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Dockit is an application to make your life better wrt managing docker actions (ex: run , pull, build, create, start ...etc) and to also help massive deployment of containers.

This is also glued with gluster (-g option of this binary) wrt huge gluster deployment. When in gluster action mode, it can be used to start any number of containers using the bricks exported ( configuration read from the config file) from host system. The gluster volume is created automatically ( volume name can be given as user input) from the exported bricks .

All you need to do is, mount gluster volume in your client!!

You can use this (dockit)executable for:

  • Installing required docker packages in fedora/centos/rhel for docker.
  • This binary is capable of starting docker deamon if its not running in your system.
  • This binary can be used to pull docker images.
  • This binary can build containers based on dockerfile.
  • This binary can start containers based on provided image.
  • This binary can be used to install any number of containers running with specified version of glusterfs binary and also to deploy gluster trusted pool on containers.

Demo Video:

Dockit Demo Video


  • Install python-setuptools package or make sure you have 'setuptools' module available in your python path.

  • If you are running in RHEL6 systems , please subscribe to EPEL channels as mentioned here ( make docker packages available.

  • Base/official image 'pulling' (ex: ubuntu official image) is disabled for this version. How-ever if you have specified base image in docker file, it should work..

  • The image which you use for gluster deployment should have "ssh" deamon running in it. The password will be prompted from the user if invoked in gluster mode. An example image can be found @

  • If you are trying to install GlusterFs binary for a particular version (--gi) its better to use an image which has glusterfs build prerequisites installed ( )& ssh deamon running( the password will be prompted when gluster mode is enabled), such an image can be found here:, otherwise it can take long time.

  • Finally read the "help" output to use this in its full strength.

  • When running this binary it may require 'image tag' at times, you can use default tag called 'latest' if you dont have any other choice.

  • If you come across any issues when running the dockit binary with options, please refer "". You may have solution there itself.

Using Vagrant

For ease-of-use, this repository includes a Vagrantfile so you can use Vagrant and VirtualBox to get Dockit up and running very quickly on a CentOS 7 VM. This is great for development work on Dockit.

On your workstation, simply:

$ git clone
$ cd dockit
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

Then you'll have a shell on a CentOS 7 machine with Dockit built from your local code. You can use Dockit immediately, like:

$ sudo dockit -i humble/fed20-gluster -t latest -s -n 4 -g -c /home/vagrant/dockit/configfile --gv

How to start

Step 1: Clone the repo

Step 2: Install 'dockit'

#cd dockit
#python install

Step 3: Verify there exist a binary called 'dockit`

Step 4: Read dockit's help

#dockit --help

Step 5: If you are planning to use it for gluster deployment ( -g option flag ) and for automatic volume creation (--gv), there are 2 ways to give input:

  1. Give the configuration manually.
  2. Let dockit read the configuration from a configuration file (-c option)

Either of above, you need a configuration file in your filesystem. The configuration file should have atleast below entry.

[root@ dockit]# cat /configfile

If you opt for option 1 :

Gluster Volume Type (ex: 2x2x1 where (distribute,replica, stripe count in order)     :2x2x1
Gluster Volume Name (ex: glustervol)     :myvol
Gluster Export Dir Name (ex: /rhs_bricks)    :/humble
Gluster brick file (ex: /home/configfile)    :/configfile

Where 'Volume Type' is the configuration of gluster configurtion wrt distribut-replica-stripe.. Volume name is self explanatory and 'Export Dir Name' will be the mount point inside the containers where brick is configured. The brick file is mentioned above. For ex: If you give options like '2x2x1' which means it create 4 containers and brick names will be fetched in order from above config file. Make sure you have equal number of entries in your config file against the number of gluster containers you wish to spawn..

If you opt for option 2, you may define these variables in config file,otherwise it will take default values for Volume name, Export Dir, Volume type..etc

[root@ dockit]# cat /configfile


Step 7: Use it and Report bugs/comment/suggestions/RFEs , if you come across any.


