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Pension scheme return sipp is the backend service for pension scheme return sipp frontend which is a feature on manage your sipp pension.

Technical documentation

Before running the app

Run the following command to start all of the related services for this project:

sm2 -start PSR_ALL

Included in the above command is PENSION_SCHEME_RETURN_SIPP, which is this repository's most recent release. If you want to run your local version of this code instead, run:



sbt 'run'

Note: this service runs on port 10704 by default, but a different port (e.g. 17000) may be specified, as shown in the example below:

sbt 'run 17000'

Running the test suite

sbt clean compile coverage it/test test coverageReport


You can execute the file to run the tests and generate coverage report easily.

/bin/bash ./

Useful links

API Mapping

In down below all the API modelled with API version 1.0.3 | 27-10-2023. There is no guarantee to have exact match. That part will be updated when API swagger file updated by ETMP development team.

Interest in Land or Property

Questions Etmp Request Model Notes
First name of scheme member memberDetails.firstName
Last name of scheme member memberDetails.lastName
Member date of birth memberDetails.dateOfBirth
Member National Insurance number memberDetails.nino
If no National Insurance number for member, give reason memberDetails.reasonNoNINO
How many land or property transactions did the member make during the tax year and not reported in a previous return for this member? landConnectedParty.noOfTransactions
What is the date of acquisition? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].acquisitionDate
Is the land or property in the UK? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].landOrPropertyInUK
Enter the UK address line 1 of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine1
Enter UK address line 2 of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine2
Enter UK address line 3 of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine3
Enter name UK town or city of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine4 or addressLine5 ???
Enter post code of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.ukPostCode
Enter the non-UK address line 1 of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine1
Enter non-UK address line 2 of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine2
Enter non-UK address line 3 of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine3
Enter non-UK address line 4 of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine4
Enter non-UK country name of the land or property landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.countryCode
Is there a Land Registry reference in respect of the land or property? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].registryDetails.registryRefExist If yes, we don't have reference
If no Land Registry reference, enter reason landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].registryReference.noRegistryRefReason
Who was the land or property acquired from? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].acquiredFromName
What is the total cost of the land or property acquired? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].totalCost
Is the transaction supported by an Independent Valuation? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].independentValuation
Is the property held jointly? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].jointlyHeld
How many persons jointly own the property? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].noOfPersonsIfJointlyHeld
Is any part of the land or property residential property as defined by schedule 29a Finance Act 2004? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].residentialSchedule29A
Is the land or property leased? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].isLeased
How many lessees are there for the land or property? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].noOfPersonsForLessees
Are any of the lessees a connected party? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].anyOfLesseesConnected
What date was the lease granted? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].leaseGrantedDate leaseGrantedDate & annualLeaseAmount can be in an object? Will see when Api is ready
What is the annual lease amount? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].annualLeaseAmount
What is the total amount of income and receipts in respect of the land or property during tax year landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].totalIncomeOrReceipts
Were any disposals made on this? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].isPropertyDisposed
What was the total sale proceed of any land sold, or interest in land sold, or premiums received, on the disposal of a leasehold interest in land landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].disposedPropertyProceedsAmt All can be in an object - we will see when Api is ready
If disposals were made on this, what are the names of the purchasers? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].purchaserNamesIfDisposed
Are any of the purchasers connected parties? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].anyOfPurchaserConnected
Is the transaction supported by an independent valuation landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].independentValuationDisposal Previous version of API has that Valuation typo
Has the land or property been fully disposed of? landConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].propertyFullyDisposed

