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Skeleton WebApp based on Elixir/Phoenix that comes with sessions, authentications, userroles and a role-based navigation tree.

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This is pretty old as it refers to a 3-year old version of Phoenix. If I'll do monolithic web apps in Elixir again, I'll post my results here.


My skeleton to bootstrap a new Phoenix app.


This is my application skeleton that integrates useful things (see ROADMAP) when starting a new project with phoenix. Starting from 100% scratch every time went tediuos so here it goes. Most changes to this project are backported from live production projects. So yes, albeit a bit quirky here and there this code runs in production.


After cloning this project, I do run a search/replace on the code and file names replacing "Skeleton" with "WhateverMyAppIsCalled" and "skeleton" with "whatever_my_app_is_called".


Master branch currently supports Phoenix v1.1.2

What's new in v.0.19.0?

"prod releasing"

  • tuned mix.exs and config/prod.exs in a way that exrm can create a working release (thanks to hykw for reporting on this)

coming up next

  • document how to use NavigationTree.Agent in a practical manner. Backport NavigationTree renderers from other projects here to provide templates for use with Zurb/Foundation side navigation bars (It's easy!)
  • move Plug.Authorization.Roles into an external dependency (plug_authorization_roles)
  • make it configurable from NavigationTree


This assumes a Debian/Ubuntu environment. Max OSX should be similar, except that packages are installed with homebrew instead of apt-get.

  1. Install System dependencies (see section System dependencies)
  2. Install Elixir dependencies with mix deps.get
  3. Install npm dependencies for ranch with npm install
    1. You might want to run brunch builld to check if js/css compiling and concatenation works
  4. create database with postgre script below
    • run as postgres superuser: sudo -u postgres psql postgres
    CREATE ROLE skeleton_dev_user LOGIN
      ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'md5465fc2608ab7a4ebe4eaa198e63b85a7'
    CREATE DATABASE skeleton_dev
      WITH OWNER = skeleton_dev_user
           ENCODING = 'UTF8'
           TABLESPACE = pg_default
           LC_COLLATE = 'de_DE.UTF-8'
           LC_CTYPE = 'de_DE.UTF-8'
           CONNECTION LIMIT = -1
           TEMPLATE = template0
    This will create a database skeleton_dev that is accessible by skeleton_dev_user using password skeleton_dev_pass. You should tune this to your needs, of course. Hint: You may need to adjust de_DE.UTF-8 to en_US.UTF-8 for US-english Collation using this Gist: (
  5. run mix.compile to see if everything builds fine
  6. run mix ecto.migrate Repo to create required database tables
  7. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server or iex -S mix phoenix.server if you wish to have a console

Now you can visit from your browser.

Create development database

This will create a database "skeleton_dev" owned by "skeleton_dev_user" with password "skeleton_dev_pass". Tune this to yout needs.

This only creates the database. To install all required tables (users, userroles, user_userrole_map), run mix ecto.migrate Repo. This will also install a simple user with zsername "admin" with password "admin" and userroles ["admin"] that you can log in with to access /ADMIN/*.

System dependencies

I try to keep up with th latest releases of our dependencies, namely:

  • Erlang/Elixir
  • PostgreSQL (tests run on 9.4)
    • see config/dev.exs for host/user/port settings
    • sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-server-dev-all works fine on Debian/Ubuntu
  • memcached running on
    • apt-get install memcached works fine on Debina/Ubuntu
    • if you have memcached running on another host/port, adjust settings in conf/dev.exs conf/prod.exs
  • nodejs and npm
    • on Debian/Ubuntu "" works great, or just download nodejs from
    • on a Mac, presumably you'll need to use homebrew
    • tested on node v5.4.0 and npm 3.3.12
    • used for brunch: ran all this with brunch 2.1.3


Hot code relaod is not covered here. See []

simple (pack, copy, run)

  • run bash etc/
  • copy rel/skeleton/releases/<version>/skeleton.tar.gz to your production machine
  • extract, then run bin/skeleton --start or bin/skeleton --console (if you want and iex shell)

install as daemon on Linux

This assumes a linux production machine with systemd as init system and a bash shell. Something like Debian 8/Jessie or Ubuntu 15.04/vivid (tested on both distributions). Also, this assumes

  • nxing 1.6+ being configured in /etc/nginx
  • postgre 9.3+
  • memcached instance listening on

run apt-get install nginx memcached postgresql-9.4 on Debian/Ubtuntu have a config as above



I am used to put these things into /var/www-apps/<project-name>. Scripts and configs in ./etc are tuned to this. As root/superuser do this:

mkdir /var/www-apps
cd /var/www-apps
git clone
cd phoenix-skeleton
npm install
mix compile
mix ecto.migrate
bash etc/
bash etc/
systemctl nginx reload

upgrade to current master

cd /var/www-apps/phoenix-skeleton
git pull
bash etc/
systemctl restart phoenix_skeleton_backend.service

If this doesn't work (most often when you didn't increase your app's version), run either mix release --implode (be sure to set MIX_ENV=prod and PORT=4001) or simply delete the whole ./rel folder.

CAUTION: After deleting the ./rel folder it's currently required to run rel/skeleton/bin/skeleon console as privileged user as this will create neccessary directories which can't be done by an unprivileged user. TODO: Update compile-release script to create.


phoenix-skeleton depends on misc_random which compiles with a warning: lib/random.ex:11: warning: erlang:now/0: Deprecated BIF" on Erlang 18. This can safely be ignored as on Erlang 18 will not e used in favour of :erlang.monotonic_time/0

At a certain point, I'll require Erlang 18 to get rid of this and always use :erlang.monotonic_time/0.


Is more than welcome. I am still learning this whole Elixir and Erlang/OTP thing so be rude, be harsh but be helpful.


Skeleton WebApp based on Elixir/Phoenix that comes with sessions, authentications, userroles and a role-based navigation tree.






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