  • Currently dockit is supporting fedora, centos, rhel as base system or host OS, expand dockit to support ubuntu and other OSs. -- UPDATE: Support for ubuntu added from version 2.0

  • If we want to install gluster on spawned containers, ssh deamon should be running in those images with password "redhat" , The password dependency has to be nullified and it has to be fetched from a config file. - UPDATE : The password dependency is removed from Version 2.0 : Its now prompted from user when operating on gluster mode.

  • Make dockit accept "containers" ( ID/HOSTNAME/IP) (I prefer containers IDs as an input to binary) and start working on gluster mode.

  • Also try to accept multi nodes as command input and configure a cluster/trusted pool based on multi nodes. - UPDATE kubernates and other solutions are getting evaluated to achieve this functionality.

For more details refer#

Lets run this executable:

[root@humbles-lap dockit]# dockit --help
   M A I N - M E N U - O F - DOCKIT
Invoke dockit with any of (-d , -p, -b, -s) options

1. Install and Run Docker deamon                     (-d)   -->  dryrun
2. Pull image from docker repo and Run containers    (-p)   -->  requires -i <IMAGE> and -r <DOCKERREPO>
3. Build from dockerfile and Run Containers          (-b)   -->  requires -f <DOCKER FILE> and -t <IMAGE TAG>
4. Run container from existing image                 (-s)   -->  requires -i <IMAGE> and -t <IMAGE TAG> -n <COUNT>

 Create and start gluster containers  (-g)   -->  Effective only with -s option

                                                   (--gi) -->  To install Gluster From Source

                                                   (--gv) -->  To auto configure Gluster Volume
dockit      : INFO     Dockit starting..
Usage: dockit [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --dry_run         Do dry run - dont try to install any packages
  -p, --pullimage       Whether to pull from the docker repo ? Need to specify
                        dockerrepo and image name
  -s, --startc          Whether to start from an image ? Need to specify image
                        and tag
  -b, --buildimage      Whether to build image from the dockerfile? Need to
                        specify dockerfile path, and imagetag
  -g, --gluster_mode    Configure gluster volume in containers
  -i IMAGE, --image=IMAGE
                        Image name  - Containers will be based on this image
  -t IMAGETAG, --imgtag=IMAGETAG
                        Image tag name  - Containers will be assigned this tag
  -n COUNT, --count=COUNT
                        Number of containers to start  -
  -c CONFIGFILE, --configfile=CONFIGFILE
                        COnfig file path to read gluster configuration  -
  -f DOCKERFILE, --dockerfile=DOCKERFILE
                        Docker file path to build the container  -
  -r DOCKERREPO, --dockerrepo=DOCKERREPO
                        Docker repository name with a trailing blackslash  -
  --gv, --glustervolume
                        Gluster Volume Creation  inside containers  - Valid
                        with -g option
                        Install gluster inside containers  - Valid with -g

If we run the binary with options:

Example 1: Start an already existing fedora image (tag : latest) with command "/bin/bash" and run one instance.

[root@humbles-lap dockit]#  dockit -s -i fedora -t latest  -n 1  /bin/bash

dockit      : INFO     Dockit starting.. Process logs are available at:/var/log/dockit/dockit.log
Do you want to continue (y/n)y
dockit      : INFO     Proceeding 
dockit      : INFO     Run containers natively, no mode configured
dockit      : INFO     Distribution:fedora
dockit      : INFO     Distribution:fedora Required ['docker-io', 'python-docker-py'] packages 
	 	 	 Making yum transactions
Loaded plugins: langpacks, refresh-packagekit
dockit      : INFO     docker-io -> Installed
dockit      : INFO     python-docker-py -> Installed

dockit      : INFO     Pre-requisites are installed
dockit      : INFO     Requested process: docker -d is running
dockit      : INFO     Successfully connected to docker deamon: 
	 	 	 pull/build/start containers accordingly.
dockit      : INFO     Not trying to pull image:fedora.. continuing
dockit      : INFO     Going to run the containers
dockit      : INFO      Create and start containers with image :fedora:latest 
root        : INFO     Enable Gluster Volume :0

dockit      : INFO       Information about running containers 
dockit      : INFO     Containers are running successfully.. please login and work!!!!
dockit      : INFO     Details about running containers..

dockit      : INFO     Container IPs 	 : [u'']
dockit      : INFO     Container Ids 	 : [u'f7d7d7191218049c1970d709f6c40b0282d1cd086313856927876e7dd9ffd277'] 
dockit      : INFO     Done!