Arms Length Land or Property

Questions Etmp Request Model Notes
First name of scheme member memberDetails.firstName
Last name of scheme member memberDetails.lastName
Member date of birth memberDetails.dateOfBirth
Member National Insurance number memberDetails.nino
If no National Insurance number for member, give reason memberDetails.reasonNoNINO
How many land or property transactions were made during the tax year and not reported in a previous return for this member? landArmsLength.noOfTransactions
What is the date of acquisition? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].acquisitionDate
Is the land or property in the UK? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].landOrPropertyInUK
Enter the UK address line 1 of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine1
Enter UK address line 2 of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine2
Enter UK address line 3 of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine3
Enter name UK town or city of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine4 or addressLine5 ???
Enter post code of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.ukPostCode
Enter the non-UK address line 1 of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine1
Enter non-UK address line 2 of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine2
Enter non-UK address line 3 of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine3
Enter non-UK address line 4 of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.addressLine4
Enter non-UK country name of the land or property landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].addressDetails.countryCode
Is there a Land Registry reference in respect of the land or property? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].registryDetails.registryRefExist If yes, we don't have reference
If no Land Registry reference, enter reason landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].registryReference.noRegistryRefReason
Who was the land or property acquired from? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].acquiredFromName
What is the total cost of the land or property acquired? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].totalCost
Is the transaction supported by an Independent Valuation? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].independentValuation
Is the property held jointly? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].jointlyHeld
How many persons jointly own the property? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].noOfPersonsIfJointlyHeld
Is any part of the land or property residential property as defined by schedule 29a Finance Act 2004? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].residentialSchedule29A
Is the land or property leased? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].isLeased
What are the names of the lessees? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].noOfPersonsForLessees
Are any of the lessees a connected party? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].anyOfLesseesConnected
What date was the lease granted? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].leaseGrantedDate leaseGrantedDate & annualLeaseAmount can be in an object? Will see when Api is ready
What is the annual lease amount? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].annualLeaseAmount
What is the total amount of income and receipts in respect of the land or property during tax year landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].totalIncomeOrReceipts
Was any disposal of the land or property made during the year? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].isPropertyDisposed
What was the total sale proceed of any land sold, or interest in land sold, or premiums received, on the disposal of a leasehold interest in land landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].disposedPropertyProceedsAmt All can be in an object? Will see when Api is ready
If disposals were made on this, what are the names of the purchasers? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].purchaserNamesIfDisposed
Are any of the purchasers connected parties? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].anyOfPurchaserConnected
Is the transaction supported by an independent valuation landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].independentValuationDisposal
Has the land or property been fully disposed of? landArmsLength.transactionDetails[X].propertyFullyDisposed

Tangible moveable property

Questions Etmp Request Model Notes
First name of scheme member memberDetails.firstName
Last name of scheme member memberDetails.lastName
Member date of birth memberDetails.dateOfBirth
Member National Insurance number memberDetails.nino
If no National Insurance number for member, give reason memberDetails.reasonNoNINO
How many transactions of tangible moveable property were made during the tax year and not reported in a previous return for this member? tangibleProperty.noOfTransactions
Description of asset tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].assetDescription
What was the date of acquisiiton of the asset? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].acquisitionDate
What was the total cost of the asset acquired? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].totalCost
Who was the asset acquired from? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].acquiredFromName
Is this transaction supported by an Independent Valuation? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].independentValuation
What is the total amount of income and receipts received in respect of the asset during tax year? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].totalIncomeOrReceipts
Is the total cost value or market value of the asset? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].costOrMarket
What is the total cost value or market value of the asset, as at 6 April [of the tax year that you are submitting] tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].costMarketValue
During the year was there any disposal of the tangible moveable property made? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].isPropertyDisposed
If yes, there was disposal of tangible moveable property - what is the total amount of consideration received from the sale or disposal of the asset? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].disposedPropertyProceedsAmt All can be in an object? Will see when Api is ready
Names of purchasers tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].purchaserNamesIfDisposed
Are any of the purchasers connected parties? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].anyOfPurchaserConnected
Was the transaction supported by an independent valuation? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].independentValuationDisposal Again that typo !
Is any part of the asset still held? tangibleProperty.transactionDetails[X].propertyFullyDisposed

Outstanding Loans

Questions Etmp Request Model Notes
First name of scheme member memberDetails.firstName
Last name of scheme member memberDetails.lastName
Member date of birth memberDetails.dateOfBirth
Member National Insurance number memberDetails.nino
If no National Insurance number for member, give reason memberDetails.reasonNoNINO
How many separate loans were made or outstanding during the tax year and not reported in a previous return for this member? loanOutstanding.noOfTransactions
What is the name of the recipient of loan? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].loanRecipientName
What was the date of loan? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].dateOfLoan
What is the amount of the loan? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].amountOfLoan
Is the loan associated with a connected party? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].loanConnectedParty
What is the repayment date of the loan? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].repayDate
What is the Interest Rate for the loan? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].interestRate
Has security been given for the loan? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].loanSecurity
In respect of this loan, what Capital Repayments have been received by the scheme during the year? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].capitalRepayments
In respect of this loan, what interest payments have been received by the scheme during the year? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].interestPayments
In respect of this loan, are there any arrears outstanding from previous years loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].arrearsOutstandingPrYears
In respect of this loan, what is the amount outstanding at the year end? loanOutstanding.transactionDetails[X].outstandingYearEndAmount

