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This service allows a user to create a transit movement departure (IE015). It contains the pre task list questions which act as dependencies for the other sections within the task list. From this service, a user can also submit an amendment (IE013) to their departure declaration.

This service also acts as a proxy for the journey tests to post data to manage-transit-movements-departure-cache via a test-only POST endpoint.

Service manager port: 10120


Run unit tests:

sbt test

Run integration tests:

sbt it/test

Run accessibility linter tests:

sbt A11y/test

Running manually or for journey tests

To toggle between the Phase 5 transition and post-transition modes we have defined two separate modules, each with their own set of class bindings to handle the rules associated with these two periods.


sbt -Dplay.additional.module=config.TransitionModule run


sbt -Dplay.additional.module=config.PostTransitionModule run

Feature toggles

The following features can be toggled in application.conf:

Key Argument type sbt Description
trader-test.enabled Boolean sbt -Dtrader-test.enabled=true run If enabled, this will override the behaviour of the "Is this page not working properly?" and "feedback" links. This is so we can receive feedback in the absence of Deskpro in externaltest.
countriesOfDeparture Seq[String] sbt -DcountriesOfDeparture.0=GB countriesOfDeparture.1=XI run Controls which countries we fetch offices of departure for. This is so we can run XI only from June 28th before going live with both GB and XI on July 1st.
banners.showUserResearch Boolean sbt -Dbanners.showUserResearch=true run Controls whether or not we show the user research banner.
features.isPreLodgeEnabled Boolean sbt -Dfeatures.isPreLodgeEnabled=true run Controls whether or not we ask the user if it is a standard (A) or pre-lodged (D) declaration. If false we default to standard (A).
play.additional.module String sbt -Dplay.additional.module=config.PostTransitionModule run Controls which module (TransitionModule or PostTransitionModule) we bind to the application at start-up.
play.http.router String sbt -Dplay.http.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes run Controls which router is used for the application, either prod.Routes or testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes

Running Scaffold

Create New Page in sbt:

sbt --supershell=false
g8Scaffold radioButtonPage

At this point you need to answer the questions to fill in the className, package, etc This will create the pages and tests for a RadioButtonPage. It won't overwrite any classes that already exist

Return to command line:


This updates the test classes app.routes and messages files

Creating an Address Page in Scaffold

Then you create the address page referencing the Name Page

g8Scaffold addressPage
-> package:                       # use same package as created for Address name page above
-> title[My New Address]: Consignee Address                    
-> className[MyNewAddress]: ConsigneeAddress
-> formProvider [DynamicAddressFormProvider]
-> navRoute [PreTaskListDetails]:         # use same package as created for Address name page above
-> pageSection [PreTaskListSection]:      # use same package as created for Address name page above

Creating an InputSelect Page in Scaffold

This requires that you already have a Service class with a method that will return a list of the reference object that you require That object must also extend Selectable.

For the test an arbitrary constructor of the Selectable object will be required, or you can manually create these objects

g8Scaffold inputSelectPage
-> package:
-> className: OfficeOfDeparture
-> referenceClass = CustomsOffice

Component view models

In certain cases, we want to limit the number of ways in which the govuk design components are being used so that we can ensure the pages being built are accessible. This has been done through the use of our own component view models, to define how a heading, caption, and label will be rendered relative to an input.

In the example of a text input, we have 4 distinct use cases:

Ordinary text input where the heading is a label Text input with heading and hidden label
Text input with statement heading and visible label that asks the question Text input used for address fields

There is similar logic behind the InputYesNo and InputSelect component view models.

User answers reader

The navigation in this microservice is primarily driven by the UserAnswersReader. This is so navigation and task list statuses can be driven by the same logic. For any given JourneyDomainModel, a user answers reader is defined as the steps taken in order to have a valid set of user answers for that particular journey, often dependent on a series of other answers from previous sections. Depending on the state of the user answers, the reader will either return a Right when the answers are in a completed state, or a Left when they are not. The Right contains an instance of the journey domain model, which has a corresponding routeIfCompleted (generally a check your answers page) to navigate to. The Left contains an instance of the page that caused the reader to fail, which has a corresponding route to navigate to. Both have a list of the pages read by the user answers reader. Knowing this and the current page we can then accurately determine where to take the user to.

This logic is utilised by the navigators, add-to-list change links, and task list links.

NormalMode and CheckMode are still used. Generally speaking:

  • sub-section check your answers pages use NormalMode
  • section check your answers pages use CheckMode

Tampermonkey Scripts

Tampermonkey scripts have been developed for automating the answering of questions within the departure frontends. The scripts can be found here.

In order to run the scripts, you must have the Tampermonkey extension installed, which can be found on the Google Web Store, or the Firefox Addon browser.

They include:

  • Scripts for authorising
  • Scripts for answering the pre-task-list
  • Scripts for answering each individual section within a departure declaration

On the task list screen of the departure frontend you will see this menu if the scripts are running:


To use the scripts, simply press the journey you want answered, and the scripts will go through and answer each question for you.

Keep in mind sometimes if a page has been updated and the scripts have not, you will have to manually intervene and answer a question and then the scripts will run again as usual, or, if the scripts get stuck, and you want to stop them, you can press the "Stop Scripts" button.

If a new update for the scripts has been released, you must visit the relevant file on GitHub and press "Raw" and the Tampermonkey extension will give you the option to update.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.