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Question on youtube

I have got a question. Is that possible to get known, which grammar rule was recognized? Some variable which returns "feelings" , "syntax" etc. ??

-- For example we have the grammar --

  #JSGF V1.0;

  * JSGF Grammar 

  grammar grammar;

  public <feelings>  = ( how are you | say hello);
  public <voices>  = ( change to voice one  | change to voice two | change to voice three );
  public <amazing>  = ( say amazing | what day is today );
  public <nervous>  = (who is your daddy | obey monster | hey boss);
  public <number> = ( zero | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | nine | ten
                   | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen | twenty 
                   | thirty | forty | fifty | sixty | seventy | eighty | ninety 
		           | hundred | thousand | million | billion)+;                   
  public <syntax> = <number>{1} (plus | minus | multiply | division){1} <number>{1}; 


Yes you can do it using the simple library i have written here , just one class :) . Also you get the the rules of the grammar , with or without definitions . Actually it can be further extended based on the needs . Anyone can contribute if he wants new things .


I have to fix some things like for example if you search for the word zero it will return the rule number but not the rule syntax which obviously contains the word zero but it has it like <number>{1} , so i must add more code to detect this also.

Youtube tutorial

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Example Test Code

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import library.JSGFGrammarParser;

public class JSGFGrammarParserTester {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		////////////////////////////------------------EXAMPLES Part 1--------------///////////////////////////////////////
		List<String> rules;
		rules = JSGFGrammarParser.getAllGrammarRules(JSGFGrammarParserTester.class.getResourceAsStream("grammar1.gram"), false);
		System.out.println("Grammar Rules , without definitions: " + rules + "\n");
		rules = JSGFGrammarParser.getAllGrammarRules(JSGFGrammarParserTester.class.getResourceAsStream("grammar1.gram"), true);
		System.out.println("Grammar Rules , with definitions: " + rules + "\n");
		////////////////////////////------------------EXAMPLES Part 2--------------///////////////////////////////////////
		List<String> givenWords;
		List<String> results;
		//----------------------!! IF GRAMMAR IS INSIDE A `.JAR FILE !!!----------------------
		//Example 1 -- The grammar is in the same resource package
		givenWords = Arrays.asList("how are you", "say hello");
		results = JSGFGrammarParser.getRulesContainingWords(JSGFGrammarParserTester.class.getResourceAsStream("grammar1.gram"), givenWords, false);
		printResults(givenWords, results);
		//Example 2 -- The grammar is in the folder RESOURCES/grammars/grammar2.gram	
		givenWords = Arrays.asList("six");
		results = JSGFGrammarParser.getRulesContainingWords(JSGFGrammarParserTester.class.getResourceAsStream("/grammars/grammar2.gram"), givenWords, true);
		printResults(givenWords, results);
		//----------------------If the grammar is outside the jar file-----------------------
		//-----------------------THE BELOW CODE WILL NOT WORK FOR GRAMMAR FILES INSIDE THE JAR FILE----------------------
		//-----------------------------Test 1-----------------------------			
		//Get all the rules that contain any of these words 
		givenWords = Arrays.asList("say amazing", "what day is today");
		results = JSGFGrammarParser.getRulesContainingWords(new File("grammar.gram"), Arrays.asList("say amazing", "what day is today"), false);
		printResults(givenWords, results);
		//-----------------------------Test 2-----------------------------
		//Get all the rules that contain all of these words 
		givenWords = Arrays.asList("say amazing", "what day is today");
		results = JSGFGrammarParser.getRulesContainingWords(new File("grammar.gram"), givenWords, true);
		printResults(givenWords, results);
		//-----------------------------Test 3-----------------------------	
		//----WARNING ON TEST 3---The third parameter can be true or false here , it doesn't matter cause it is one word
		//Get all the rules that contain the given word	
		givenWords = Arrays.asList("six");
		results = JSGFGrammarParser.getRulesContainingWords(new File("grammar.gram"), givenWords, true);
		printResults(givenWords, results);
	 * Print the results
	 * @param givenWords
	 * @param results
	private static void printResults(List<String> givenWords , List<String> results) {
		System.out.println("\nGiven words : \"" + givenWords + "\"\nGrammar Rules containing them :-> " + results);








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