Check if the container is running :

[root@humbles-lap dockit]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                          NAMES
f7d7d7191218        fedora:latest       "/bin/bash"         16 seconds ago      Up 15 seconds>22/tcp,>80/tcp   lonely_mestorf

Example 2: Pull an image (fed20-gluster) from docker repo (humble) and start 3 containers from it.

[root@humbles-lap dockit]#  dockit -p -i fed20-gluster -r humble -s -n 3
   M A I N - M E N U - O F - DOCKIT
Invoke dockit with any of (-d , -p, -b, -s) options

1. Install and Run Docker deamon                     (-d)   -->  dryrun
2. Pull image from docker repo and Run containers    (-p)   -->  requires -i <IMAGE> and -r <DOCKERREPO>
3. Build from dockerfile and Run Containers          (-b)   -->  requires -f <DOCKER FILE> and -t <IMAGE TAG>
4. Run container from existing image                 (-s)   -->  requires -i <IMAGE> and -t <IMAGE TAG> -n <COUNT>

 Create and start gluster containers  (-g)   -->  Effective only with -s option

                                                   (--gi) -->  To install Gluster From Source

                                                   (--gv) -->  To auto configure Gluster Volume
dockit      : INFO     Dockit starting..
Do you want to continue (y/n)y
dockit      : INFO     Proceeding
dockit      : INFO     Run containers natively, no mode configured
dockit      : INFO     Distribution:fedora Required ['docker-io', 'python-docker-py'] packages
 	 	 	 Making yum transactions
Loaded plugins: langpacks, refresh-packagekit, versionlock
Requirement already up-to-date: docker-py in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already up-to-date: requests==2.2.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests-2.2.1-py2.7.egg (from docker-py)
Requirement already up-to-date: six>=1.3.0 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from docker-py)
Requirement already up-to-date: websocket-client==0.11.0 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/websocket_client-0.11.0-py2.7.egg (from docker-py)
Requirement already up-to-date: mock==1.0.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from docker-py)
Cleaning up...
dockit      : INFO     Successfully pulled docker image:humble/fed20-gluster
root        : INFO     Enable Gluster Volume :0
dockit      : INFO       Information about running containers
dockit      : INFO     Containers are running successfully.. please login and work!!!!
dockit      : INFO     Details about running containers..

dockit      : INFO     Container IPs 	 : [u'', u'', u'']

dockit      : INFO     Container Ids 	 : [u'8ee194a323d7a28bfd70490c87bfbe3c76f48d578a24f89b063532874eceed77', u'8ee194a323d7a28bfd70490c87bfbe3c76f48d578a24f89b063532874eceed77', u'8ee194a323d7a28bfd70490c87bfbe3c76f48d578a24f89b063532874eceed77']

dockit      : INFO     Done!

Example 3:

Start 4 containers using image humble/fed20-gluster with tag 'latest' and run in gluster mode and auto start volume by reading configuration from file /home/hchiramm/config

[root@humbles-lap dockit]# dockit -i humble/fed20-gluster -t latest -s -n 4 -g -c /home/hchiramm/config --gv
   M A I N - M E N U - O F - DOCKIT
Invoke dockit with any of (-d , -p, -b, -s) options

1. Install and Run Docker deamon                     (-d)   -->  dryrun
2. Pull image from docker repo and Run containers    (-p)   -->  requires -i <IMAGE> and -r <DOCKERREPO>
3. Build from dockerfile and Run Containers          (-b)   -->  requires -f <DOCKER FILE> and -t <IMAGE TAG>
4. Run container from existing image                 (-s)   -->  requires -i <IMAGE> and -t <IMAGE TAG> -n <COUNT>

 Create and start gluster containers  (-g)   -->  Effective only with -s option

                                                   (--gi) -->  To install Gluster From Source

                                                   (--gv) -->  To auto configure Gluster Volume
dockit      : INFO     Dockit starting..
Do you want to continue (y/n)y
dockit      : INFO     Proceeding
dockit      : INFO
 Need to configure gluster volume..

