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Tim Haines edited this page Nov 10, 2018 · 1 revision
build [options]
--prefix             Base directory for the source and build directories (default: pwd)
--charm-dir=PATH     Charm source directory (default: prefix/charm)
--changa-dir=PATH    ChaNGa source directory (default: prefix/changa)
--log-file=FILE      Store logging data in FILE (default: prefix/build.log)
--build-dir          Directory where outputs are stored (default: prefix/build)
--charm-target=T     Build charm++ for target T (default: netlrts-linux-x86_64)
--charm-options=S    Pass options S to charm build (wrap S in quotes to pass many values)
--cuda-dir           Override CUDA toolkit directory
--build-type         Type of build test to perform (see --list-opts)
--[no-]cuda          Enable CUDA tests (default: yes)
--[no-]smp           Enable SMP tests (default: no)
--[no-]projections   Enable Projections tests (default: no)
--njobs=N            Number of make jobs (default: N=2)
--[no-]charm         Build the Charm++ libraries for ChaNGa (default: yes)
--[no-]changa        Build ChaNGa (default: yes)
--[no-]debug         Include debug build of ChaNGa in tests (default: yes)
--list-opts          List the build options available for --build-type
--help               Print this help message

In addition to the predefined build types (basic, force-test, and release), you can specify a comma-separated list of configure targets to build. For example, --build-type=hexadecapole,float

will test the HEXADECAPOLE and COSMO_FLOAT options (note: CUDA is still enabled here; to disable, use --no-cuda).

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