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Support for resolve in hls-hlint-plugin (#3679)
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joyfulmantis authored Jun 30, 2023
1 parent 6f775e9 commit d14d9e5
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Showing 3 changed files with 145 additions and 105 deletions.
49 changes: 35 additions & 14 deletions hls-plugin-api/src/Ide/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import Control.Lens (_Just, (.~), (?~), (^.), (^?))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (..), runExceptT)
import Data.Aeson hiding (Null, defaultOptions)
import qualified Data.Aeson
import Data.Default
import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
Expand All @@ -93,8 +94,10 @@ import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types
import Language.LSP.Server (LspM, LspT,
ProgressCancellable (Cancellable),
getVirtualFile, sendRequest,
import Language.LSP.VFS
import Numeric.Natural
import OpenTelemetry.Eventlog
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1051,30 +1054,48 @@ mkCodeActionHandlerWithResolve codeActionMethod codeResolveMethod =
-- support. This means you don't have to check whether the client supports resolve
-- and act accordingly in your own providers.
:: forall ideState. (ideState -> PluginId -> CodeActionParams -> LspM Config (Either ResponseError ([Command |? CodeAction] |? Null)))
:: forall ideState.
-> (ideState -> PluginId -> CodeActionParams -> LspM Config (Either ResponseError ([Command |? CodeAction] |? Null)))
-> (ideState -> PluginId -> CodeAction -> LspM Config (Either ResponseError CodeAction))
-> PluginHandlers ideState
mkCodeActionWithResolveAndCommand codeActionMethod codeResolveMethod =
-> ([PluginCommand ideState], PluginHandlers ideState)
mkCodeActionWithResolveAndCommand plId codeActionMethod codeResolveMethod =
let newCodeActionMethod ideState pid params = runExceptT $
do codeActionReturn <- ExceptT $ codeActionMethod ideState pid params
caps <- lift getClientCapabilities
case codeActionReturn of
r@(InR Null) -> pure r
(InL ls) | -- If the client supports resolve, we will wrap the resolve data in a owned
-- resolve data type to allow the server to know who to send the resolve request to
-- and dump the command fields.
supportsCodeActionResolve caps ->
pure $ InL (dropCommands . wrapCodeActionResolveData pid <$> ls)
-- If they do not we will drop the data field.
| otherwise -> pure $ InL $ dropData <$> ls
pure $ InL (wrapCodeActionResolveData pid <$> ls)
-- If they do not we will drop the data field, in addition we will populate the command
-- field with our command to execute the resolve, with the whole code action as it's argument.
| otherwise -> pure $ InL $ moveDataToCommand <$> ls
newCodeResolveMethod ideState pid params =
codeResolveMethod ideState pid (unwrapCodeActionResolveData params)
in mkPluginHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction newCodeActionMethod
<> mkPluginHandler SMethod_CodeActionResolve newCodeResolveMethod
where dropData :: Command |? CodeAction -> Command |? CodeAction
dropData ca = ca & _R . L.data_ .~ Nothing
dropCommands :: Command |? CodeAction -> Command |? CodeAction
dropCommands ca = ca & _R . L.command .~ Nothing
in ([PluginCommand "codeActionResolve" "Executes resolve for code action" (executeResolveCmd plId codeResolveMethod)],
mkPluginHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction newCodeActionMethod
<> mkPluginHandler SMethod_CodeActionResolve newCodeResolveMethod)
where moveDataToCommand :: Command |? CodeAction -> Command |? CodeAction
moveDataToCommand ca =
let dat = toJSON <$> ca ^? _R -- We need to take the whole codeAction
-- And put it in the argument for the Command, that way we can later
-- pas it to the resolve handler (which expects a whole code action)
cmd = mkLspCommand plId (CommandId "codeActionResolve") "Execute Code Action" (pure <$> dat)
in ca
& _R . L.data_ .~ Nothing -- Set the data field to nothing
& _R . L.command ?~ cmd -- And set the command to our previously created command
executeResolveCmd :: PluginId -> PluginMethodHandler ideState Method_CodeActionResolve -> CommandFunction ideState CodeAction
executeResolveCmd pluginId resolveProvider ideState ca = do
withIndefiniteProgress "Executing code action..." Cancellable $ do
resolveResult <- resolveProvider ideState pluginId ca
case resolveResult of
Right CodeAction {_edit = Just wedits } -> do
_ <- sendRequest SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams Nothing wedits) (\_ -> pure ())
pure $ Right Data.Aeson.Null
Right _ -> pure $ Left $ responseError "No edit in CodeAction"
Left err -> pure $ Left err

