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Data Structures

tiago edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 2 revisions


Variables have already shown to be extremely useful in many situations but sometimes they are not enough. We'll now talk about Python's standard data structures and show how/why they can be useful in many situations.

In Python, we have 4 standard data structures:

  1. Lists
  2. Tuples
  3. Sets
  4. Dictionaries


Lists are one of/the most commonly used data structure in Python. A List is an ordered, mutable sequence of elements. Each element inside a List is called an item.

  • The items are indexed by an integer starting on 0.
  • In Python, the items are also be indexed by a negative integer that starts in -1 on the last item of the List.
  • Lists usually contain only items of the same type (this type can be List so we can have nested Lists).
  • You can cast iterable objects to the List type using: alist = list(iterable)

List indexing (Bird, Steven, Edward Loper and Ewan Klein (2009), Natural Language Processing with Python. O’Reilly Media Inc.)


# Declare a list with the items 1, 2
alist = [1, 2]
print("Our list:", alist)

# Appends an element to the end of the list
print("Our list:", alist)

# Appends all the elements in an iterable to 'alist'
anotherlist = [3, 4]
print("Our list:", alist)

# Inserts an item, x, at a given position, i, in a list (list.insert(i,x))
alist.insert(1, 9)
print("Our List:", alist)

# Removes the first item from the list with value x (list.remove(x))
print("Our List:", alist)

# Remove and return an item from a list at a given position, i
# If no argument is given, remove and return the last element from the list
print("Our List:", alist)

# Return the index of the first item with value x in the list
# Can take an option start and/or end index (list.index(x[, start[, end]]))
print("Index:", alist.index(1))

# Count the number of times an item, x, appears in the list
print("Number of occurrences", alist.count(1))

# Reverses the items of the list, in place
print("Our list:", alist)

# blist is a pointer to alist
blist = alist
# blist is a shallow copy of alist (doesn't 'shallow copy' recursively)
blist = alist.copy()
# blist is a deep copy of alist (copies recursively)
from copy import deepcopy
blist = deepcopy(alist)

# remove all items from a list (equivalent to del alist[:] (see next section))
print("Our list:", blist)
print("Our list:", blist)

In a shallow copy, it would not copy the inner data structures (only a reference), in a deep copy it would copy the data structure.

As you might have noticed, Strings and Lists have many common properties, like indexing and slicing operations. They are both examples of sequence data types.
Methods that only modify the List have return value None. This is a design principle for all mutable data structures in Python.

The del statement

  • We can use the del statement to remove an item from a list given its index.
  • The del statement differs from the pop() method because it doesn't return a value.
  • The del statement can also be used to remove slices of items from a list (including clearing the whole list).
alist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
print("Our list:", alist)

# Remove 1 element
del alist[1]
print("Our list:", alist)

# Remove a slice
del alist[0:3]
print("Our list:", alist)

# Remove all elements (same as alist.clear())
del alist[:]
print("Our list:", alist)


Tuples are another of Python's standard sequence data types. They are an ordered, immutable data structure.

  • The indexing starts at 0.
  • Tuples can, and usually, contain elements of any type and of different types (heterogeneous elements).
  • Tuples can be nested.
  • If a Tuple contains an mutable object, we can still change the objects value which in turn 'changes' the Tuple.
  • It is not possible to assign to any of the individual items of a tuple. The assignment is made during the declaration of the Tuple.
  • You can cast iterable objects to the Tuple type using: atuple = tuple(iterable)
  • The paratheses are not mandatory in most declarations but we recommend their use either way


atuple = (1, 2, 'hey', 4.2, 0)

# Print the whole tuple
print("Our tuple:", atuple)

# Elements are indexed
print("1st element of out tuple", atuple[0])

# Nested tuples
btuple = ("a", atuple, 96, atuple)
print("Our nested tuple:", btuple)

# Since tuples are immutable, this next commented line results in an error
# atuple[1] = 3

# But you can alter a mutable object inside the tuple
alist = [1, 2, 3]
ctuple = (alist, 4, 5)
print("Our ctuple:", ctuple)

ctuple[0][0] = 3
print("Our ctuple:", ctuple)

Special Tuples

Sometimes, we may find ourselves in need of creating a Tuple with 1 or 0 elements. To do this, we need to use a slightly more confusing syntax.