dockit      : INFO     Reading gluster configuration from config file
{'BRICKS': '/brick9,/brick10,/brick11,/brick12', 'VOLNAME': 'DemoVolume', 'VOL_TYPE': '2x2x1'}
dockit      : INFO     No of gluster containers to spawn:4
Do you want to continue (y/n):y
dockit      : INFO     Configuration read from configuration file
dockit      : INFO     {'BRICKS': '/brick9,/brick10,/brick11,/brick12', 'VOLNAME': 'DemoVolume', 'SERVER_EXPORT_DIR': '/defaultExport', 'VOL_TYPE': '2x2x1'}
dockit      : INFO     Distribution:fedora Required ['docker-io', 'python-docker-py'] packages
 	 	 	 Making yum transactions
Loaded plugins: langpacks, refresh-packagekit, versionlock
Requirement already up-to-date: docker-py in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already up-to-date: requests==2.2.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests-2.2.1-py2.7.egg (from docker-py)
Requirement already up-to-date: six>=1.3.0 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from docker-py)
Requirement already up-to-date: websocket-client==0.11.0 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/websocket_client-0.11.0-py2.7.egg (from docker-py)
Requirement already up-to-date: mock==1.0.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from docker-py)
Cleaning up...
dockit      : INFO     Bricks will be using in order:['/brick9', '/brick10', '/brick11', '/brick12']
root        : INFO     Enable Gluster Volume :1
dockit      : INFO       Information about running containers
dockit      : INFO     Containers are running successfully.. please login and work!!!!
dockit      : INFO     Details about running containers..

dockit      : INFO     Container IPs 	 : [u'', u'', u'', u'']

dockit      : INFO     Container Ids 	 : [u'3bfbbe4d53ad0ff7424b87fdffa24f58cb176cbde9673e5ec3bddf2dc89fe005', u'3bfbbe4d53ad0ff7424b87fdffa24f58cb176cbde9673e5ec3bddf2dc89fe005', u'3bfbbe4d53ad0ff7424b87fdffa24f58cb176cbde9673e5ec3bddf2dc89fe005', u'3bfbbe4d53ad0ff7424b87fdffa24f58cb176cbde9673e5ec3bddf2dc89fe005']

dockit      : INFO     Gluster installation not required
dockit      : INFO     nodes are [u'', u'', u'', u'']
dockit      : INFO     Number of nodes: 4
dockit      : INFO     number of bricks:4

volume create: DemoVolume: success: please start the volume to access data

root        : INFO     Gluster Volume operations done

Lets login to one of the container and check the gluster configuration:

[root@humbles-lap dockit]# ssh root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is c0:b6:86:7a:b6:61:21:f1:05:16:ee:62:c1:e8:d4:1f.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
[root@bb7c8d37d5db ~]# gluster v i

Volume Name: DemoVolume
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID: 494574bc-ab2a-4034-996e-4a376395558a
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 2 x 2 = 4
Transport-type: tcp
[root@bb7c8d37d5db ~]#
[root@bb7c8d37d5db ~]# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 3

Uuid: ec2a2b78-84fb-4f67-bff9-52c5ab8c1829
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Uuid: 266cdf12-01d7-4528-91b2-d932298127de
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Uuid: 71230049-ee31-40d1-80f2-58a0800f8ac0
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
[root@bb7c8d37d5db ~]#

Cool, the gluster volume has started perfectly!!

Lets try to mount it on the host.

[root@humbles-lap dockit]# mount -t glusterfs /mnt
[root@humbles-lap dockit]# ll /mnt/
total 0
[root@humbles-lap dockit]# mount |grep glusterfs on /mnt type fuse.glusterfs (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)
[root@humbles-lap dockit]#

Example 4: Install 3.4 gluster binary on 2 containers started using humble/fed20-gluster images.

