reducing the gain helps.

  • High CPU load

Disable unwanted sensor types with -T or increase trigger with -t.

  • "Unsupported sensor type" for WeatherHub sensors

There is a "secret" type specific value (CRC init) that can only be safely calculated with at least 2 different raw messages (3 are better). I have determined it for 8 types (02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 0b, 10, and 11) and also implemented the value decoding just for these sensors. For other types please send me a few (different) raw messages received by the -D option.

Dump save/load

You can record an IQ dump with '-S <file>'. This file can be read instead of real time data with '-L <file>'.


There is a simple web visualisation tool in contrib/. It stores data in a MySQL database and draws charts via Javascript.

Short setup:

  • Create a database 'smarthome' with a user 'smarthome' and some password

    • mysql> create database smarthome;
    • mysql> create user 'smarthome'@'localhost' identified by 'some password';
    • mysql> grant all privileges on smarthome.* to 'smarthome'@'localhost';
  • Create table with 'mysql -u smarthome -p -A smarthome < sensors.sql'

  • Copy pushvals.cgi, sensors.cgi and sensors.html to a web accessible directory with CGI execution. Fix MySQL password in both CGIs. Adjust example chart setup at the beginning of sensors.html.

  • Run 'tfrec -e pushvals', maybe with '-w 60' every 10minutes.

  • Todos: Consolidation of database values


SDR tool for receiving wireless sensor data (TFA IT+ KlimaLogg Pro, LaCrosse, WeatherHub)







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  • C++ 83.4%
  • HTML 7.4%
  • Perl 6.2%
  • Makefile 2.1%
  • Other 0.9%