supportsCodeActionResolve :: ClientCapabilities -> Bool
supportsCodeActionResolve caps =
Expand Down
156 changes: 67 additions & 89 deletions plugins/hls-hlint-plugin/src/Ide/Plugin/Hlint.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Lens ((?~), (^.))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,10 +127,7 @@ import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types hiding
import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Types as LSP
import Language.LSP.Server (ProgressCancellable (Cancellable),
import Language.LSP.Server (getVersionedTextDoc)

import qualified Development.IDE.Core.Shake as Shake
import Development.IDE.Spans.Pragmas (LineSplitTextEdits (LineSplitTextEdits),
Expand All @@ -146,6 +143,8 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import System.Environment (setEnv,
import Data.Aeson (Result (Error, Success),
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text ()
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,13 +187,12 @@ fromStrictMaybe Strict.Nothing = Nothing

descriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
descriptor recorder plId = (defaultPluginDescriptor plId)
descriptor recorder plId =
let (pluginCommands, pluginHandlers) = mkCodeActionWithResolveAndCommand plId codeActionProvider (resolveProvider recorder)
in (defaultPluginDescriptor plId)
{ pluginRules = rules recorder plId
, pluginCommands =
[ PluginCommand "applyOne" "Apply a single hint" (applyOneCmd recorder)
, PluginCommand "applyAll" "Apply all hints to the file" (applyAllCmd recorder)
, pluginHandlers = mkPluginHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction codeActionProvider
, pluginCommands = pluginCommands
, pluginHandlers = pluginHandlers
, pluginConfigDescriptor = defaultConfigDescriptor
{ configHasDiagnostics = True
, configCustomConfig = mkCustomConfig properties
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,21 +394,9 @@ getHlintConfig pId =
<$> usePropertyAction #flags pId properties

:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Show k, Show (RuleResult k), Typeable k, Typeable (RuleResult k), NFData k, NFData (RuleResult k))
=> IdeState
-> NormalizedFilePath -> String -> k -> IO (Maybe (RuleResult k))
runHlintAction ideState normalizedFilePath desc rule = runAction desc ideState $ use rule normalizedFilePath

runGetFileContentsAction :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO (Maybe (FileVersion, Maybe T.Text))
runGetFileContentsAction ideState normalizedFilePath = runHlintAction ideState normalizedFilePath "Hlint.GetFileContents" GetFileContents

runGetModSummaryAction :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO (Maybe ModSummaryResult)
runGetModSummaryAction ideState normalizedFilePath = runHlintAction ideState normalizedFilePath "Hlint.GetModSummary" GetModSummary

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
codeActionProvider :: PluginMethodHandler IdeState Method_TextDocumentCodeAction
codeActionProvider ideState pluginId (CodeActionParams _ _ documentId _ context)
codeActionProvider ideState _pluginId (CodeActionParams _ _ documentId _ context)
| let TextDocumentIdentifier uri = documentId
, Just docNormalizedFilePath <- uriToNormalizedFilePath (toNormalizedUri uri)
= do
Expand All @@ -427,16 +413,7 @@ codeActionProvider ideState pluginId (CodeActionParams _ _ documentId _ context)
[diagnostic | diagnostic <- diags
, validCommand diagnostic
file <- runGetFileContentsAction ideState docNormalizedFilePath
singleHintCodeActions <-
if | Just (_, source) <- file -> do
modSummaryResult <- runGetModSummaryAction ideState docNormalizedFilePath
pure if | Just modSummaryResult <- modSummaryResult
, Just source <- source
, let dynFlags = ms_hspp_opts $ msrModSummary modSummaryResult ->
diags >>= diagnosticToCodeActions dynFlags source pluginId verTxtDocId
| otherwise -> []
| otherwise -> pure []
let singleHintCodeActions = diags >>= diagnosticToCodeActions verTxtDocId
if numHintsInDoc > 1 && numHintsInContext > 0 then do
pure $ singleHintCodeActions ++ [applyAllAction verTxtDocId]
Expand All @@ -446,9 +423,8 @@ codeActionProvider ideState pluginId (CodeActionParams _ _ documentId _ context)

applyAllAction verTxtDocId =
let args = Just [toJSON verTxtDocId]
cmd = mkLspCommand pluginId "applyAll" "Apply all hints" args
in LSP.CodeAction "Apply all hints" (Just LSP.CodeActionKind_QuickFix) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just cmd) Nothing
let args = Just $ toJSON (AA verTxtDocId)
in LSP.CodeAction "Apply all hints" (Just LSP.CodeActionKind_QuickFix) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing args