Unquoted Shares

Questions Etmp Request Model Notes
First name of scheme member memberDetails.firstName
Last name of scheme member memberDetails.lastName
Member date of birth memberDetails.dateOfBirth
Member National Insurance number memberDetails.nino
If no National Insurance number for member, give reason memberDetails.reasonNoNINO
How many share transactions were made during the tax year and not reported in a previous return for this member? unquotedShares.noOfTransactions
What is the name of the company to which the shares relate? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.companySharesName
What is the CRN of the company to which the shares relate? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.companySharesCRN
If no CRN of the company to which the shares relate, enter reason unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.reasonNoCRN
What are the class of shares acquired? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.sharesClass
What are the total number of shares acquired? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.noOfShares
Who were the shares acquired from? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].acquiredFromName
What was the total cost of shares acquired, or subscribed for? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].totalCost
In respect of of these shares, was this transaction supported by an independent valuation? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].independentValuation
If the transaction was supported by an independent valuation, what was the number of shares sold? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].noOfSharesSold
What was the total amount of dividends or other income received during the year? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].totalDividendsIncome
Was any disposal of shares made during the tax year unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesDisposed
If disposal of shares were made during the tax year - what is the total amount of consideration received from the sale of shares? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesDisposalDetails.disposedShareAmount
What was the name of the purchaser of the shares? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesDisposalDetails.purchaserName
Was the disposal made to a connected party or connected parties? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesDisposalDetails.disposalConnectedParty
Was the transaction supported by an independent valuation? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].sharesDisposalDetails.independentValuationDisposal
What is the total number of shares now held? unquotedShares.transactionDetails[X].noOfSharesHeld Maybe it can be in that sharesDisposalDetails in future but now it is outside of it

Any Asset Other than Land or Property

Questions Etmp Request Model Notes
First name of scheme member memberDetails.firstName
Last name of scheme member memberDetails.lastName
Member date of birth memberDetails.dateOfBirth
Member National Insurance number memberDetails.nino
If no National Insurance number for member, give reason memberDetails.reasonNoNINO
How many asset transactions were made during the tax year and not reported in a previous return for this member? otherAssetsConnectedParty.noOfTransactions
What was the date the asset was acquired? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].acquisitionDate
Description of asset otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].assetDescription
Was this an acquisition of shares? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].acquisitionOfShares
If yes, What is the name of the company to which the shares relate? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.companySharesName
What is the CRN of the company that has the shares? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.companySharesCRN
If no CRN, enter reason you do not have this otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.reasonNoCRN
What are the class of shares? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.sharesClass
What are the total number of shares acquired or received/held in respect of this transaction? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].sharesCompanyDetails.noOfShares
Who was the asset acquired from? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].acquiredFromName
What was the total cost of the asset acquired? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].totalCost
Is this transaction supported by an Independent Valuation otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].independentValuation
Is any part of the asset Tangible Moveable Property as defined by Schedule 29a Finance Act 2004? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].tangibleSchedule29A
What is the total amount of income and receipts received in respect of the asset during tax year otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].totalIncomeOrReceipts
During the year was any disposal of the asset made? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].isPropertyDisposed
If disposals were made what is the total amount of consideration received from the sale or disposal of the asset? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].disposedPropertyProceedsAmt Again all can be in single object, we will see :)
Names of purchasers otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].purchaserNamesIfDisposed
Are any of the purchasers connected parties? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].anyOfPurchaserConnected
Was the transaction supported by an independent valuation? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].independentValuationDisposal
Was there disposal of shares? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].disposalOfShares
If there were disposals of shares what is the total number of shares now held otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].noOfSharesHeld
If no disposals of shares were made has the asset been fully disposed of? otherAssetsConnectedParty.transactionDetails[X].propertyFullyDisposed


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.