# Declare an empty tuple
emptytuple = ()

# Declare a tuple with only 1 element
singletuple = (1, )  # Notice the trailing comma

print("Our tuples:", emptytuple, singletuple)

print("emptytuple's len:", len(emptytuple))
print("singletuple:", len(singletuple))

Sequence Unpacking

We can use Tuples to pack/unpack sequences. Sequence unpacking requires us to give the same number of variables on the left side of the equal sign as elements inside the Tuple.

# Tuple packing
atuple = (1, "hey", 123412.32)
print("Our tuple", atuple)

# Sequence unpacking (paretheses are also optional here)
(x, y, z) = atuple
print("Our varibles:", x, y, z)


Sets are unordered mutable collections of elements with no duplicates. Basic uses include membership testing and eliminating duplicate entries.
Mathematical operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference.

  • Sets' elements aren't indexed and we can't rely on them being in any specific order.
  • To create a Set, we can use curly braces or the set() function. We should note that we can't do: emptyset = {} in order to create an empty set, as this would create an empty Dictionary. To create an empty Set, we use: emptyset = set().
  • The set() function can also be used to cast an iterable to the Set type: aset = set(iterable).
# Declare a set
aset = {"yum", "sweet", "potato", "yum"}
# Equivalent to aset = set(['yum', 'sweet', 'potato'])
print("Our set:", aset)

# Check membership
# This in keyword will be discussed in detail in the chapter about iterables
# For now, we just need to know that it checks if "yum" is equal to at least 1 of the elements of aset
print("yum" in aset)
print("Iargo" in aset)

# Crating sets from an iterable (string)
x = set("comparable")
y = set("complementary")

# Unique letters
print("Unique letters in x:", x)
print("Unique letters in y:", y)

# Difference
print("Letters in x but nor in y:", x - y)

# Union (Or)
print("Letters in x, y or both:", x | y)

# Intersection (And)
print("Letter in both x and y:", x & y)

# Symmetric difference (Xor)
print("Letters in x or y but not in both:", x ^ y)


Dictionaries are the last standard data structure we're gonna talk about in Python. It's usual for these to be called 'associative memories' or 'associative arrays' in other languages.
The biggest difference between a sequence data type, like Lists or Tuples, which are indexed by a range of integers, and Dictionaries is that Dictionaries are indexed by keys.

  • Keys can be of any immutable type. Strings and numbers can always be keys.
  • Tuples can be used as keys if they only contain strings, numbers or Tuples. If a Tuples contains any mutable object, either directly or indirectly, it can't be used as a key.

Dictionaries store key:value pairs. We can't have duplicated keys but we can have 2 different keys associated with the same value.
Dictionaries can be declared using {} or using the dict() function (by casting a nested iterable).

# Examples a dictionary declaration that associates names with age
# Equivalent to ages = dict([[Carlos, 12], [Vilas, 19], [Tiago, 5]])
# Or, since the keys are all simple strings, ages = dict(Carlos=12, Vilas=19, Tiago=5)
ages = {"Carlos": 12, "Vilas": 19, "Tiago": 5}
print("Our dict:", ages)

# Print a single element
print("Tiago's age:", ages["Tiago"])

# We can add any key:value pair to dictionary at any time
ages[432.5] = "oops"
print("Our dict:", ages)

# The list() funtion will return a list of the keys in the dictionary in insertion order
print("Our keys list:", list(ages))

# The values() method will return an object of type dict_values
# with a list of the values in the dictionary in insertion order
print("Our values list:", list(ages.values()))

# A dictionary is also an iterable (will be discussed in the iterable chapter)
print("Carlos" in ages)

# The next commented line results in an error because we can't access non-existant keys
# print(ages["123"])

# If we store a key that's already in use, the previous value of that key is dropped
ages["Carlos"] = 11
print("Our dict:", ages)

# We can use the del keyword with dictionaries
del ages["Vilas"]
print("Our dict:", ages)


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