-- |Some hints do not have an associated refactoring
validCommand (LSP.Diagnostic _ _ (Just (InR code)) _ (Just "hlint") _ _ _ _) =
Expand All @@ -458,44 +434,57 @@ codeActionProvider ideState pluginId (CodeActionParams _ _ documentId _ context)

diags = context ^. LSP.diagnostics

resolveProvider :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> PluginMethodHandler IdeState Method_CodeActionResolve
resolveProvider recorder ideState _pluginId ca@CodeAction {_data_ = Just data_} = pluginResponse $ do
case fromJSON data_ of
(Success (AA verTxtDocId@(VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier uri _))) -> do
file <- getNormalizedFilePath uri
edit <- ExceptT $ liftIO $ applyHint recorder ideState file Nothing verTxtDocId
pure $ ca & LSP.edit ?~ edit
(Success (AO verTxtDocId@(VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier uri _) pos hintTitle)) -> do
let oneHint = OneHint pos hintTitle
file <- getNormalizedFilePath uri
edit <- ExceptT $ liftIO $ applyHint recorder ideState file (Just oneHint) verTxtDocId
pure $ ca & LSP.edit ?~ edit
(Success (IH verTxtDocId@(VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier uri _) hintTitle )) -> do
file <- getNormalizedFilePath uri
edit <- ExceptT $ liftIO $ ignoreHint recorder ideState file verTxtDocId hintTitle
pure $ ca & LSP.edit ?~ edit
Error s-> throwE ("JSON decoding error: " <> s)
resolveProvider _ _ _ _ = pluginResponse $ throwE "CodeAction with no data field"

-- | Convert a hlint diagnostic into an apply and an ignore code action
-- if applicable
diagnosticToCodeActions :: DynFlags -> T.Text -> PluginId -> VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier -> LSP.Diagnostic -> [LSP.CodeAction]
diagnosticToCodeActions dynFlags fileContents pluginId verTxtDocId diagnostic
diagnosticToCodeActions :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier -> LSP.Diagnostic -> [LSP.CodeAction]
diagnosticToCodeActions verTxtDocId diagnostic
| LSP.Diagnostic{ _source = Just "hlint", _code = Just (InR code), _range = LSP.Range start _ } <- diagnostic
, let isHintApplicable = "refact:" `T.isPrefixOf` code
, let hint = T.replace "refact:" "" code
, let suppressHintTitle = "Ignore hint \"" <> hint <> "\" in this module"
, let suppressHintTextEdits = mkSuppressHintTextEdits dynFlags fileContents hint
, let suppressHintWorkspaceEdit =
(Just (M.singleton (verTxtDocId ^. LSP.uri) suppressHintTextEdits))
, let suppressHintArguments = IH verTxtDocId hint
= catMaybes
-- Applying the hint is marked preferred because it addresses the underlying error.
-- Disabling the rule isn't, because less often used and configuration can be adapted.
[ if | isHintApplicable
, let applyHintTitle = "Apply hint \"" <> hint <> "\""
applyHintArguments = [toJSON (AOP verTxtDocId start hint)]
applyHintCommand = mkLspCommand pluginId "applyOne" applyHintTitle (Just applyHintArguments) ->
Just (mkCodeAction applyHintTitle diagnostic Nothing (Just applyHintCommand) True)
applyHintArguments = AO verTxtDocId start hint ->
Just (mkCodeAction applyHintTitle diagnostic (Just (toJSON applyHintArguments)) True)
| otherwise -> Nothing
, Just (mkCodeAction suppressHintTitle diagnostic (Just suppressHintWorkspaceEdit) Nothing False)
, Just (mkCodeAction suppressHintTitle diagnostic (Just (toJSON suppressHintArguments)) False)
| otherwise = []