[root@humbles-lap dockit]# dockit -i humble/fed20-gluster -t latest -s -n 2 -g -c /home/hchiramm/config --gi 3.4
   M A I N - M E N U - O F - DOCKIT
Invoke dockit with any of (-d , -p, -b, -s) options

1. Install and Run Docker deamon                     (-d)   -->  dryrun
2. Pull image from docker repo and Run containers    (-p)   -->  requires -i <IMAGE> and -r <DOCKERREPO>
3. Build from dockerfile and Run Containers          (-b)   -->  requires -f <DOCKER FILE> and -t <IMAGE TAG>
4. Run container from existing image                 (-s)   -->  requires -i <IMAGE> and -t <IMAGE TAG> -n <COUNT>

 Create and start gluster containers  (-g)   -->  Effective only with -s option

                                                   (--gi) -->  To install Gluster From Source

                                                   (--gv) -->  To auto configure Gluster Volume
dockit      : INFO     Dockit starting..
Do you want to continue (y/n)y
dockit      : INFO     Proceeding
dockit      : INFO     Need to install gluster inside containers
dockit      : INFO     Distribution:fedora Required ['docker-io', 'python-docker-py'] packages
 	 	 	 Making yum transactions
Loaded plugins: langpacks, refresh-packagekit, versionlock
Requirement already up-to-date: docker-py in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already up-to-date: requests==2.2.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests-2.2.1-py2.7.egg (from docker-py)
Requirement already up-to-date: six>=1.3.0 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from docker-py)
Requirement already up-to-date: websocket-client==0.11.0 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/websocket_client-0.11.0-py2.7.egg (from docker-py)
Requirement already up-to-date: mock==1.0.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from docker-py)
Cleaning up...
root        : INFO     Enable Gluster Volume :0
dockit      : INFO       Information about running containers
dockit      : INFO     Containers are running successfully.. please login and work!!!!
dockit      : INFO     Details about running containers..

dockit      : INFO     Container IPs 	 : [u'', u'']

dockit      : INFO     Container Ids 	 : [u'3930da92c5d15948452fbd4b7332747576bf1d88d1fc4ce7cf631c72296e2c52', u'3930da92c5d15948452fbd4b7332747576bf1d88d1fc4ce7cf631c72296e2c52']

dockit      : INFO     Trying to install gluster on [u'', u''] nodes
dockit      : INFO     Configuring/installing on node:

dockit      : INFO     Continuing ..

dockit      : INFO     Successfully configured GlusterFS binary on node:
dockit      : INFO     Configuring/installing on node:

dockit      : INFO     Successfully configured GlusterFS binary on node:
dockit      : INFO     Successful Gluster Package Installation and GlusterFS Binary installation on all the nodes!
dockit      : INFO     Gluster Volume creation not required

So glusterd binary has been installed on above containers with '3.4' version.

Lets confirm:

ssh root[hchiramm@humbles-lap dockit]$ ssh root@
root@'s password:
Last login: Sun Jul 13 17:55:20 2014 from
[root@2a04bf9182ad ~]# gluster
gluster     glusterd    glusterfs/  glusterfsd
[root@2a04bf9182ad ~]# glusterd --version
glusterfs 3.4git built on Jul 13 2014 18:11:48
Repository revision: git://
Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Red Hat, Inc. <>
It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
[root@2a04bf9182ad ~]#

Example DockerFiles:

# Dockerfile to run Gluster Containers
# Part of dockit project :

# Set the base image to Ubuntu if you need ubuntu

FROM fedora

# Set the file maintainer

MAINTAINER Humble Chirammal

RUN yum update

RUN yum install -y gluster*

RUN yum install -y openssh*

RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd

RUN echo "root:redhat"| chpasswd


CMD ["/bin/bash"]

[root@humbles-lap dockit]#

From a "fedora" base image it will install gluster packages and start containers from the built image.

###docker ps

[root@humbles-lap dockit]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                                          NAMES
7723fe4fdd15        mynewgluster:latest   /usr/bin/supervisord   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>22/tcp,>80/tcp   goofy_pare


Version 2.5:

  • Making dockit a pep8 and flake8 compliant project.

Version 2.0:

  • Support added for Ubuntu Host system.
  • ssh password dependency avoided for the docker image. Its been prompted now from the user.

Version 1.5:

  • Dockit operate on gluster and general mode
  • Gluster installation and configuration added with --gi and --gv version


Do docker actions and Deploy gluster containers!







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
