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Merge pull request #3082 from hgluka/cursor-icons-troubleshooting #418

Merge pull request #3082 from hgluka/cursor-icons-troubleshooting

Merge pull request #3082 from hgluka/cursor-icons-troubleshooting #418

Workflow file for this run

# Inspired by
name: Tests
# We tell GitHub to not duplicate the checks in pull requests. See
# https://gitpro.ttaallkk.topmunity/t/how-to-trigger-an-action-on-push-or-pull-request-but-not-both/16662/15
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
types: [ opened, synchronize, closed ]
name: ${{ matrix.lisp }} on ${{ matrix.os }}
# Use ccl-bin/1.12.1 instead of 'ccl' because of
# TODO: Revert when Roswell is functional again.
lisp: [sbcl-bin, ccl-bin/1.12.1]
renderer: [gi-gtk]
rosargs: [dynamic-space-size=3072]
os: [ ubuntu-latest ]
# run the job on every combination of "lisp" and "os" above
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# Check out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Cache .roswell
id: cache-dot-roswell
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ~/.roswell
key: ${{ runner.os }}-dot-roswell-${{ matrix.lisp }}-${{ hashFiles('**/*.asd') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-dot-roswell-${{ matrix.lisp }}-
${{ runner.os }}-dot-roswell-
- name: Install dependencies
shell: bash
run: |
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install -y git
sudo apt-get install -y libfixposix3 libfixposix-dev libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev glib-networking gsettings-desktop-schemas xclip enchant-2
- name: Install Roswell
shell: bash
# always run install, since it does some global installs and setup that isn't cached
LISP: ${{ matrix.lisp }}
# TODO: Update Roswell to latest version (may need Ubuntu 20.* or above).
run: curl -L | sh -x
- name: Check Lisp
continue-on-error: true
shell: bash
run: |
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(format t "~&~a:~a on ~a~%" (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version) (machine-type))'
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(format t "ASDF: ~a~%" (asdf:asdf-version))'
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(format t "fixnum bits: ~a~%" (integer-length most-positive-fixnum))'
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(format t "features: ~s~%" *features*)'
- name: Fetch Common Lisp third-party dependencies
shell: bash
run: |
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(handler-bind ((error (lambda (a) (uiop:print-backtrace) (format *error-output* "Error: ~a~&" a) (uiop:quit 17)))) (asdf:load-system :nyxt/submodules))'
mkdir -p ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d/
echo "(:tree \"$PWD/_build/submodules\")" > ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d/asdf.conf
- name: Load Nyxt
shell: bash
run: |
# TODO: Can we make CCL backtraces more readable? With trivial-backtrace maybe?
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(asdf:load-system :nyxt/submodules)' -e '(handler-bind ((error (lambda (a) (uiop:print-condition-backtrace a) (format *error-output* "Error: ~a~&" a) (uiop:quit 17)))) (asdf:load-system :nyxt/${{matrix.renderer}}-application))'
- name: Build Nyxt executable
shell: bash
## CCL build binary does not work for now, needs more investigation.
if: ${{ matrix.lisp != 'ccl-bin/1.12.1' }}
run: |
rm -f nyxt
make all LISP=ros LISP_FLAGS="${{ matrix.rosargs }} run -- --no-userinit --non-interactive"
# Load tests separately to not clutter the test output.
- name: Load tests
shell: bash
run: |
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(asdf:load-system :nyxt/submodules)' -e '(handler-bind ((error (lambda (a) (uiop:print-backtrace) (format *error-output* "~a~&" a) (uiop:quit 17)))) (asdf:load-system :nyxt/tests))'
- name: Run tests
shell: bash
# Export CI to tell ASDF to quit on test errors.
run: |
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(asdf:load-system :nyxt/submodules)' -e '(asdf:test-system :nyxt)'
- name: Validate make-instance symbols
shell: bash
run: |
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(asdf:load-system :nyxt/submodules)' -e '(asdf:load-system :nyxt)' -e '(push :nyxt-debug-make-instance *features*)' -e '(handler-bind ((error (lambda (a) (uiop:print-backtrace) (format *error-output* "~a~&" a) (uiop:quit 17)))) (asdf:load-system :nyxt :force t))'
- name: Keymap type checking
shell: bash
run: |
ros ${{ matrix.rosargs }} -e '(asdf:load-system :nyxt/submodules)' -e '(asdf:load-system :nyxt)' -e '(push :nyxt-debug-keymap *features*)' -e '(handler-bind ((error (lambda (a) (uiop:print-backtrace) (format *error-output* "~a~&" a) (uiop:quit 17)))) (asdf:load-system :nyxt :force t))'