mkCodeAction :: T.Text -> LSP.Diagnostic -> Maybe LSP.WorkspaceEdit -> Maybe LSP.Command -> Bool -> LSP.CodeAction
mkCodeAction title diagnostic workspaceEdit command isPreferred =
mkCodeAction :: T.Text -> LSP.Diagnostic -> Maybe Value -> Bool -> LSP.CodeAction
mkCodeAction title diagnostic data_ isPreferred =
{ _title = title
, _kind = Just LSP.CodeActionKind_QuickFix
, _diagnostics = Just [diagnostic]
, _isPreferred = Just isPreferred
, _disabled = Nothing
, _edit = workspaceEdit
, _command = command
, _data_ = Nothing
, _edit = Nothing
, _command = Nothing
, _data_ = data_

mkSuppressHintTextEdits :: DynFlags -> T.Text -> T.Text -> [LSP.TextEdit]
Expand All @@ -519,28 +508,32 @@ mkSuppressHintTextEdits dynFlags fileContents hint =
combinedTextEdit : lineSplitTextEditList
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

applyAllCmd :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> CommandFunction IdeState VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
applyAllCmd recorder ide verTxtDocId = do
let file = maybe (error $ show (verTxtDocId ^. LSP.uri) ++ " is not a file.")
(uriToFilePath' (verTxtDocId ^. LSP.uri))
withIndefiniteProgress "Applying all hints" Cancellable $ do
res <- liftIO $ applyHint recorder ide file Nothing verTxtDocId
logWith recorder Debug $ LogApplying file res
case res of
Left err -> pure $ Left (responseError (T.pack $ "hlint:applyAll: " ++ show err))
Right fs -> do
_ <- sendRequest SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams Nothing fs) (\_ -> pure ())
pure $ Right Null
ignoreHint :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier -> HintTitle -> IO (Either String WorkspaceEdit)
ignoreHint _recorder ideState nfp verTxtDocId ignoreHintTitle = do
(_, fileContents) <- runAction "Hlint.GetFileContents" ideState $ getFileContents nfp
(msr, _) <- runAction "Hlint.GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps" ideState $ useWithStale_ GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps nfp
case fileContents of
Just contents -> do
let dynFlags = ms_hspp_opts $ msrModSummary msr
textEdits = mkSuppressHintTextEdits dynFlags contents ignoreHintTitle
workspaceEdit =
(Just (M.singleton (verTxtDocId ^. LSP.uri) textEdits))
pure $ Right workspaceEdit
Nothing -> pure $ Left "Unable to get fileContents"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

data ApplyOneParams = AOP
{ verTxtDocId :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
, start_pos :: Position
-- | There can be more than one hint suggested at the same position, so HintTitle is used to distinguish between them.
, hintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,FromJSON,ToJSON)
data HlintResolveCommands = AA { verTxtDocId :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier}
| AO { verTxtDocId :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
, start_pos :: Position
-- | There can be more than one hint suggested at the same position, so HintTitle is used to distinguish between them.
, hintTitle :: HintTitle
| IH { verTxtDocId :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
, ignoreHintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

type HintTitle = T.Text

Expand All @@ -549,21 +542,6 @@ data OneHint = OneHint
, oneHintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq, Show)

applyOneCmd :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> CommandFunction IdeState ApplyOneParams
applyOneCmd recorder ide (AOP verTxtDocId pos title) = do
let oneHint = OneHint pos title
let file = maybe (error $ show (verTxtDocId ^. LSP.uri) ++ " is not a file.") toNormalizedFilePath'
(uriToFilePath' (verTxtDocId ^. LSP.uri))
let progTitle = "Applying hint: " <> title
withIndefiniteProgress progTitle Cancellable $ do
res <- liftIO $ applyHint recorder ide file (Just oneHint) verTxtDocId
logWith recorder Debug $ LogApplying file res
case res of
Left err -> pure $ Left (responseError (T.pack $ "hlint:applyOne: " ++ show err))
Right fs -> do
_ <- sendRequest SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams Nothing fs) (\_ -> pure ())
pure $ Right Null

applyHint :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> Maybe OneHint -> VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier -> IO (Either String WorkspaceEdit)
applyHint recorder ide nfp mhint verTxtDocId =
runExceptT $ do
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